Chapter 46: Aching

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Wanting to make the first move, Naruto shot at him. Grunting at the pain in his thigh, Naruto threw his fist forward with all his rook strength.

Dohnaseek blocked it with his light spear, but grunted as his arms caved behind it. The spear pushed into his stomach and his body went flying backwards through the air.

He managed to recover before he collided with a tree by flapping his wings though. That caused Naruto to frown.

The weapon didn't break, meaning it is one of the one's that can hurt him deeply. There was also the matter of dealing Dohnaseek damage.

With him staying in the air, the power behind Naruto's attacks are diffused greatly. He'll just get pushed back.

Naruto's leg injury also meant he didn't have the explosive power for a straight forward attack to be successful.

Dohnaseek didn't give him anymore time to think by flying at him with a gleeful laugh.

Naruto immediately had to dodge the barrage of thrusts from the spear, using his armored gloves to block that which he couldn't dodge.

There weren't any openings for Naruto to take advantage of. Dohnaseek isn't that bad with melee combat. Looks like Naruto will have to be a bit creative.

Dohnaseek let out a cry of triumph when he felt his spear connect with Naruto's chest, but the cry was cut forth when he found a log on the other end of his weapon.

Looking at it in confusion, Dohnaseek tried to turn when he sensed Naruto approaching. Too bad he forgot about the log on the other end of his weapon, the weight preventing him from bringing it to bare quickly enough. So Dohnaseek could only lift his other hand in a block.

Which was broken by the force behind Naruto's flying kick. Naruto's foot connected solidly with Dohnaseek's chest.

The fallen angel was sent flying and couldn't recover before his back connected with a tree barely ten feet behind him. The tree broke under the pressure, and it toppled under Dohnaseek.

Naruto figured that was probably enough, but was quickly proven wrong when Dohnaseek flew back into the air while laughing in delight.

He then declared with a bit of blood leaking from the side of his mouth, "Yes, that's it. Struggle! It will make your death even more satisfying." The fallen angel then dived at Naruto again.

Blocking the series of strikes Dohnaseek sent at him, Naruto decided that being creative was a better option than standing still. So he jumped back away from the fallen angel.

When the winged man followed him, Naruto started jumping through the trees and branches. Naruto was from Konoha, dattebayo. A forest is his home turf.

As shown by the fact that Dohnaseek lost sight of Naruto within seconds. Looking around, Dohnaseek yelled out in annoyance to his unseen opponent, "Hiding like a rat again. Seems you aren't as much of a warrior as I thought."

Hearing noise behind him, he spun around with a grin. The grin dropped when he saw just what had made the noise.

Naruto was standing there twenty meters away. The noise was from him ripping a small boulder from the ground and chucking it at Dohnaseek.

Caught of guard by the unexpected attack, Dohnaseek tried to deflect the boulder with his light spear. That didn't work so well.

The weight of the boulder and the force by which it had been thrown made the idea of deflecting it ridiculous. The light spear broke and the boulder collided with Dohnaseek's shoulder.

The fallen angel let out a cry as he felt something crack, simultaneously entering an uncontrollable spin from the impact on one side of his body. He only stopped when he fell to the ground.

Shaking his head to gather his bearings, Dohnaseek snarled at Naruto. Lifting his good arm, he formed a dozen light spears in the air above him. A simple flick of his wrist sent them at Naruto.

Naruto just contemptuously swiped his arm at them, the weak light spears shattering. Growling, Dohnaseek got to his feet and jumped at Naruto while forming a single light spear in his hand.

The reckless attack was easy for Naruto to dodge. Jumping straight into the air, Naruto flipped so his feet landed on the underside of a thick branch.

Using that, Naruto changed his direction by leaping down. Flipping once again, Naruto landed with a powerful stomp to the ground.

Dohnaseek barely prevented his head from being turned to mush by rolling. He then swung his light spear at Naruto's neck.

Leaning out of the way, Naruto then leaned in and nailed Dohnaseek with a lightning fast jab. With Naruto's rook strength, even that was enough to send Dohnaseek flying backwards.

Skidding on the ground, it was a rough on Dohnaseek's wings. The fallen angel struggled to his feet with another growl, his wings aching from dragging on the ground.

Seeing Naruto just standing there, Dohnaseek once again sent a hail of light spears at Naruto.

And Naruto once again easily destroyed them when they got within his range. Shooting a smirk at Dohnaseek, Naruto practically melted into the shadows of the forest.

Dohnaseek growled at the action, but didn't move. He wasn't going to walk into another trap. Instead he stayed still, searching for his infuriating devil opponent.

Nothing happened for a minute. Suddenly Dohnaseek spun when he heard a cacophony of sound, ready to dodge whatever trick his opponent was throwing at him. His jaw dropped at the sight that greeted him.

He had certainly not expected this. Naruto had gone to the tree he had broken with Dohnaseek's body earlier. Picking it up, he proceeded to chuck it at the fallen angel.

The entire, fully grown tree. Maybe not as hard as a rock and more unwieldy to throw, but dodging a tree baring down on you is practically impossible.

Something Dohnaseek found out when he failed to clear the large mass of branches at the top of the tree-turned-projectile. The fallen angel found himself crushed and buried by the tree.

Naruto breathed deeply as he looked at the tree. Pretty sure he tore something in his shoulder with that move, but it was so worth it.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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