Chapter 42: Fury

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Freed immediately responded by approaching the nun. Throwing an arm over her shoulders, he explained in a glee filled voice, "I see, I see. You're still a beginner. You see, this is our job. This human was collaborating with devils, so we killed him. Then, we ambush the devils that come running."

"But you-" Asia got out before she spotted Naruto. She then exclaimed in shock, "Naruto-san."

"Ehh, you know this shitty devil?" Freed asked with his tongue sticking out again, his eyes darting between Naruto and Asia.

"What are you doing here? "Asia asked in confusion.

"I could ask you the same thing, Asia-chan," Naruto replied calmly, still not letting his guard down around Freed. Nodding at the corpse, Naruto explained, "That man summoned me. When I came, the priest attacked me."

"Ah ah ah. Sorry, Asia-chan, but a human and a devil can't interact. Because we can't live without the permission of a fallen angel," Freed stated slyly, leering at Asia.

Naruto's thoughts raced at that. Asia was working with a fallen angel. Naruto hadn't even considered that.

Naruto still retained a bit of the negative emotion sensing he received from Kurama. Asia just had so little negative emotion in her. Everyone, even good people, had negative emotion.

Asia though had about as little as Naruto could figure a person could have without there being something seriously wrong with them.

What could such a pure girl do to leave the church? Especially if it meant she became involved with a maniac like Freed?

Turning away from Asia, Freed announced with a grin, "Now let's finish this, shall we? Let's do this!"

Before Freed could charge again though, Asia ran between him and Naruto. Spreading her arms out wide with her back to Naruto, Asia started to plead desperately, "Please stop this, Father. I'm begging you. Don't do this."

"Sweetie, do you realize what you are doing?" Freed demanded in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, I do, but even if he is a devil Naruto-san is a good person," Asia declared firmly, despite clearly being scared out of her mind.

Naruto actually lowered his guard as he took in this new development. Asia quickly continued, "Father, I don't believe God would be happy with your actions. Even if that man worked with devils, I don't believe he deserved to die. Especially in such a way."

"Don't talk shit to me," Freed screamed, finally showing his irritation. Naruto was too shocked by the sudden action to interfere when he swung his light sword down.

Luckily the blade didn't bisect Asia, but it did cut open her nun outfit. Even her bra was cut in the middle, which was actually pretty impressive since her skin wasn't even slight cut.

The bra was thrown off as her breasts bounced from their new freedom. Asia immediately covered herself with her arms while letting out a shocked cry, but Freed didn't give her any time to do anything else.

Grabbing her arm, he roughly threw her into the wall. Using one hand to hold her arms above her head, he stabbed the light sword through her sleeves.

Releasing that hand, he moved it to cup her face as he exclaimed in outrage, "You shitty bitch! Do you have worms in your brains? That's a shitty devil. We kill shitty devils! I can't hurt you since the fallen angels have plans for you, but you still clearly deserve punishment."

His hand started descending south, but its path was stopped along with his words. It was only due to Freed sensing the danger that he was at least partly able to defend himself.

Removing his blade from the wall, he tried to use it to block Naruto's punch. The blow snapped the blade though, and still was able to connect with the stray exorcists face. Freed was launched back till he collided with the far wall.

With his fist still extended, Naruto announced with anger clear in his voice, "I'm going to stop you there. Cause if you were going to do what I think you were, I would have felt obligated to crush your balls in my hand. I really don't want to touch another man there, so I'm going to finish this before you can do anything rapey."

With his eyes fixed on the still recovering Freed, Naruto used his hands to unbutton his shirt. Slipping it off, Naruto left himself bare from the waist up.

He the kneeled down and draped it over the exposed Asia's shoulders. Making sure to not look at her very exposed breasts, Naruto did up one of the buttons.

Thankfully the size difference between the two meant that Asia didn't even have to put her arms through the holes. It could just encompass her whole torso.

"Cover yourself up. I'll handle the shitty priest," Naruto told her as he kept his eyes on Freed.

"T-Thank you, Naruto-san," Asia whispered in a wavering voice, obviously shaken by what just happened.

Nodding Naruto stood up to face Freed, who was getting to his feet. The stray exorcist was cradling his already swelling jaw with one hand, his other grasping his light sword, which had restored itself.

He was forced to lean on the wall for balance, but the fact that he was standing and not down for the count on the ground is rather impressive.

"Shitty devil, that hurts!" Freed exclaimed in fury.

"Kind of the point, shitty priest," Naruto replied instantly as he got ready to fight again. He then claimed firmly, "My next hit will finish you. That's a promise."

"Ah, shitty devil thinks he's hot shit now that he landed a shot. I'll make you die a painful death," Freed exclaimed as he readied himself.

Unfortunately, Naruto's next hit never came. The exchange was stopped before it started by a large red magic circle forming between them. The members of the Occult Research Club then appeared.

"Naruto. We've come as soon as we could."

"Ara ara. What a problem we have here."


"Seems you had some trouble, Naruto-kun."

Naruto just deadpanned at the group before muttering, "You guys have really bad timing. Another ten seconds and that guy would have been knocked out on the floor with a fractured skull."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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