Chapter 55: Raynare

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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His eyes widened in shock. What the?! Selene had told him people capable of suing holy swords are extremely rare. It's why he felt confident with leaving it there.

Of course Freed happens to be able to use them. That's just Naruto's luck. As soon as he lets Excalibur Ruler out of his grasp, someone who can use it is right there.

Naruto immediately demanded, "How are you holding Excalibur Ruler?!"

"Haha, it worked. I thought that old fucker was messing with me, but it worked. He actually gave me the ability to wield a true holy sword," Freed declared gleefully.

He then looked at Naruto with a menacing smirk as he continued, "Thanks, shitty devil. I always wanted one of these, but I wasn't considered 'stable' enough.

Even after that old fucker experimented on me, they told me to 'wait for the right time' and all that shit. Now I've got the strongest fragment of Excalibur. Not sure where you got this, and I sure as hell don't care.

All I know is that I'll put this to good use, and I know of a few people who will really like this development.

First I'll kill you, and then I think I'll control that shitty nun you are so infatuated with. She seems like she'll be a good slave. Yep, I'll have a lot of fun with her.

Hell, those fallen angel bitches too. Never liked them. The possibilities are endless. Dealing with you is first though. I'm going to really enjoy this you shitty devil. Now stand still and let me cut you up."

The end of his spiel was punctuated by Excalibur Ruler lighting up again.

Naruto had tried to reach Freed before it could set in, but he just didn't have that sort of speed. He cursed as he felt Excalibur Ruler start affecting his mind.

The light died down to show Naruto standing with his head down, his hair shadowing his eyes. Seeing that he was helpless, Freed jumped forward. With a gleeful cackle he swung the blade at Naruto.

"Don't fuck with me!" Naruto screamed as he moved. Slipping under the swing, Naruto grabbed under Freed's shoulder and tossed him over his hip with Freed's momentum.

Freed went flying down the length of the chamber, finally landing in a heap. As the insane priest got up while cursing profusely, Naruto pointed at him and declared with a powerful resolve, "Don't act so confident just because you have a fancy sword in your hand. You know nothing about that sword."

"Excalibur Ruler is heavily dependent upon the wills of both the wielder and the victim. I promised Asia I would rescue her.

I never break my promises. I shall rescue her, and no one can change that. Not you, not Excalibur Ruler, not even god himself.

Someone like you can never understand that sort of resolve. You may be able to hold that sword, but you will never be able to use its power to control me," Naruto proclaimed boldly.

"Shitty fucking sword. Not doing what it was frickin built to do," Freed snapped as he got to his feet. Growling at Naruto, he held up the sword as he snarled out, "Fine then. Fight back. I've got a fucking holy sword now, devil. One scratch with this and you are done. So bring it on!"

"You won't get one scratch," Naruto claimed, unflinching at the thought of battling with a holy sword.

"Just die already, you shitty devil," Freed screamed out as he charged at Naruto.

Naruto shot forward as well. As the two approached, Naruto held out his armored hand while Freed swung Excalibur Ruler.

Freed's sneer widened as it became clear Naruto was going to try and catch the sword. That was not going to work against a holy sword, armored gloves or not.

Right as it looked inevitable that Naruto would lose a hand, Naruto locked eyes with Freed. The exorcist immediate froze up, stopping all movement.

Naruto took advantage of the opportunity. His raised hand caught Freed's wrist, snapping it with a flick of his wrist.

Freed's damaged wrist caused him to drop Excalibur Ruler. Naruto then stepped forward, lifting up his leg.

"You first, shitty priest!" Naruto yelled as the bottom of his foot connected with Freed's chest.

The front snap kick had enough power to send Freed flying backward till he connected with the wall, a sickening crack sounding out. The priest fell to the ground limply.

Temporary Paralysis Technique for the win. The simple technique allowed one to temporarily restrain an opponent through eye contact.

It appeared devils and fallen angels were immune to it. It's a good thing Freed is a human then. It only works for a second if the victim is strong, but Naruto had just proved one second is more than enough.

Naruto bent down and grabbed Excalibur Ruler's handle as he grumbled, "Taking my sword. If he wants it so bad I'm willing to shove it up his ass."

With his holy sword safely back in his possession, Naruto's mind wandered back to just why he had come here. His head snapped up and he yelled out, "Asia." Seeing her still on top of the platform, Naruto started running in her direction. Quickly climbing the steps, he soon arrived right in front of her. He immediately crouched down and started looking over her as he questioned in concern, "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Asia just watched him with wide eyes. After a few seconds though her eyes started watering. Naruto immediately panicked in response, but she threw herself at him before he could ask her anything. Burying her head in his chest and throwing her arms around him, she sobbed out, "I-I was so s-scared. R-Raynare-sama said she wanted my Twilight Healing. S-She was going to t-t-take it."

Naruto was caught off guard, but eventually managed to recover enough to wrap his arms around the crying nun. He then whispered to her soothingly, "There, there. They can't hurt you now."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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