Chapter 56: Whoa

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Y-yes, but you know what?" Asia replied with her face still buried in his chest, muffling the words slightly. She then looked at Naruto to show that despite her teary eyes, she was beaming. She then declared, "I knew Naruto-san would come. I didn't pray to god. I didn't say my prayers. My life didn't flash before my eyes. Because I knew you would come rescue me."

That surprised Naruto, but he quickly gave her a wide grin as he exclaimed, "Of course. I promised to protect you, and I always keep my promises."

Putting her face back against his chest when she felt herself blushing, she nodded her head at his words. She then mumbled into his chest, "Meeting you really was a gift from god, Naruto-san."

Naruto raised his free hand to scratch the back of his head sheepishly at that. A gift from god, huh? That isn't going to inflate his ego.

Looking around at the scattered bodies littering the floor of the chamber, Naruto let out a sigh. Pulling away from Asia, he looked at her before asking softly, "Do you think you can do something for me, Asia-chan?"

Asia looked surprised at the question, but quickly nodded her head and answered, "Of course, Naruto-san. Whatever you want, I'll do it."

"Do you think you can go check on the exorcists? Heal any of them?" Naruto asked awkwardly. Seeing Asia's surprised look, he scratched his head before explaining awkwardly, "I know I gave them a choice. I know they were standing between me and you. I know some of them probably deserved to die…but I've never been comfortable with killing. I'll probably regret it, but I'd prefer to save any that can be."

Asia just stared at him with wide eyes, but then nodded with a wide smile and answered, "Okay. I'll heal any that I can.

"Thanks, Asia-chan. I know I'm being kind of selfish here. They were just holding you after all. This is probably hard for you," Naruto said to her regretfully.

"No. It's fine," Asia quickly claimed before looking at him in admiration while adding, "It's nice that you care. Even if you just were fighting them, you value their lives. You care about even your enemies. That isn't something you should ever have to apologize for, Naruto-san. That is a trait that just proves how beautiful a soul you have."

And that caused Naruto to blush. He looked away, not quite sure how to respond. Asia seemed to realize what she said.

She squeaked and looked at the ground, her face flushed. After a few moments of this, Asia started scurrying down the steps to start looking for any of the injured that could be saved.

Naruto quickly added, "Except Freed." That maniac just needed to die.

Asia nodded and started looking over all the bodies. It quickly became clear that the vast majority of them were already dead. Naruto had kept his word about not holding back.

Some of the exorcists had been entirely bisected at their waists, some were decapitated, and lets not forget those Naruto chucked boulders at. A human doesn't take a boulder to the face without things getting messy.

Asia managed to find a few that had gone into shock from losing a limb to Naruto. Those she managed to patch up. They'd still lose the limb, but they'd live.

Most of the ones she managed to save were those that had received friendly fire from their buddies with the light guns.

In the end Asia had only managed to work on just short a dozen exorcists, one or two likely to still pass away. Maybe ten survivors of a group of sixty.

Naruto was actually impressed by Asia. It was a messy scene, what with bisected bodies and crushed skulls.

Yet she didn't flinch or shy away. She just got a firm look on her face and continued working.

"Okay, I think that's it. I've done what I can for those I could help," Asia finally announced as she stopped healing one exorcist who had received three light bullets to the stomach.

"Alright. Good job, Asia-chan," Naruto said from where he had been sitting. While she had been working, he'd been taking a breather.

He still had a bit of chakra, but he had just tanked sixty exorcists. That is rather intense, and he needed a bit of a rest.

"Thanks, but I wish I could have helped more of them," Asia claimed while looking at the ground sadly.

"Look at me Asia-chan," Naruto ordered her as he stood up and approached her. She hesitantly followed the order. Looking her in the eyes, Naruto laid his hands on her shoulders as he told her firmly, "If it wasn't for you, those ten wouldn't stand a chance. I'm the one that killed the others. That's on me. You just saved ten lives. That's a magnificent job. No one could expect more."

"T-Thank you, Naruto-san," Asia whispered shyly, blushing and averting her eyes. She then opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly lost her balance.

"Whoa," Naruto exclaimed as he caught the falling nun. He then asked in concern, "Are you okay, Asia-chan?"

"Y-Yes, Naruto-san. I'm just feeling a bit lightheaded," Asia claimed sheepishly.

Naruto frowned as he mentally berated himself. Of course she would be tired. Who knows when the fallen angels had last allowed her to eat.

Not to mention the emotional stress from being held prisoner, and then rescued. Finally healing life threatening injuries of ten people.

She was just reaching the end of her rope mentally. She needed time for rest and relaxation. To absorb all that had happened.

What Naruto did next was only natural. Hooking an arm under her legs, while making sure to keep the sword he had in the hand from cutting her, he lifted her up into a bridal carry while saying, "Up you go."

Asia blushed profusely at the action and immediately stuttered out, "W-What a-are you d-doing, Naruto-san?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're clearly tired, so I'm going to carry you out of here," Naruto replied nonchalantly.

"T-That is unnecessary. I am fine," Asia claimed with her embarrassment clear.

"Nonsense. You've been through enough, and I asked you to use your powers.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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