Chapter 40: Bible

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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You gave me the benefit of the doubt, despite no doubt being told how evil devils are. For that i thank you, Asia-chan."

"I should be thanking you, Naruto-san. You've helped me when i was lost," Asia told him with honesty clear in her eyes.

"Yeah, but i did go all deep on you. Really doubt you were wanting to listen to be drone on about all this stuff," Naruto remarked apologetically.

"No, i really enjoyed it. You are very wise, Naruto-san. Your words are profound and pure. I can't help but want to believe in them," Asia claimed earnestly.

That caused Naruto to scratch the back of his head as he explained self-consciously, "Thanks, but that's not really me so much.

Not too bright myself. I've just inherited these beliefs from a lot of amazing people.

They're the ones you should be praising." Jiraiya, his father, his mother, the Third Hokage. They are the ones who paved the way for him.

"A pure and kind heart is more important than anything else, and i can tell you have that, Naruto-san" Asia stated quickly, looking at him with respect clear in her eyes.

"Thanks, Asia-chan," Naruto whispered with a grin, his cheeks flushed slightly at her words. He shook his head to rid himself of the embarrassment her words had provoked in him.

Grinning widely, he crossed his arms behind his head as he exclaimed happily, "I can't help but be happy right now.

If a devil and a nun can meet randomly and become friends, then that's just more reason to believe this entire war between the Three Factions can be ended if we stopped fighting for a minute to actually talk to each other."

"Yes, i hope so as well," Asia whispered with a soft smile on her face as she looked at Naruto.

Catching sight of something in the distance, Naruto announced, "Well there it is. It's been abandoned for a few years, but that's the only church in town.

I can't accompany you for obvious reasons, but it's pretty easy to get there from here." He said all this while pointing at the church that was resting on top of the nearby hill.

"Thank you, Naruto-san. You're a lifesaver," Asia exclaimed in relief at the sight of the church. Turning to him, she grew a bit flustered.

She finally managed to tell him, "I'm really glad I met a person like you by coming to Japan. This must be God's will."

"Not so sure about that, but if that turns out to be true I'll have to thank him someday. I owe him for letting me meet a good girl like you," Naruto replied with a wide grin.

Asia blushed again, but quickly declared with an abnormal amount of steel in her voice from what Naruto could tell, "I hope to meet you again, Naruto-san.

Even if you are a d-devil, you are a good person. I would like to become f-friends with you." She ended with a slight blush.

"You too, Asia-chan," Naruto replied immediately, grinning happily at the prospect of making a new friend.

Thinking for a moment, Naruto told her, "I do volunteer work at the park where we met. Every Thursday after school I tend the plants there.

If you ever want to talk, you can find me there. I'm sure we can find other times to hang out."

"Thursday, after school. I got it. Thank you, Naruto-san," Asia stated as she gave him another bow.

She then reluctantly turned from him and started moving towards the church after taking her suitcase from him. She briefly looked over her shoulder to see Naruto watching her.

He gave her a short wave, and she let out a small squeak. As she turned around though, she couldn't help the smile on her face.

She certainly hadn't ever expected this to happen, but she was happy that it had.

Naruto may be a devil, but she could feel in her heart he was a good person. A coincidental meeting like this has to be a sign from god.

Naruto watched her go for several moments before turning around to head to school. He's probably already missed first period since he took his time talking to Asia.

Rias won't be happy, but he can deal with it. He made a new friend. That's definitely worth a lecture from Rias.

Two Days Later

Naruto was instantly on guard when he finished teleporting. His instincts were screaming at him. It only took a few seconds for his senses to pick up just why this situation was sure to turn bad.

Naruto had always had a sensitive nose, and becoming a devil only enhanced that feature. So the scent of blood was near overwhelming for him.

Then there was the mass amount of malicious intent coming from the last room. Finally he detected a subtle barrier up around the house.

Naruto just sighed as he realized something was up. The barrier would stall Rias for a bit, so he'd have to survive on his own for a bit.

Not a problem considering the strength of the signature in the next room.

Unsealing his armored gloves, he slipped them on reluctantly. This wasn't even suppose to be his job. Rias had really not been happy about his lackadaisical attitude towards school for some reason.

When she found out he skipped half a day to nap in the clubroom, she'd punished him by forcing him to attend more clients for a few days.

Naruto only had a few clients since his charity work successfully gathered more desire, so Rias decided he'd help the other members attend to their clients.

This one was Koneko's. Of course Naruto would get the fuckup assignment. Naruto's luck was hit or miss like that.

Ready for battle, Naruto stepped into the next room. He stopped before he stepped in a puddle of blood.

His eyes quickly traced it to the source, an obviously dead man who was crucified upside-down on the wall. Frowning at the brutal display, Naruto looked at the perpetrator.

"Sinners must be punished. I tried borrowing words of the Bible," a person said as he sat on the couch, facing away from Naruto.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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