Chapter 48: Gabriel

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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She was not going to mess with God like that. Damn, Naruto is crazy, baiting the Biblical God like that…That does take balls though. Big, brass ones. Even she could admit that.

Archangel Michael had his face buried in his hands as he sat in his private quarters.

A knock came from the door, before a female walked in while asking in concern, "Michael, is everything okay? You just randomly froze up, blushed, and walked in here thirty minutes ago."

Michael didn't respond for a few seconds. He then replied in a tired voice, "Gabriel, just please…Leave me alone right now…Your presence isn't helping."

Gabriel was concerned, but decided to leave her brother alone.

As the door closed behind her, Michael let out another sigh. How long was this reading suppose to last? This was even worse than what the weirdest devil he's ever met usually does.

At least Gabriel left him alone. This scene happened to be a brother-sister incest scene, no doubt chosen for the taboo of it.

Needless to say, the last person he wanted to see right now is his sister, who is regarded as the most beautiful woman in heaven. That was just asking for trouble.

What would happen if he did succumb? He is the center of the heaven system right now? Could he even fall?

Ah! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts! Think of old, wrinkly testicles...Eww!

He is so going to get the cause of his torment back for this! His natural magnetism for perverts is going to multiply by ten. Ten! May he drown in perverts!

Naruto shivered suddenly. Aw crap, he has a bad feeling. Guess it was only inevitable. Maybe he is a masochist.

Why else would he do something guaranteed to come to bite him in the ass?…Nah. This is just him being a prankster. Now how is he going to escalate this battle between him and god next?

Interestingly, it was a strand of hair that woke Naruto up. It was tickling his nose. Scrunching his nose up, he shook his head to try and remove it.

Even that failed, so he mustered up the strength to raised an arm to move it. Grabbing the strand of hair, he flicked it away.

That seemed to be enough to force the darkness away from him though, and he couldn't get back to sleep. So he sighed before opening his eyes.

Closing them from the bright glare from the window, he gradually opened his eyes. Blinking blankly, he sat up.

He blinked in confusion as he looked around the unfamiliar room. He was lying in a large Victorian bed, in a smallish room that only had a large dresser otherwise.

There was window that was letting in the light, showing that the sun was at the point it was just about to sink beyond the horizon.

Anymore thoughts were cut off when Naruto shifted his body and his hand fell onto something squishy.

Tilting his head in wonder, he squeezed the object again. A soft moan punctuated the action. Having a suspicion on what it is, he turned to look himself.

Yep, it is Rias, and he's groping one of her breasts. That was made easier by the fact that she was naked.

Naruto questioned why he was in bed with a naked Rias, but his brain wasn't quite functioning too well at the moment. Instead his thought wandered to her breasts.

Nice. Very nice. Quite large, but still maintaining a very appealing shape. They sat perky and round on her chest, despite her laying on her back. No prominent veins or discolorations.

Her cute little pink nipples were perfectly positioned. Each breath she took caused them to jiggle enticingly. With another tilt of his head, Naruto's hand took a quick squeeze.

Firm, with a superior elasticity. These are some grade-A breasts. Right up there with Samui and Shion.

Rias' crimson hair was also stunning in how it spread around her. Her cute face was relaxed and content in her sleep.

It's a pretty large contrast to her serious and stressed look he usually sees on her face. Her thin waist was shown, but her hips and legs were covered by the blanket.

Naruto blinked in shock as his brain finally started to work properly instead of absently admiring the scene he was treated to.

Why was he in bed with Rias? Why was she naked?

And what happened with the fallen angel, Dohnaseek? Wait…Asia!


"Ara ara, it appears Naruto-kun has woken up," Akeno announced as the shout rang out through the old school building.

"And it doesn't appear he is happy either," Yuuto commented with an anxious chuckle.

"Not a surprise. Senpai is…passionate…and loud," Koneko muttered as she stopped eating her snack. Probably not a good idea right now.

Anymore dialogue was cut off when the door to Rias' room burst open, revealing Naruto in all his glory. His head looked around rapidly before settling on Yuuto. Naruto immediately demanded, "Yuuto, what happened? Where's Asia?"

Yuuto lowered his gaze at the question, forcing Naruto's heart to clench. It was practically unnecessary when Yuuto answered simply, "Things did not end well, Naruto."

Naruto immediately growled out, "What happened?!"

"Calm down, Naruto-kun," a new voice ordered. Naruto turned to see Rias appearing from behind him. Not a surprise. He did yell out right next to her. Not much chance of her not sleeping through that. She didn't even bother covering her nudity, instead locking eyes with him intently and continuing, "We'll tell you what you want to know, so calm down. I really doubt you want an explanation while in the nude."

Naruto blinked before looking down. He then groaned out, "Aw, crap." Turns out he had been naked as well, and hadn't even noticed.

He had some bandages around his chest and his right thigh, but he was otherwise bare. Great, he'd just flashed the entire club. Turning around, he walked back into the room and shut the door behind him.

"Ara ara. Naruto-kun is as much man as the rumors state," Akeno commented with her amusement clear, a hand raised to cover her salacious grin.

Koneko's eyes just twitched as the image replayed in her mind.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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