Chapter 41: Corpse

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He ended his words by looking over his shoulder at Naruto, sticking his tongue out to complete an insane image.

Naruto just stared for a moment or two before commenting blandly, "Yep, that's a face that says talking like reasonable people is not an option."

"You finally came, little Devil-kun. I got bored. My name is Freed Sellzen," the priest said as he turned to face Naruto. The guy had silver hair, and red eyes that spoke of pure insanity.

He was dressed in white priest robes with a dark blue overcoat. Giving Naruto a polite bow, he then showed his loony self by starting a silly dance while singing out, "I am a boy-priest, performing exorcisms for mankind."

Naruto just stared at him blankly, not humored or put off guard in the least. Instead he nodded at the mutilated corpse before asking calmly, "You do this?"

Freed just gave an insane smile as he nodded enthusiastically and claimed, "Yep, yep. There was proof that he was in league with devils. A repeat offender. So I killed him. To combat devils is my job."

"I highly doubt doing that is your job. You clearly tortured the man," Naruto pointed out evenly.

"Yeah, so. I got bored waiting for you, you shitty devil. I got kicked out of the church for it after all," Freed screamed out in glee.

"Oh well, that makes things easier for me," Naruto claimed with a shrug. Putting his hands up in a basic fighting stance, he finished by announcing, "Now I won't need to worry about putting a rabid dog like you down."

"Ah, what is that? I don't want to hear stuff like that from a devil? Plus, you don't even have any killing intent.

I love feeling the intent to kill and be killed. You're just boring," Freed exclaimed with his tongue hanging out like an imbecile.

"And you're a pest. Killing you is doing the world a favor. I'm doing charity. Killing intent is unneeded here," Naruto explained calmly.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Freed yelled like a maniac. He then pulled out a gun and a hilt. The hilt then spawned a light sword. Now armed, he continued screaming, "I don't care. I just want to kill shitty devils like you. Killing shitty devils with their shitty faces in shitty ways is my job."

"Then come try it, you shitty priest," Naruto ordered with a shrug.

Freed did just that by charging in with a slash. Naruto calmly leaned out of the way of a slash, and then raised his hands to block the sword of light when it came back around.

With Naruto's hands occupied holding back the sword, Freed lifted the gun with his other hand to point it at Naruto. It quickly released a bullet of light towards Naruto's face.

A simple twist of his arm allowed Naruto to block the shot with his forearm. The bullet bounced off, burning a hole in his shirt and leaving a small welt on his skin.

The light burned a bit, but overall it was an injury Naruto could ignore entirely.

The failure of the bullet was clearly a surprise to Freed, allowing Naruto to remove one of his hands from the sword. Freed dodged when Naruto tried to backhand him though.

Jumping back, Freed launched a barrage of light bullets at Naruto. Naruto moved forward while calmly using his armored gloves to deflect the shots away from him.

Once he got close enough, Naruto was forced to deflect the light sword repeatedly. Freed was swinging it with one hand while continuously firing the gun with the other.

Tired of the double assault, Naruto threw a kick at the hand holding the gun.

Freed screamed in triumph, swinging the sword to intercept the kick. What would have been a crippling blow failed though when the light sword failed to cut into his thigh deeply.

The sword simply stopped due to Naruto's rook defensive capabilities. Able to follow through with his kick, Naruto kicked the gun out of Freed's hand. Jumping after it, the gun was thoroughly destroyed when Naruto landed on it.

Turning back to Freed, Naruto got ready again. His thigh was stinging something fierce, but it wasn't a debilitating injury. The cut was long, but shallow. The light was the main problem, but Naruto could easily ignore it.

His leg was still at full capability. Freed only had one weapon now as well. Those light bullets may not do much damage, but they were annoying. Like suffering from bee stings during a battle. Now he could focus entirely on the light sword.

"Oh, the shitty devil has some moves. This is getting me excited. It will make your death all the sweeter," Freed yelled as he jumped at Naruto with his sword raised for an overhand slash.

Which was so easy to counter it wasn't even funny. Spinning out of the way at the last moment, Naruto spun his way into Freed's guard. Naruto used the momentum of the spin to fuel an elbow that was right about to connect with Freed's spine.

With Naruto's strength it would certainly be broken. Unfortunately Freed proved he actually had a degree of skill to go along with his insanity and bloodlust, which sucked since it only made him more dangerous.

Sensing the danger, Freed didn't do the mistake of trying to turn to face Naruto. Instead he just jumped forward into a roll, narrowly dodging the potentially fatal strike to his back.

Naruto grunted in annoyance. He'd been aiming to end the fight with that. Oh well. He was about to charge the recovering Freed, but stopped as a scream rang out through the room.

Naruto froze, recognizing the two then turned to look at the one who screamed.

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw Asia. She was staring at the mutilated corpse in horror, her hands raised to her mouth.

Naruto immediately wondered what she was doing here. Freed admitted to being a stray priest, so why was Asia here?

"What's happened here?" Asia questioned, her voice trembling and her eyes filling with tears.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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