Chapter 53: Grumbled

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Naruto could still feel it though, and he searched the pocket dimension with his hand. Feeling his hand come into contact with what he was looking for, he grasped it and started pulling his hand back.

His arm was drawn back out of the magic circle. When it got to his hand though, it revealed he had something grasped in his hand.

Slowly, inch by inch the object was revealed. First the handle and hilt were revealed, intricate blue and gold designs were embedded into it. Several small purple gems were placed along the center.

The long blade was then exposed to the air. The blade was golden, the sharpened edges a gleaming silver.

Several runes were inscribed at the base of the blade, and the tip had a blue symbol. It was a beautiful sword, almost grandiose.

It wasn't just showy either. As soon as the golden magic circle Naruto had pulled it from disappeared, it was like a dam had burst.

The immediate area around them was bathed in a holy aura. Enough power that it felt like it was pressing down on everyone in its presence.

The fallen angels all reacted in shock and horror as they felt the holy power of the sword. The leader immediately screeched as she took a step back, "Where did you get a true holy sword? And how can a devil wield it?"

Holding the sword in front of him in a ready position, Naruto informed them in a blank voice of stating fact, "This is Excalibur Ruler, the Holy Sword of Control. An important friend gifted me with it. As for why I wield it…I wield it because she entrusted it to me, and I never betray those who place their trust in me. Being a devil won't prevent that."

"Excalibur Ruler! Crap! Stay away from-" The leader shrieked as the three prepared to try and flee.

"Too late. Obey!" Naruto interrupted as he invoked Excalibur Ruler's ability to control anything the wielder wishes.

The sword immediately shined brightly, the light invading the eyes of everyone who could see it. The fallen angels screamed as they were engulfed.

The light remained for a second before it blinked out. Naruto looked to see the three fallen angels standing where they had before.

Except they weren't about to flee any longer. The three were just standing there, their eyes blank and glazed over.

"I warned you, but now I got to save Asia. I'll deal with you three later," Naruto muttered as he walked past the three hypnotized fallen angels.

With the main threats dealt with, Naruto strode into the church with a determined gait. He looked around in annoyance when he saw it was empty.

Closing his eyes, Naruto drew upon a miniscule amount of natural energy. He didn't have the reserves to try and enter Sage Mode right now, but he could still call upon the sensor capabilities his sage training had given him.

It only took a second for Naruto to locate Asia, especially since she was surrounded by about sixty people Naruto suspected to be stray exorcists. There was a large underground chamber under the church.

Naruto quickly strode towards where he sensed the entrance tunnel with single-minded focus. Reaching the wooden altar, Naruto didn't hesitate to smack it with his open left hand.

The altar was destroyed, the fragments flying through the air to hit the stone wall. In its place was the hidden tunnel.

Naruto headed down quickly. There were quite a lot of steps. It felt like he descended a hundred before he finally came out into the large stone chamber.

The roof was at least thirty meters tall, and the entire room was probably fifty meters long and wide. Good.

This room had clearly been structurally stabilized with magic by the fallen angels. That meant Naruto could go all out without worry about the place collapsing on top of him.

His eyes were then drawn to the mass of exorcists. They were all dressed in black robes, with black hoods covering their faces. Only their eyes and mouths were shown. Almost all of them were holding light swords.

Naruto's eyes then moved onward to see that the stray exorcists were standing protectively before a large, pyramid-like platform.

On top of which rested Asia, right before a large ornate cross. She was dressed in a dirty tan slip instead of her nun attire. She was down on her knees, looking at him in shock. Standing right beside her was Freed.

"Oh, looks like the shitty devil got past the fallen angels. How annoying, bur exciting for me. Now I get to watch you die myself," Freed exclaimed loudly.

Naruto ignored the insane priest entirely in favor of locking eyes with Asia. Flashing her a confident smile, he declared, "Don't you worry, Asia-chan. I'll rescue you, no problem. It's a promise. Just wait up there for a few minutes."

Asia looked shocked, but eventually broke into a grin. With tears forming in her eyes, she nodded at him.

"Hey, shitty devil. Don't ignore me," Freed screamed in anger.

Naruto brushed off his words in favor of looking at the gathering of priests. He then announced, "I'll do the same thing for you all that I did for the fallen angels. I'll give you one warning. Let Asia go. If you do that, I shall leave without a fight. If you insist on keeping her though, expect me to come at you full strength. I'll hold nothing back."

"Eh, shitty devil is making threats now. Fuck off with that shit. Those bitches apparently failed to deal with you, but you're probably tired now. We also outnumber you," Freed grumbled in annoyance.

Naruto just shrugged at his words. Freed's words were true. Despite getting past the fallen angels without a fight, using Excalibur Ruler was draining.

The process by which it controlled others is energy demanding. Thankfully the energy consumption partly relied upon the wills of the one using it and the one being affected.

Those fallen angels weren't shmucks when it came to willpower, but Naruto was widely known for his indomitable will.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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