Chapter 36: Sadist

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Die~!" Viser screamed in rage as she moved towards them, revealing her bottom half. Unlike her top half which was reasonably attractive, the bottom was clearly that of a monster.

It was faintly reminiscent of a centaur, her four legs being furred, and having a tail shaped like a snake. That effectively ruined any degree of appeal she once might have had.

None of the group were surprised by her physical state. It turns out reincarnated devils can't control their power very well at first.

The evil piece system instead uses their king as a sort of filter or control on that power, preventing it from running wild. Reincarnated devils eventually can control it themselves once they become strong enough or spend enough time as a devil.

When a devil becomes a stray before that point though, those filters on their powers stop working. Their bodies are then twisted by their powers, with their minds corroding as well.

This process is only enhanced when that stray devil then starts eating humans to gain power. They gain more power that they can't control. In a few weeks Viser will be nothing more than a beast, in both mind and body.

Yuuto decided to be the first one to attack, typical since he's a knight. His job is really to weaken the opponent with his speed.

He moved so fast he would disappear to weaker devils, jumping towards Viser's torso to cut off her human arms. With Viser screaming in pain, he pulled back.

That was Naruto's cue. With Viser distracted by the pain of her sudden amputations, he jumped in with an axe kick. "Tsutenkyaku!" He spoke as his heel connected with Viser's centaur body.

The copied attack of Tsunade had enough power to slam Viser's large body into the ground with enough force to crack the stone ground. Viser howled in agony.

Naruto landed calmly beside her, but was surprised when her snake tail snapped towards him. Seems the tail has some degree of consciousness or self-instinct since Viser is still incapacitated from his kick.

Despite being surprised, Naruto's reflexes were still fast enough to grab it's head inches before it dug its fangs into his shoulder. With a frown, he grabbed it with his other hand.

He then spun around and pulled, intending to toss Viser over his shoulder. It would have worked, but it turns out the snake isn't quite as strong as he hoped.

It snapped halfway through the throw, so Viser went flying through the air instead of slamming into the ground. Crashing through one of the pillars, her flight was ended when she connected with the wall.

Sliding down the wall, Viser struggled to her feet weakly as she hissed, "Impossible. Such young children can't be so strong…I'll crush you all."

"Naw. You're just weak," Naruto pointed out, completely unconcerned with her threat.

That just caused her to scream in rage again. A large magic circle formed in front of her. Seems she's going to try and blow the entire place to hell.

Can't have that. Before Naruto could stop her, Viser was interrupted when she was consumed by lightning.

Akeno had finally stepped in. It should be noted she could have finished this at any time, but felt that Naruto and Yuuto deserved at least some action since they were forced to come along.

She should end this now though since Viser is very clearly becoming unstable. She simply had no choice but to shock her now. To cause her agonizing pain…she loved her life at times like this.

Naruto sweat dropped when Akeno started repeatedly shocking Viser, repeatedly mocking her by commenting that she was still alive.

A blush on her cheeks, and sensually licking her lips all the while. It was times like this Naruto only reaffirmed that being afraid of Akeno is a good choice for his health. Avoiding sadists is simply a smart life choice.

He was starting to feel sorry for Viser by now though. This was starting to drag out too long. Looking at Yuuto, the knight understood.

He quickly created a short sword with his sacred gear, Sword Birth. He then tossed it to Naruto. Weighing it briefly, Naruto then chucked it at Viser.

His aim proved true as the sword sank right into the stray devil's neck. With the shape she had been in, it only took a few seconds for the body to go limp.

"Ara ara. You took away my toy, Naruto-kun. Is that your way of volunteering yourself as a replacement?" Akeno questioned, clearly not pleased by Viser's premature end.

That would have usually sent Naruto running with his tail between his legs, but he wasn't quite in the mood to back down right now.

So he just looked back at her firmly as he stated firmly, "Akeno, you are out of line right now. We don't torture defeated enemies. Understand?!"

He understood the desire to hurt someone who wronged you, but that wasn't here or there. Viser might have been a murderous, insane bitch, but that was still unnecessary.

She wasn't a threat. They still had to kill her, she was out of control after all, but not like that. She was little more than a rabid animal. It should have been quick and easy.

Torturing her just too much, and Naruto was going to make that clear to Akeno. He doesn't care if she is a sadist. He isn't going to let her take her sick pleasures out on every enemy they defeat. No way.

Several sparks came from Akeno as her eyes narrowed at Naruto. Clearly his sudden stand against her sadism didn't agree with her.

Naruto's body tensed as he actually considered that she might attack him. He had basically called her out right in the middle of her most intense sadist mode.

The sparks and the glare both ended instantly as her bearing changed. Tilting her head and putting her cheek in her palm, she spoke up in her usual soft voice, "Ara ara. It seems I got a little bit too excited. I apologize, Naruto-kun."

Naruto wasn't sure what to think of her sudden change, but decided to just accept it for now. He'd rather not come to blows with Akeno.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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