Chapter 52: Arm

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Okay, he's still a genin, but he means before he had gone on the training trip with Jiraiya. He hadn't taken Freed seriously enough, allowing the exorcist to survive till the fallen angels had come.

He tried to hide in an obvious space like the park, allowing Dohnaseek to find him. He'd prioritized getting information out of Dohnaseek over finishing him and getting Asia to safety.

Most of all, Naruto had gotten cocky when it became clear he outclassed Dohnaseek. That had allowed the fallen angel to target Asia, and near fatally injure Naruto. One thing after another.

Naruto had clearly lost his edge since coming to this world because he was sure the Naruto that defeated Pein or fought Madara wouldn't have done such a poor job of protecting Asia, decreased power or not.

He would have pulled out all the stops to rescue his friend. He would have fought and struggled till he succeeded.

Instead Naruto had botched it.

Not again though. He was going to pull out all the stops this time. He would rescue Asia or he would die trying.

His mind firm and unwavering, Naruto started walking forward. Once he was right in front of the gate, he raised his leg.

A power packed kick sent the large gates flying. The metal crashed onto the ground, making a ruckus in the process. Just what he wanted.

Naruto only got ten steps in before three blurs came out of the church entrance. Naruto stopped and watched seriously as the three blurs alighted on the ground a short distance from him. He wasn't surprised to see they were fallen angels.

All three of them were females. The one on the right was a petite blonde hair done up in short pigtails and blue eyes. She seemed to be wearing a gothic Lolita dress. A black dress with lots of white frills.

The one on the left was a more mature woman. She had navy blue hair which fell over her right eye. She was tall and rather buxom, facts that were highlighted by her cleavage displaying shirt and a miniskirt.

The one in the center seemed to be the leader, having the strongest magic signature of the three. She was a brunette with violet eyes. Her generously curved figure was covered by what can only be described as leather straps.

A single strap wrapped around her breasts, covering her nipples. Just under her breasts was a thicker strap which seemed to serve no purpose really.

What appeared to be a skimpy bikini bottom or leather thong covered her crotch. Otherwise she had shoulder pads, leather gloves that went to her upper arm, and leather thigh high boots.

It was kind of ridiculous that the gloves and boots covered more skin than her top and bottoms.

The apparent leader looked at him with a tilted head, a smirk on her face. She then commented in amusement, "So you lived. Actually rather impressive. We thought for sure you were a goner.

Clearly you suffered some brain damage though, since you came here like this." Naruto didn't answer in favor of just looking at her seriously. Ordinarily he would have fired back by commenting on how she was wearing belts as clothing, but he was not interested in bantering.

She didn't seem bothered by his silence though, and just lifted her hands in a 'what-can-you-do' gesture before continuing, "You even got here before we could finish preparing the ceremony. It is taking a bit longer without Dohnaseek, but we'll manage. We'll just use this opportunity to play with you a bit. You did kill Dohnaseek after all. The man was a pain, but that doesn't mean we'll let you off. Kalawarner. Mittelt."

The two others quickly jumped into the air. Naruto tensed in preparation, but they didn't attack him.

The two just hovered as magic circles formed in front of them. After they finished whatever is was that they were doing, a purple dome formed above the church. A barrier. The two quickly dropped back down.

The little blonde then told Naruto mockingly, "And now no help will be coming for you. We've got you all to ourselves."

The older one then added, "Three women all to yourself. Isn't this a man's dream? The reality doesn't quite match the fantasy, but I heard it is better to be optimistic when about to die."

When Naruto still didn't respond, the leader tilted her head and questioned in a teasing voice, "What's wrong? Cat-got-your-tongue? Too scared to say anything? Come on. This isn't as fun for us if you don't play along."

"I'm only going to give you one warning," Naruto finally announced. Making sure to look each of them in the eyes, he took a deep breath before declaring seriously, "Let Asia go. If you do that, I shall leave without a fight. If you insist upon keeping her though, I cannot guarantee you won't be the same after tonight."

The three blinked at him in shock before they burst out laughing in unison. The leader held a hand to her face as she giggled. She then removed it to show a wide smile as she retorted happily, "That's good. I needed a good laugh. Keep saying things like that, and I'll be tempted to keep you."

"I warned you," Naruto replied solemnly.

"Yes, you did. Now let's see if you can back up your bark, little boy," the leader said, clearly not intimidated in the least by Naruto.

Not only was she stronger than Dohnaseek, but she had two allies by her side while he was alone. Crossing her arms, she looked at him expectantly with a small smile.

Just blatantly showing how unworried she was by his threat.

Never say Naruto isn't prepared to back up his words. He may talk loud, but he is always ready to back them up. He'd rather gnaw off his own arm then break a promise.

So he just took a deep breath as he held his right arm out to the side. The fallen angels didn't even attempt to stop whatever it was he was planning, their arrogance at play.

A golden magic circle immediately formed before Naruto's outstretched hand.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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