Chapter 37: Acted

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He wasn't sure he could win. He might be able to pull something out of his ass, but right now she simply had more firepower at her disposal than him. He didn't want to have his ass shocked like Viser.

Thankfully Naruto was given the perfect opportunity to bail from this tense situation when he felt a slight tug.

Recognizing it, he quickly informed the group, "You guys can go back by yourself. A client is summoning me.

Tell Rias-chan I'll return in a bit." He then summoned a magic circle and disappeared.

So he didn't notice Akeno's eyes fixed on the spot he had previously been inhabiting, an unidentifiable emotion in her eyes.

She only broke her intense look when she felt Yuuto's eyes on her.

Hiding whatever emotions she had been feeling, she put her hand before her mouth before saying in an airy voice, "Ufufufu, sorry. I was distracted. Let's go back to the clubroom."

Those two then teleported away, leaving the mansion empty once again. Another devil would be sent to do cleanup. Their job was done.

Next Morning

"Maybe I should skip the first half of the day to nap in the clubroom," Naruto muttered to himself as he slowly walked towards school.

He'd had a number of late night clients the previous night. Devils don't need to sleep as much as humans, but three hours was pushing it.

He really shouldn't skip part of the day considering his grades, but he really doesn't feel like listening to the teachers drone on right now.

As he was considering, a peculiar feeling washed over him. Stopping, he cocked his head and closed his eyes to concentrate on it. It felt like…medical chakra. No, not exactly. It's similar though.

Now which should he do? Go to school and listen to his teachers blabber or should he skip and investigate this feeling? Who is he kidding? His choice is clear to anyone that knows him. Fuck school!

So Naruto turned and started sprinting in the direction of the feeling, which almost immediately led him to a large park.

Naruto often came here to enjoy the nature of the place. It didn't take him long after entering to pinpoint the source of the feeling.

Leaning against a tree from a slight distance, he just watched.

The source of the feeling was a young nun, appearing to be 15 or 16 years old. Her long blonde hair was partially covered by a white veil with light blue edges.

She was wearing a typical dark blue nun outfit that had light blue edges as well. Naruto's attention was also forcefully drawn to a silver cross hanging around her neck.

She was crouching beside a small boy, her hands hovering over a scraped knee. Naruto saw a light green glow coming from her hands, specifically the two rings on her hands.

It felt eerily similar to healing jutsu, but still felt a bit off. It also felt a bit different from the healing spell Rias had demonstrated for him.

Either way, the energy quickly finished healing the scrape of the boy. Seems Naruto had arrived right at the end of the process.

The kid straightened and started eagerly talking to the nun, but Naruto was a bit too far to hear what he was saying.

The kid then ran off to a nearby woman that was talking on a cell phone. Pulling on her dress, he pointed at the nun while babbling something.

No doubt telling his mother that the nun had healed his injury. The woman just frowned and narrowed her eyes at the nun in suspicion.

She then grabbed the boy's hands and started to drag him away from the nun, despite obvious protests on his part.

Naruto sighed in frustration at that. Religion was starting to be distrusted nowadays. The woman likely thought the nun was up to something.

Seeing the nun looking sad at the act of the mother, Naruto couldn't help but walk over to her.

Once he was standing behind her, he told her in a warm voice, "Don't let that woman bother you. What you did was very kind."

The nun jumped slightly, having not detected him. She looked over her shoulder at him. Standing up, she turned to face him before she started apologizing profusely, "Sorry, sir. I didn't see you there."

Naruto waved his hand nonchalantly before replying without care, "No worries. I'm a ninja. Can sneak up on people, you know."

The nun didn't really know how to reply, but finally just giggled and commented, "Not very ninja-like of you to say that."

Grinning, Naruto eagerly explained to her, "No. It is the perfect thing to do. Who expects a ninja to declare himself a ninja? No one.

By acting opposite of what people expect, I defy what they consider a ninja to be. Thus they never even suspect. It's perfect. I am the greatest ninja of all time."

That just caused her to giggle, which caused Naruto to pout. Why did no one believe him? Even announcing it outright, everyone just thought he was joking. He's a ninja, dattebayo!

"You're funny, sir. Oh, I'm being rude. My name is Asia Argento. A pleasure to meet you," the nun said as she gave a short bow in his direction.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Nice to meet you," Naruto replied with a grin. His eyes quickly looking at her features.

She's rather small and petite, although not to Koneko's level, with modest curves. Her large eyes are green, and she has long blonde hair that flows down her back.

Her pale skin was flawless. Wow, she's a cutie. Not to mention the innocence in her eyes enhanced the nun angle she had going on.

Putting her attractiveness out of mind, Naruto then added, "Especially since you have such a cool power."

The nun blushed slightly at that. She fiddled with her fingers as she bashfully explained, "Oh, you saw that. I just sort of acted. I must have surprised you."

"Kind of, but it doesn't matter. It's an amazing power. I wish I could heal people like that," Naruto stated with a grin.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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