Chapter 34: Pesky

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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So he just went to the other couch and collapsed on it in a heap. He wasn't surprised when Akeno immediately announced, "Good to see, Naruto-kun. I have food ready."

"Of course you do," Naruto muttered with narrowed eyes at her.

Akeno just laughed as she took the spot next to him, placing the plate of food she had been holding on the table.

His relationship with the resident sadist of the club had grown a little better, but was still rather quirky. On one hand one can get used to basically anything with time, so Naruto wasn't quite as scared of Akeno as before.

He still got the heebie-jeebies around her though. Something she obviously knew. She had eventually figured out that the best way to calm Naruto down was through his stomach.

He was rather simple that way. Naruto was never as agreeable as when he was eating. As long as she had a plate of food he'd usually let her sit next to him. Needless to say, she always had a plate of food on hand after that.

Akeno quickly informed him, "I tried to make these according to what i've noticed you prefer. You seem to avoid most crunchy things, so all these pastries are fluffy and soft.

You also have a sweet tooth, but tend to shy away from the artificial sugar based sweets Koneko prefers.

Things like powdered sugar, caramel, candy, and chocolate. You tend to prefer the sweetness of certain fruits. So most of these pastries have a jam filling that should fit your particular palate."

Naruto just stared at her, wondering just where all that came from. He didn't even understand half of what she just said.

Still, she brought food, and he was hungry. So he grabbed one of the pastries she had made. Taking a quick bite, Naruto immediately commented, "Not sure what you just said, but something must have been right in there. Your food is always delicious, but this is amazing. Thanks, sadist-chan."

"Ufufufu, I'm glad to hear that, Naruto-kun," Akeno replied with her usual demure smile. She also took the opportunity to slide closer to Naruto while he was occupied by the pastry.

Moving till her hip was touching his, she also placed a hand on his shoulder as she added, "You'll eat anything, but i simply couldn't stand knowing my cooking wasn't to your taste."

Naruto didn't really hear her words, only registering the hand on his shoulder. He quickly slid a bit away from her so that she wasn't in his personal space anymore.

That was a problem that had quickly appeared when Akeno found out how to sit next to him. She then got all...touchy. Always moving close and touching him unnecessarily.

It creeps him out, which is probably why she did it. Eventually Naruto would end up pressed against the armrest with Akeno right in the middle of the couch due to the gradual movement to the side this game produced.

"Thanks, sadist-chan. You really didn't have to though. As you said, i'll eat anything you put in front of me," Naruto finally managed to tell her once he reestablished a safe distance from the club's sadist.

"Nonsense. My pride as a cook won't allow sub par snacks, but I have to ask. Are you ever going to call me by my name, Naruto-kun?" Akeno asked.

"Are you ever going to stop being a sadist? That's your answer," Naruto answered bluntly.

"That's a shame," Akeno lamented before continuing with a smile, "I so wish to hear you call out my name. To scream it out. 'Akeno-sama!' I dream of it every night."

See why Naruto still felt uncomfortable around her?

Naruto didn't even want to have to respond, so he just went back to his food without a word. Yuuto took the spot next to Koneko. The group then settled in and got comfortable.

Until Rias surprised them by announcing, "Okay. Now that everyone is here, I have news from the archduke."

"Wait. We actually have something to do?" Naruto asked in genuine surprise.

His surprise was well warranted. Being a devil wasn't quite as exciting as one would think. They'd only had one actual task since Naruto joined.

Otherwise they'd just spent every afternoon and early night sitting in the club room, since that was the time when clients usually summoned them. Just relaxing till they had something to do.

It wasn't bad, but it was a bit lacking in the excitement Naruto preferred.

"Yes, Naruto-kun. We have a task," Rias informed him matter-of-factly. She then explained, "Viser, a stray devil that killed her king and ran, has started residing nearby. She's been luring and then eating humans. We've been ordered to deal with her."

That cut Naruto's happiness at the thought of a job short. He quickly waved his hand before grumbling, "I'll pass then."

The other task had been hunting down a stray devil as well. That had been a very boring job, and it had the same signs as this one.

That this Viser is eating humans is a bad sign. While eating humans is a quick way to get strong, it is only effective for very weak devils. Humans aren't strong enough to provide a decent boost to more powerful devils.

That she was located is another indication of her power. She wasn't even able to put up a barrier to conceal her energy signature. The final sign was that Rias was given the job.

That the handling of Viser was given to such a young and untested devil means Viser is not a real danger to anyone with actual strength. So a pest, in simple terms. Not enough for Naruto to bother.

Rias clearly didn't agree as she told him, "Sorry, Naruto-kun, but you can't pass. I decided to send you, Yuuto, and Akeno to dispose of her."

"Come on! Akeno alone is enough," Naruto argued in annoyance. Akeno was the strongest person in their group, even including Rias. She could easily handle some pesky stray, although it might be drawn out for pleasure.

"Most likely, but better to be safe than sorry," Rias retorted immediately, not affected by Naruto's clear displeasure.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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