Chapter 50: Disobeyed

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Touching his bright red cheek, Naruto's eyes only grew more determined as he whispered, "I am. My emotions have always guided me. That isn't a bad thing in my opinion though. I refuse to sit here calmly while a friend needs me…I will save Asia.

I'm not going to let them hurt her simply because I'm afraid of the fallout. Because I know, in my heart, that that is the right thing to do." Turning his back on Rias, Naruto started walking to the door as he added, "You stay here and do the logical thing. Disown me. I will follow my heart, and go save Asia."

"If you go, you will almost certainly die," Rias told him angrily, barely holding in her disbelief at her servant completely going against her orders. She quickly elaborated when she saw Naruto stop, "You nearly died fighting one fallen angel.

There are at least three more guarding the nun, and who knows how many stray exorcists or other servants. I have no doubt you've kept secrets from me. Kept certain abilities hidden, but trying to assault a fallen angel base alone is practically a suicide mission. No matter what things you have kept hidden, there is a strong chance you will die."

"You act like I'm afraid of death," Naruto remarked after a few seconds of silence. Without looking back, he continued, "I already embraced death once, and have faced it down dozens of other times.

No, I'm not afraid of death…What I'm afraid of is a future where I can't look myself in the mirror for shame. Of a future where I let a silly little thing like a fear of dying keep me from doing what I believe is right. I'd rather die tonight than live a life like that." He started walking again.

Rias' hands shook as she saw Naruto continue walking towards the door. Finally she just yelled desperately, "You are being stupid!"

Naruto once again paused, this time right in the middle of the doorframe. Chuckling, he replied with a shrug, "Maybe I am. It's a good thing I never claimed to be smart then because if being smart means letting an innocent girl be killed…I'd prefer to be an idiot for the rest of my life."

And with that, he was gone.

Rias just stared at the door for several moments before slowly sitting down in a daze. She then leaned forward and put her face in her hands. A massive sigh escaped her lips as her mind raced in disbelief.

Sensing Akeno appear behind her, Rias asked in a depressed voice, "What should I do, Akeno?"

"Ara ara, Buchou asking for advice? Just like a month ago. What an interesting month it has been," Akeno commented airily.

"Please, Akeno. Just be serious," Rias pleaded before waving a hand and continuing, "Naruto and I have been getting along. We joke around. Tease each other. Yet now he's disobeying my orders, practically ordering me to announce him a stray. I don't get how things could have gone bottom up so quickly."

Akeno sighed as she realized just how distressed Rias was by this turn of events. So she finally spoke up seriously, "No offense, Rias, but you are the only one here that is surprised by Naruto's actions. Can you seriously claim you didn't think Naruto would go stomping out of that door when he learned this Asia was back with the fallen angels?"

"What would make you think Naruto would willingly pick a fight with fallen angels to save some random girl?" Rias questioned in disbelief, not understanding what Akeno meant.

"You are thinking too exact, Rias. It's not about whether we knew he would pick a fight with fallen angels to save a random girl. What we knew was that Naruto would do his best to help his friends. That's what is going on.

Naruto is going to help his friend. The fallen angels. That she is a nun. Those are just details in his mind. He's going to help his friend. That's the only thing going through his mind," Akeno explained like it was obvious.

"But she isn't his friend," Rias argued.

"You saw how protective Naruto-kun was of her. Do you really believe they hadn't met before?" Akeno asked with a raised eyebrow. When Rias didn't reply, she continued, "It's pretty obvious that Naruto met that girl before. Maybe she is one of the friends he'd made during his volunteer work. Or not. Either way, Naruto seems to consider her his friend."

"Okay, fine. She's his friend, but that still doesn't change the fact that he directly disobeyed me," Rias stated in annoyance.

"You really don't know Naruto-kun, do you, Rias?" Akeno asked, clearly not happy at Rias' statement.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Rias demanded, uncomfortable with the anger she was seeing in her queen's eyes.

"Rias. Naruto is like wild stallion. He runs free whether you want him to or not. You aren't going to tame him.

The best you can do is befriend him. He'll answer your call, even carry you on his back if you need him to, but he won't be your pet. He won't let you chain him. Yuuto knows this. I know this.

Hell, even Koneko knows this. It seems you alone don't seem to understand this. Not that I'm too surprised. You haven't made much of an attempt to get to know him," Akeno explained seriously.

"I've made plenty of attempts to get to know Naruto-kun. I taught him magic," Rias claimed indignantly.

"True, but did you talk to him about anything else other than magic during those lessons?" Akeno asked with a raised eyebrow. Seeing the answer in Rias' face, Akeno shook her head before telling her, "Let's face it, Rias.

You took the time to learn about Naruto's combat abilities and basic history, but then you shoved him to the side. You saw that he was a competent fighter and that he quickly adapted to being a devil, so you decided you could turn your attention elsewhere. You've spent more time this month studying strategies for Rating Games than you have talking to Naruto-kun."

"That isn't true," Rias claimed, although it was easy to see the uncertainty in her eyes.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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