Chapter 33: Patience

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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It had been about a month since Naruto joined Rias' peerage and became a devil. In that time he'd basically gotten his interactions with the different members down.

Surprisingly, he got closest to Yuuto in that time. At least five days a week Naruto and Yuuto went at it for a few hours.

It also helped that Naruto had never really had a close guy friend. The best he ever had was with Sasuke when they were on a team, which ultimately only lasted about a year.

In Konoha he also had a number of friends who were guys, but none that he ever hang out with everyday.

So it was very easy for the two to bond through guy time, especially since the rest of the club was female. You wouldn't hear Naruto complaining about being surrounded by hot women, but there was a time when guys just wanted to be guys.

Kiba and him had to team up or they would be swallowed by the femininity…and the boobs. Can't forget the boobs. They will swallow you up in this club.

Akeno and Rias more than made up for Koneko in that department. Even Yuuto's creepy ambiguous sexuality wasn't that bad to Naruto, since he was used to guys that seemingly had no interest in females, Sasuke, Neji, etc.

"Okay you two. Enough banter. It's not like you two haven't argued about that point a dozen times already," Rias told them in amusement.

"Whatever, Rias-chan. Stop being such a spoilsport. You're becoming boring," Naruto stated quickly, pouting at the premature end to the argument.

"I'm not a spoilsport. You are just a child, needing to argue about everything and nothing all at once," Rias retorted, used to this song a dance by now.

"That's why you love me though, Rias-chan," Naruto declared with a mischievous grin.

After Yuuto, Rias was the person he probably got closest to. The two just…clicked. Rias was a bit more serious and sophisticated than Naruto, but if anything she seemed amused by his behavior and antics.

Like his carefree and relaxed attitude was infectious, and helped her not worry about her own problems as much.

Naruto in turn thought Rias was a nice turn from the usual arrogant and obnoxious nobles. She had the aura of a princess, but was still warm and friendly. They were different, but surprisingly compatible.

Rias just shook her head in amusement. She instead asked, "Have you decided what avenue you want to take your magic yet?"

"Sorry. Not yet. I have several ideas, but I want to be entirely sure of what i want. Can't waste time learning a magic that doesn't fit my style," Naruto told her seriously.

Naruto had taken a few magic lessons from Rias to learn how to effectively use his demonic power.

It took a while for Naruto to learn how to use a different energy than chakra, but afterwards his experience in using chakra allowed him to get the basics down quickly.

Unfortunately that meant those lessons quickly came to an end. Naruto had quickly learned how to form teleportation circles, fly with his wings, and other such basics.

Since Naruto didn't want to specialize entirely in magic though, it meant he had to pick and choose what areas he wanted to learn the intermediate stuff in.

He couldn't learn everything. At least not without years of study and training. Naruto hadn't really been able to decide yet, so the magic lessons had ended for the meantime.

It would be put on the backburner till Naruto made a decision.

Which was unfortunate since those were really the only times he had been able talk to Rias alone.

Now he could only talk to her during club time. They were in different grades for school, and Rias never trained in his basement since practicing her Power of Destruction underground was just plain unsafe.

Without bonding time they simply couldn't get too close.

Turning away from Rias, Naruto looked at Koneko. She was doing her usual activity. Sitting on the couch and eating a sweet snack. "And how are you, Koneko-chan?"

She just stared at him a moment before muttering, "Fine."

Her response made Naruto shake his head in annoyance. Naruto's relationship with Koneko was the worst of the group.

He'd stopped the pussy jokes to hopefully improve how Koneko viewed him, but it didn't turn out so well. It wasn't that bad.

Naruto just always got the feeling that Koneko didn't really know what to think of him, which is just weird since he'd been here a month.

Usually more than enough time to form an opinion of someone.

Naruto naturally didn't like the idea. She was his comrade , sort of. He hated that she treated him like a stranger.

So he bent down in front of her so that he could look her face to face and asked, "Are you ever going to say more than one word to me at a time?"

"...Possibly," Koneko replied simply.

The one word reply caused Naruto to sigh. It was always like this. She wasn't rude as long as he stayed away from the pussy jokes.

She was just always apathetic around him, only using a single word when he asked her a question.

It wasn't all that different from how she acted around the other members, but it still bothered Naruto. He was never good around quiet types.

Which caused him to occasionally bombard her with pussy jokes till she cracked and attacked him. It usually happened once a week.

He didn't even care about the attempts on his life, and manhood, that she made during these times. Koneko was cute when she was angry.

Much better than her usual boring, emotionless self. Not to mention Naruto firmly believed that bottling up emotions was a bad thing.

Otherwise he resolved to wait. Patience wasn't Naruto's strong feature, but he could do it. He frequently felt her eyes on him, evaluating him for whatever reason.

He's just be himself and let Koneko make her own impression of him. Hopefully it would be good. If not...Naruto has a tendency to grow on people, some would say like a weed. He'd get her to like him somehow.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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