Chapter 45: Gladly

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Asia placed her hands over the injury. Two rings appeared on her hands as a green light appeared.

Naruto let out a sigh as the pain from the wound faded slightly. It didn't even feel weird or anything. The pain, and wound, were just disappearing.

Before Asia could even get halfway through though, Naruto cursed as he felt a surge of power.

A barrier had just been erected over this portion of the park. Naruto interrupted Asia's healing by lifting her up by grabbing under her arms.

He then gently pushed her towards the trees as he ordered her, "A fallen angel is here. Hide behind a tree. Don't make any noise or try to get close enough to see. I'll deal with the fallen angel. I'll call for you when I'm done."

"But, Naruto-san. You are still injured," Asia exclaimed in concern.

Naruto just shot her a grin and lightly slapped his thigh before commenting, "You healed me up quite a bit.

I barely even feel it anymore. I can easily handle a fallen angel with just this scratch." It was a pretty blatant lie. She hadn't nearly healed it enough to restore his full mobility or erase all the pain, but it would have to be enough.

Asia was clearly still worried as well, but the determined look in his eyes was enough to get her to hide behind a tree.

With Asia somewhat safe, Naruto started walking towards a nearby clearing where he felt a power signature.

Walking into the open, Naruto quickly examined the fallen angel standing in the middle of the clearing with his wings out.

It was a middle-aged man with short black hair. He was wearing a black trench coat, a white undershirt, black pants, and a black fedora on his head.

"I knew you would come here," the man claimed with a grin as Naruto revealed himself. Naruto stayed quiet, so he continued, "We lost you in the alleys, but I knew you would come here.

It's the most open space. The only space we can have a proper fight in. So all I had to do was fly above and wait till you came. Which you did."

"I didn't come here to fight," Naruto grunted out.

"But you did," the man declared with a wide grin on his face. He then elaborated, "I could sense it. You fought Freed. You are a warrior, and warriors don't hide in alleys like rats. You were aching for a fight, which is why you came here. A warrior can only let loose in an area like this."

Naruto scowled at his words, but couldn't quite deny them. He did come here because it would allow him to go all out if a fallen angel had managed to track them.

He didn't come here to fight though. He would have gladly gone without another fight this night if he could have.

Deciding to move on, Naruto asked with a tilted head, "What's with the barrier? I don't sense any of your fallen angel friends in here."

"Of course not. Why would I let any of those bitches interrupt my fun? I haven't had a good fight in ages. I knew you would satisfy my battle lust.

You even gave me the perfect excuse to kill you by taking that useless nun Raynare is obsessed with. I don't want Raynare or the other bitches to interfere though. I don't give two fucks about that foolish girl.

Maybe one fuck, but then I'd just throw her away like the trash weaklings like her are. So I put up the barrier. Now we can fight to our heart's content.

It will only come down when I release it, which will be when you are on the ground dead," the man explained in satisfaction.

"Or you are," Naruto growled out, pissed at the insinuations he made concerning Asia.

"Of course, but that won't happen," the man exclaimed, seemingly growing more excited by the second. He quickly added, "Don't die too quickly. I'd hate to have to take out my anger on that little nun because you didn't entertain me enough."

Naruto felt his anger grow even more at his words, but restrained himself. This Dohnaseek was both arrogant and sure that he was going to kill Naruto. That's a recipe for some loose lips. This was an opportunity to gain some information. So Naruto quickly questioned, "Why do you all plan to do with Asia-chan? She has no combat abilities."

"I have no interest in her whatsoever, but Raynare does. Claims that her sacred gear will come in handy.

Considering she ran with you though, i bet Raynare is going to resort to desperate measures," Dohnaseek answered without any care whatsoever as to the information he was giving away.

"Desperate measures? What do you mean?" Naruto immediately demanded, knowing that he wasn't going to like the answer.

"Let's just say that your nun won't be able to make any escape attempts again," Dohnaseek stated with a smirk. He then shrugged and added, "As i said though, i don't really care. I only joined with Raynare for a chance to fight. The Grigori is so annoying, ordering us to avoid starting any fights. If that means i have to help some bitch with a nun, then so be it."

Naruto was now barely restraining himself from attacking the man. He was just like Freed. He didn't care at all for anything else than satisfying his own desires.

He was willing to hurt Asia just so he could fight. Between Dohnaseek and Freed, Naruto knew he couldn't let Asia go back with them. This Raynare person only solidified that decision.

With Naruto silent, Dohnaseek acted. Forming a light spear in one hand, he then used his other to remove his hat. Giving a polite bow, he gave Naruto a patronizing smile as he informed him, "Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you know the name of your killer. I am Dohnaseek."

Frowning, Naruto replied as he got into a fighting stance, "Uzumaki Naruto, and I won't let you take Asia-chan."

"Blah, blah, blah. Enough with the talking. Let's get to the fighting!" Dohnaseek screamed, seemingly reaching the end of his patience.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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