Chapter 28: Particular

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Rias was surprised by the question, but answered regardless, "Yes, but it requires a substantial amount of skill in using your demonic power. Even I have to rely on my standard family circle.

The creation of a personal magic circle is often viewed as a sign of independence and competency due to the difficulty.

For a reincarnated devil to manage it is usually taken as a sign that they should be considered a high-class devil. Why?"

Naruto shrugged before replying truthfully, "More curious than anything, but I guess I'm just interested in learning a bit of magic. Seems like it would be useful."

"That can be handled," Rias quickly stated. She hadn't been planning on teaching Naruto how to use his demonic powers in particular.

His potential in the field is also rather uncertain, but it could prove useful. A person can never have too many skills, and it will help her if Naruto becomes more powerful.

She then continued, "Both Akeno and myself are quite skilled in using our demonic power, even if we mainly stick to our specialties.

The best thing to start with would teaching you how to use my family circle. Currently only myself and Akeno can do so, although the main reason Koneko and Yuuto can't is due to a lack of necessity than anything.

We have a written circle in the club room which allows anyone with enough magical power to use it to teleport somewhere from there."

"This is something we should talk about later though. For now we should get to the clubroom to talk. Step close and I'll teleport us," Rias ordered.

Naruto shrugged and stepped close enough that their shoulders were touching. Rias didn't even look like she needed to concentrate before the magic circles sprang up.

He then waited as they started the process. It was actually a very smooth ride. Naruto had experience with teleporting techniques.

Both the reverse summoning jutsu and the hiraishin from when he fought alongside his father. This might not be as fast as those two techniques, but it was less…uncomfortable.

He didn't feel the tugging sensation in his chest like when reverse summoned, and there was none of the disorientation you felt when you were instantly moved to another place like the hiraishin.

The image of the Occult Research Club's room just started superimposing itself over his vision, and the sight of his kitchen faded in a few seconds to leave him in the clubroom. If he had his eyes closed, he probably wouldn't have even felt the shift.

Rias left his side to move behind her desk to sit down. She then told him, "Take a seat, Naruto-kun."

Naruto did just that. Both Koneko and Yuuto were sitting down, Koneko eating some sweet smelling snack that was on the table. Naruto took a seat on the empty couch.

Right as he got comfortable though, a soft sounding voice spoke up behind him, "Good to see you've arrived, Naruto-kun."

Naruto jumped as his head turned to see that Akeno had somehow managed to creep up behind the couch he was sitting on.

Man, she's pretty darn good at suppressing her presence when she wants to. Naturally Naruto didn't focus on that. He instead focused on the fact that she had gotten within five feet of him.

So he quickly exclaimed in a panic, "Five foot minimum!" Let it be said spending ten minutes with Akeno trying to shock him had not helped Naruto overcome his fear of her.

Rolling her eyes in amusement, Akeno still stepped back to calm Naruto down. She then gave a melodramatic sigh while lifting a tray of food to show it off.

She then declared in a clearly fake sad voice, "That's too bad. I made all this food, but I can't even get close enough to give it to you. Oh well. I guess Buchou and I can split it."

"Wait!" Naruto exclaimed uncertainly, his stomach growling. He then demanded, "Why can't you just place it on the little table?"

"Ufufufu. If I did that, then I wouldn't be able to blackmail you to allow me to sit next to you," Akeno stated in a deadpan, apparently dropping the act.

Naruto just glared at her with a twitching eyebrow. His eyes then drifted to the tray. (Note, they did not stop on her breasts briefly.

Naruto would argue that point to the death if anyone dared comment on it.) Should he allow a sadist he is terrified of to sit next to him in return for food or should he go hungry and not put himself in bodily harm?

His stomach rumbling answered for him. Blushing at the loud noise, Naruto finally answered reluctantly, "Fine. You can sit next to me, but if I see any sparks…I'm jumping out the window."

"Ufufufu, of course, Naruto-kun," Akeno replied with a graceful smile. Elegantly taking the spot next to him, she then placed the tray of food on the small table in front of them. She then ruined the elegant image by adding, "Just seeing you so scared is enough for me."

Sweat dropping, Naruto muttered to himself, "I hate sadists so much." He didn't remove himself though, although he was squirming uncomfortably.

Giggling quietly, Akeno then muttered to herself in a whisper purposefully loud enough for Naruto to hear, "Step one: complete.

Just got to be patient. He'll be wearing a collar while I whip him in no time at all."

Naruto paled at her words, sweat breaking out on his forehead. He wasn't going to comment though. He didn't want to touch that image with a ten foot pole.

Instead he just focused on the tray of food. Grabbing some, he tried it out hesitantly. Rias' earlier words about Akeno's cooking were quickly proven. Naruto immediately dug in.

It's too bad Akeno's a sadist. He'd probably be really attracted to her if she wasn't. She was still hot, but the fear overcame his hormones.

Rias just watched all this with a raised eyebrow, not sure what to really think of the interactions. When it stopped though, she coughed to get everyone's attention.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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