Chapter 43: Dammit

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Rias slumped slightly at his words, a bit put out by the remark. She then informed with seriously, "A barrier was put up. We couldn't tell what the situation was, so we came as quickly as we could. Better safe than sorry."

"I know, just pointing out that the timing was bad," Naruto commented with a remark. He then looked at Freed before adding, "This guy really needs to be put down."

"Oh look, the entire shitty devil group arrived. How wonderful! Hunting you shitty worms is what I live for. Now just stay quiet and let me kill you," Freed exclaimed, once more slipping into his more insane mindset.

"What a foul mouth. Seems you are one of those types. The types that cause us the most trouble," Rias muttered as she looked at Freed. Freed opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off when Rias sent a blast of dark red energy at him.

He barely managed to dodge, the spell disintegrating a portion of the wall instead. Rias was engulfed in a red energy as she muttered in a quiet anger, "Vulgar scum like you…anger me to no end."

Freed backed away as he felt the amount of energy Rias was releasing. He seemed to finally realize his situation. Outnumbered by devils, several no doubt stronger than him.

Even someone like Freed didn't like those odds. He grumbled to himself nervously as he continued backing away, "Isn't all that power kind of dangerous? Isn't she really dangerous?"

Once again Freed's end was postponed at the last second. This time by a dark blue and purple portal of some kind forming on the ceiling above him. Koneko was the one to announce after sniffing a few time, "Multiple fallen angels coming."


Rias just frowned before ordering, "Retreat. Akeno, prepare the jump. There's no reason for us to start a fight with multiple fallen angels."

Naruto blinked before exclaiming loudly, "Rias-chan. We need to get Asia-chan out of here as well." He moved to crouch down beside Asia to make it clear who he meant.

Rias' eyes hardened slightly when they fell on Asia, focusing briefly on the nun veil she was wearing. She then announced sternly, "We can't. Only those of my clan can jump with this circle."

Growling, Naruto crouched down in front of Asia. Looking over his shoulder, he barked out at her resolutely, "Asia-chan. Get up on my back."

Asia was clearly confused, but instinctively listened to the authority in his voice. Climbing on his back, Naruto grasped her thighs to hold her better. He then stood up completely.

"What are you doing, Naruto?!" Rias demanded, clearly not pleased by his actions.

Naruto didn't back down though and growled out, "If Asia can't teleport with us, I'll carry her out of here."

"You can't. She's allied with the fallen angels. They'll come to get her," Rias declared with a prominent frown on her face.

"Then let them come. I'm not going to leave Asia anywhere near that maniac. Plus, the fallen angels apparently have 'plans' for her. That doesn't sound like anything good to me," Naruto quickly argued.

"Only more reason to leave her here. The fallen angels will chase after you. You won't be able to escape them," Rias urged desperately.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving Asia with them," Naruto proclaimed with steel in his voice. He then punctuated his statement by running out the door.

"Dammit, that idiot," Rias snapped, biting her lower lip. The fallen angels are almost here. They'll chase after Naruto. She could have the rest of them join him, but that would definitely result in a fight. They can't possibly escape the fallen angels by flying. The only one who can run as fast or faster than Naruto is…

"Don't worry, Buchou. I'll bring Naruto back to the club," Yuuto promised as he stepped out of the magic circle. He then quickly dashed out of the door as well.

Rias was not reassured, but knew she didn't have more time to think. Uttering a curse, Rias let the teleportation finish and disappeared from the room. She could do nothing but wait for now.


That caused Naruto to look over his shoulder, recognizing Yuuto's voice. Seeing the bishounen running to catch up to him, Naruto demanded immediately, "Yuuto, what are you doing? Why didn't you go back with Rias-chan?"

"Well someone had to make sure you make it out of this in one piece. You did just basically call out the fallen angels by taking one of their servants," Yuuto pointed out as the two ran down the street at speeds no human could match.

"I can handle myself," Naruto grunted out stubbornly, but then added begrudgingly, "Thanks though."

"What are friends for if not to bail you out of trouble when you do something stupid?" Yuuto remarked with a chuckle.

"A-Ano, Naruto-san. You don't have to do this. I'll go back to the fallen angels," Asia spoke up hesitantly, finally recovered enough to speak up.

"You don't mean that. I can sense how scared you are," Naruto claimed quickly.

Asia wavered at that, but still managed to claim, "I-I know. I am scared, but I don't want to get Naruto-san in trouble. Even if that means I have to go back with the fallen angels"

"Fuck that!" Naruto snapped right away. He then continued firmly, "I can tell they have no good intentions for you, Asia-chan. I have no intention of letting a good girl like you suffer at their hands. It will take a lot more than a few fallen angels to intimidate me. A whole lot more."

Asia didn't respond immediately. Finally lowering her face into the crook of his neck, she whispered with tears gathering in her eyes, "Thank you, Naruto-san."

"No problem. You're my friend after all, and I never abandon my friends," Naruto replied, grinning widely despite the fact that she couldn't see it.

"Naruto. Fallen angels approaching fast," Yuuto exclaimed as he peeked over his shoulder.

"How many?"

"Four," Yuuto announced.

"Crap," Naruto cursed as he absorbed that information.

Maneuvering his arms and twisting his torso, Naruto plucked Asia from his back. She squeaked at the sudden shift, but didn't struggle against him thankfully.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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