Chapter 39: Gripped

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Putting his hands up in the universal peace sign, Naruto quickly burst out, "Yes, but you don't need to worry. I'm not planning to attack you or anything.

I also lack a craving to drink human blood, don't feel like causing any wars, killing God, or want to devour any babies…Although I do have to admit I am curious on what a baby would taste like.

They say humans taste like chicken, but I'd think babies would taste like veal…or pork." Naruto actually came to a stop and got into a thinking pose as he considered that last bit.

Which was apparently a bit too much for Asia, and she burst out giggling. Trying to cover her laugh behind a hand, she admitted, "You really aren't what I heard devils are suppose to be like, Naruto-san."

Grinning at her lack of fear, Naruto shrugged before replying, "Not a surprise really. It's only natural you'd be told all devils are evil. It's a flawed opinion, but one that ultimately is an enticing view."

"What do you mean, Naruto-san?" Asia asked, actually listening to his words.

Shrugging, Naruto answered simply, "Each side wants to believe the other factions are evil. It's easier to think that instead of the truth."

"I'm…not so sure what you mean, Naruto-san," Asia claimed in confusion.

Naruto looked at her before explaining a bit awkwardly, "Well, we're at war. There may not be any outright battles, but the Three Factions are still at war.

War sucks, and no one comes out the same way. It's just easier for people to claim that they are right and the enemy is wrong, you know?"

"N-Not really," Asia admitted.

"Ugh. Sorry, just give me a second to think on how to say it right," Naruto told her as he started rubbing the bridge of his nose. After several seconds he started slowly, "The Three Factions are at war. In war, lines are drawn.

People start thinking in terms of 'us' and 'them.' They start building these walls to separate themselves from their enemies.

The people on the other side are no longer just like them. They are the 'enemy.' This is done to protect themselves emotionally from the stress and trauma of war."

Asia's face scrunched up as she tried to make sense of his words. She finally muttered carefully, "You are saying they create reasons to limit the empathy they feel for their enemy...To limit the guilt they feel."

"Yes! Exactly," Naruto exclaimed with a grin. Sort of sad that she could phrase his words better than him, but he'll take what he can get. He quickly elaborated, "In war, all the participants suffer. People die.

Are crippled. Face incredible guilt. There is a reason that PTSD exists and some just go insane because of it all. War is harsh enough when you don't sympathize with your enemy, that people eventually just convince themselves their enemies are evil.

Because it would be even harder if they accepted that their enemies are just like them. They don't want to accept that their enemy is just as afraid of death.

That their enemy has family waiting for him at home. That they have hopes and dreams of their own. It is just easier to believe the enemy are evil monsters that have no feelings."

" kind of sad," Asia commented as she considered his words.

"Maybe. Choosing the easy path may be attractive, but it also means you miss out on many opportunities. People grow and learn when they face difficulties.

When people just do what's easiest, they limit their own potential. Life isn't easy, and its when people try to make it easy that conflict is born," Naruto claimed, his eyes glazing over as he thought of all the challenges he had faced in his life.

They were agonizing, but they are also what made him into the person he is today. A grin eventually grew on his face. Turning to Asia, he added enthusiastically, "I don't believe it this can't be changed though.

My master told me that he believed one day everyone would grow to understand each other, and i choose to believe that as well.

Maybe not today, tomorrow, next year, or even 100 years from now, but one day...People will make a genuine attempt to understand each other, and then one day they will succeed.

I dream of that day because when everyone is able to understand one another, there will be no need for war."

Asia just stared at him with eyes wide in awe. She then smiled softly before claiming, "I believe that's a wonderful dream, Naruto-san."

Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly at her words. He then admitted, "Thanks, but i know most people think such a thing is naive or impossible. I'll stand by it though. After all, it's why i met you."

Asia blinked in confusion before asking, "What do you mean?"

Naruto just flicked the silver cross on her chest, ignoring the slight shock that ran though his finger at the brief contact.

He then explained, "You are a nun, and i am a devil. Some would say we are destined to be enemies. I'll gladly prove them wrong. To me, it didn't matter that you were a nun.

I chose to instead see you as a kind girl willing to heal a complete stranger. All i had to do was look in your eyes to confirm you were a good girl.

If someone couldn't see that because of the cross on your chest, then they're idiots."

Asia blushed at his words. Looking down to the ground, she gripped her dress as she tried to contain her embarrassment.

She'd rarely had someone say things like that to her. People had always praised her power, but had seemed to view her as a simple vessel.

Anything good she did was simply expected of the holder of a power like hers. To be complimented so openly felt...nice.

Naruto then continued despite her looking away, "And you proved me right. I told you i'm a devil, and yet you are still walking alongside me.

You didn't scream and throw holy water at me. Instead you have listened to my words.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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