Chapter 54: Sliced

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It was no contest. So it had taken comparatively little energy to control them than if they had the stronger willpower, but it was still a good amount.

To get all three of them Naruto had used a good chunk of his chakra. He didn't have enough left to control all sixty exorcists here.

So he had to fight them using more conventional methods, where their numbers could be used against him. He was still confident though.

"I warned you," Naruto told them seriously.

The exorcists all prepared to charge towards Naruto to swarm him en mass, but Naruto always preferred having the first move.

With a jump Naruto launched himself into the air. Predicting his arc and when he would hit the ground, Naruto started flipping as he came down.

Landing right in the middle of the exorcists, Naruto's flip was perfect so that his heel connected with the ground first.

The exorcists had all gotten out of the way of the blindingly obvious axe kick, but they had no way of knowing what a reaction the attack would cause.

"Tsutenkyaku," Naruto announced as the ground cracked and exploded around the impact zone of his kick. The stone ground shattered, and large pieces of the ground shot upwards.

The exorcists were completely caught off guard. Those closest to Naruto were knocked down either by the ground collapsing under them or from being victims of the flying stones his kick had launched into the air.

Those further away had to raise their hands up to prevent the dust and rocks filling the air from getting into their eyes.

Which was a perfect opportunity for Naruto to attack. Kicking off the nearest stone piece, Naruto shot towards the nearest cluster of exorcists.

Lifting Excalibur Ruler, Naruto slashed at the nearest exorcist. The exorcist lifted his light blade to block.

Now, Excalibur Ruler is not the most destructive sword. Even among the fragments of Excalibur. Despite being hailed as the strongest fragment, it wasn't meant to be a massively overpowered sword.

It didn't launch blasts of holy energy or destroy everything it touched. It was instead a more elegant sword, with its main ability being its control capability.

However it still was a 'true' holy sword. When used with Naruto's rook strength behind it, the cheap, mass produced light swords of the exorcists didn't stand a chance.

They shattered like glass. Excalibur Ruler than continued, slicing clean through the closest exorcist's waist to cut into the two behind him as well. Just like that, three exorcists down.

Naruto turned and jumped towards the next closest group of exorcists, and like that the slaughter began.

Naruto did not have Yuuto's skill with a blade. He didn't have any skill with a blade. While passable with a kunai, trying to use Excalibur Ruler like a kunai was just stupid.

So he didn't even try to be elegant or graceful while using Excalibur Ruler. He instead embraced waving it around like a club. It worked after all.

The exorcists couldn't block his strikes. Their weapons shattered from the force Naruto was putting into his swings.

With wide swings he could hit any that were close together. Any that got close to him also fell prey to his wild swings.

A number of the exorcists took out guns like Freed had used the previous night, but those failed to change anything either. Naruto completely ignored the ineffective shots.

They just bounced off. Instead he just continued to wade into any nearby groups of exorcists. It helped that none of them proved as good with them as Freed had been.

As long as he kept moving, most of the shots missed him. Some hit their own guys.

Naruto felt like a butcher, but he didn't back down. He'd warned them. These guys had been willing to harm Asia for her Sacred Gear. They chose for things to end up this way.

Naruto's rhythm was interrupted when he felt Excalibur Ruler stop in the rib cage of an exorcist. With a frown, he tried to pull it out. It stayed in their stubbornly though. It was stuck in the guy's bones.

Naruto would have just pulled it out with brute force, but several nearby exorcists saw the chance.

One tried to slice through Naruto's arm that was grasping Excalibur Ruler, forcing Naruto to let go. A simple hook with his now free right hand broke the guy's jaw and sent him flying.

Seeing more exorcists trying to attack now that Naruto was weaponless, Naruto decided to revert to good old fisticuffs.

Pressing one hand against a nearby boulder from when Naruto had broken the floor, he used chakra to make it stick to his hand.

He then chucked it at the group. The results were not pretty for those that were hit. Naruto followed in the wake of the boulder as well, using quick strikes to finish any that had managed to avoid.

Taking the exorcists out was more difficult now that he couldn't just randomly wade into he enemy while swinging his sword around.

The light swords couldn't damage Naruto too badly, but he wasn't going to risk them managing to slice a muscle, tendon, or important artery.

So he made sure to avoid the weapons of the enemy. It involved much more darting around then before.

Naruto jumped on any lone exorcist, and chucked boulders at any groups that tried to attack him.

Several times he grabbed the arms of those who were swinging at him, and threw them into walls with bone breaking force.

With most of the exorcists already sliced down, it only took Naruto a few minutes to finish off the remnants.

Although he didn't come out unscathed. He got a few wounds in the process of cutting the exorcists down.

His sleeveless shirt had been turned to scrap by all the light bullets. His right forearm sported a shallow cut.

The most annoying was a small cut on his hairline though, which caused a stream of blood to run down one side of his face. He was mostly unharmed though.

Any feeling of triumph was cut off when he heard an insane laughter. Naruto turned to see Freed holding Excalibur Ruler.


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