Chapter 38: Religious

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He was honest about his desire to be able to heal instead of only destroy, but he'd never had a talent at it.

"T-thank you," Asia whispered, obviously unused to such blatant praise. She then told him modestly, "It's a gift from God.

Allowing me to heal all who are injured. A truly…amazing power." Naruto detected the gloom surrounding the last bit, but decided not to pry.

The 'gift from God' part means that it is the power of a sacred gear. A Sacred Gear to heal the injured. What a powerful item.

You got to hand it to God on that front, his sacred gears are remarkable. Makes part of Naruto wish he had one. Oh well, he's awesome enough as he is.

Anything else just wouldn't fair for every other male in existence. It's hard enough to measure up to him as is.

"A-Ano," Asia started hesitantly, grabbing her dress while looking at the ground. She then looked up at him with a small blush before finishing nervously, "I seem to have lost my way. D-do you think you can help me?"

"Sure," Naruto answered immediately, no hesitation whatsoever. He couldn't have denied that face even if she had asked for something more troublesome.

The upturned eyes, slight blush on her cheek, and waver in her voice. It was a knockout look. No chance of resistance.

"Thank you so much. I've been wandering around for a while," Asia exclaimed happily. She then continued by telling him, "I've been transferred to the church in this town."

"The church?" Naruto muttered as he scratched his nose. He quickly explained to her, "Sorry. That just caught me off guard.

I'm friendly with most of the church groups in town. They don't meet at churches, instead using community centers."

"So you don't know where the church is," Asia said softly, clearly depressed by his answer.

"Not at all. I know where it is," Naruto quickly claimed, holding his hands up to prevent Asia from getting sad. "I was just surprised.

The only official church in town has been abandoned for quite a few years. I can still show you the way though."

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it," Asia declared while giving another bow.

"No problem. The church isn't too far. Just follow me," Naruto said with an uncaring shrug.

Seeing Asia pick up a brown suitcase, Naruto acted quickly by picking it up himself and claiming, "I'll carry this for you."

"Ah, you don't have to do that, Naruto-san. I can carry it myself," Asia protested adorably, her hands waving awkwardly like she didn't know what to do with them.

"Nonsense. It's the duty of a man to carry the heavy stuff. Especially for a cute girl like you," Naruto said with a wink at the end.

Now that left Asia even more flustered. Her face going beet red, it was clear she was unsure how to respond.

Finally lowering her head and twiddling with her fingers, she muttered out in an embarrassed voice, "T-Thank you, Naruto-san."

So cute. Man, if only Koneko could act like this. The clumsy and shy appeal wouldn't quite work for Koneko like it does Asia, but even that would be better than the cold emotionless thing she's doing now.

Naruto had always had a weakness for little things that are cute. Koneko's attitude didn't work for him much, but Asia just scored a critical hit.

Naruto had to fight the urge to squeal and hug her for the sheer amount of adorable she was putting out.

Thankfully he didn't end up doing that, instead just shooting her a grin as he started walking.

The two started walking together, but they were mainly silent. Asia still looked embarrassed from his earlier comment.

Naruto was thinking about the implications of Asia's presence. Rias had explained that the reason there was only a single abandoned church in town was because the Angels really don't have a presence in town.

The Fallen angels apparently have a small presence, but not much either.

This city is deep within devil territory, specifically the Gremory and Sitri Clans. The other factions don't allocate any resources here because it is enemy central, so to speak.

Those resources can be better put defending their own territories or in territories where their presence is more ingrained.

There are religious people in town, but none that actually are an asset to the war or know of the war. They are just normal people.

Asia is clearly a nun though, and she wields a sacred gear. A powerful one in Naruto's opinion. She's a powerful asset, no doubt.

That she has been transferred here could be an indication that the angels might be making a push. An uncomfortable thought since the peace between the Three Factions is very unsteady.

Naruto's thoughts were interrupted by Asia asking nervously, "A-Ano, Naruto-san? You said you are familiar with many of the church groups in this town. Are you a Christian?"

"Uh, no. Not at all. I'm friendly with many Christians, and those who follow other religions.

However God and me are…well, let's just say my presence isn't exactly welcomed by God," Naruto awkwardly admitted, unsure of how to really put it.

"I don't believe that. Naruto-san seems like a good person, and I believe God welcomes all with open arms," Asia proclaimed with a certainty only born of faith.

Naruto shouldn't. He knows he shouldn't. Rias will be pissed. Ah, fuck it! Naruto can't deceive such an innocent girl, "I'm kind of a…devil."

That caused Asia to freeze. No surprise. Part of Naruto was hitting himself for just outing himself like that, but Naruto wasn't too bothered overall.

Although leaving out important pieces of information isn't technically lying, the thought of doing such a thing right now didn't sit well with him. Asia was too innocent for that.

He already liked her, and he'd rather she know such an important piece of information before they interact anymore.

He'd rather not start a friendship out with a lie. If this changes things, then he overestimated her.

She just slowly turned to look at him with wide eyes before stuttering out, "A-A d-d-devil?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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