(Chapter 49: Disown

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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That was more of her annoying senpai than she wanted to see, and caused a thought to pop into her head.

Her eyes moved to Rias' exposed chest, which seemed to jiggle for no reason when she looked at it.

Another twitch of her eyebrow. Her eyes then moved to Akeno's chest. Another eye twitch. She then looked down at her own chest.

"Our club is a gathering ground for oversized sexual organs," she grumbled as she protectively cupped her own lacking chest. She then added, "There's nothing wrong with being small…right Yuuto?"

"Hey," Yuuto immediately protested, not happy at her insinuation about his size.

Rias just shook her head. Pinching the brow of her nose, she told them, "Akeno, can you get me a uniform? Everyone else, ready yourself. I doubt this is going to be a fun conversation."

Five minutes later Naruto was sitting on one of the couches, Koneko next to him. He was dressed in the academy uniform.

Anyone could tell by his body language though that he was barely restraining himself from freaking out.

Looking at Yuuto, Naruto growled out impatiently, "Yuuto, what happened?"

Sighing, Yuuto answered carefully, "Well, you beat the fallen angel you were fighting…kind of. He was dead, but it was clear you were about to join him."

"I mean, what happened to Asia?" Naruto grunted out irritably.

"Just keep calm, Naruto-kun. Let Yuuto explain," Rias ordered in a scolding tone.

Naruto frowned, but waited as Yuuto began, "After we split up, I did my best to lose the fallen angels that were chasing me. I succeeded, and then went to try and find you. Except I couldn't. Your signature was just gone."

"Dohnaseek put up a barrier to prevent anyone from interfering," Naruto informed them.

"I figured. Either way, it wasn't till the barrier dropped that I could sense you. I arrived right at the same time as the fallen angels. The fallen angel was dead, but you were on the ground with two gaping holes in your chest.

One through your heart. The nun was healing you," Yuuto hesitated here before slowly continuing, "The other three fallen angels got there at the same time. I got ready to fight them, but they claimed that they didn't want to fight. They announced that as long as the nun went with them, they would leave us peacefully. The nun agreed, and went with them."

"And you let her go?" Naruto demanded, outraged.

"What did you want me to do, Naruto?" Yuuto asked with a grimace that showed he wasn't happy about his actions either. Naruto clearly cared enough about the nun to risk his life for her, and he had clearly failed his friend by letting her go.

He elaborated regretfully, "There were three of them, Naruto. Even if we ignore the political implications of battling with the fallen angels, I couldn't have won. Not outnumbered like that. Especially since I would have had to defend you and the nun. If I had tried to fight, the same thing would have happened. Except you and I wouldn't be here."

Naruto wanted to protest. To rage against Yuuto's words, but he couldn't. There was nothing Yuuto could have done. He'd simply made the best of a bad situation.

Seeing Naruto and Yuuto weren't going to speak, Rias explained, "You were critically injured, Naruto-kun. A deep gash in your leg, two stab wounds to your torso, one of which nicked your heart. The only reason you survived is because the nun managed to heal the damage to your heart before she was taken away. As it is, you only barely made it."

Yuuto quickly added, "Buchou spent all night with you. She ran out of energy, and Akeno had to replace her. Akeno then ran out several hours ago, and Buchou had to step in again. You've been asleep for 18 hours. You still aren't completely healed."

Naruto grimaced at that, and looked at his chest. The wounds were mainly gone, but they were still very tender. Hard to believe he'd had two holes in his chest the previous night. It was like having Kurama inside of him again.

"Now we need to discuss your punishment," Rias announced, showing her displeasure as she looked at him. Seeing Naruto's baffled look, she explained sternly, "You picked a fight with the fallen angels by kidnapping one of their servants. Even if she wanted your help, what you did was irresponsible and dangerous. You also directly disobeyed me. I cannot let behavior like that go off without punishment."

Naruto lowered his head at her words, his bangs shadowing his eyes. He gritted his teeth before muttering, "Then double it."

Rias blinked in confusion before asking, "What?"

"I said double it," Naruto replied. Standing up, he declared firmly, "Double whatever punishment you have in mind because I'm about to pick another fight with the fallen angels. I'm going to go rescue Asia, and this time I won't fail."

"No!" Rias yelled, shooting to her feet and slamming her hands down on her desk hrshly. She then told him sternly, "You are part of my peerage, and thus part of my household. Your actions aren't just your own, Naruto! They reflect upon me and my entire family. It's a miracle that things didn't spiral out of control yesterday already. You kidnapped one of their servants, and then killed a fallen angel. The only reason they backed off after getting the nun is because they were no doubt thinking you wouldn't last the night. If you attack them again, the implications could be catastrophic."

"Then kick me out of your household," Naruto immediately barked out before continuing defiantly, "Disown me. Hell, I'll even let you rip your rook piece out of me tomorrow. I don't care what the consequences are for me-"

Naruto was cut off when Rias' open hand connected with his cheek. Naruto blinked in shock as his cheek stung. He then looked at Rias with wide eyes as she hissed out with barely controlled emotions heavy in her voice, "Don't even talk about that. You aren't thinking straight right now. You are letting your emotions rule you."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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