Chapter 59: Raynare

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"Okay, okay. It appears that the very…essence of angels revolve around their moral choices. It appears to be why angels suffer physical changes if they indulge in one of the seven deadly sins, becoming fallen angels. It doesn't just stop there though.

The longer they are exposed to these changes, the more it affects them. Not just physically either, but mentally and emotionally. It can be resisted if ones will is strong enough, but if not their psyches will be slowly corrupted by those feelings. Like a disease or cancer. It then alters everything about them without truly changing them," Naruto awkwardly explained. Seeing the blank looks he was receiving, he sighed and gestured at the fallen angels as he continued, "Let's use these three as examples."

"Mittelt here became a fallen angel by succumbing to wrath. She lost friends to devils, and became a fallen angel due to her desire to get revenge. Kalawarner fell in love with a human. Angels can have sex, but both participants have to go through long rituals to purify themselves. Neither participant can have possessive thoughts either, it has to be done through pure love.

Naturally most humans can never fulfill that second requirement. She decided to be with him regardless. So she 'fell' due to her lust and greed for a relationship with that person, but then her lover died several decades later and she was left a fallen angel. She feels like she did nothing wrong, just falling in love with a human. Raynare succumbed to pride and greed. She not only has a strong pride, but also feels a strong desire to prove herself. So she desires power. She 'fell' when she turned to more unscrupulous methods of gaining power."

"I won't be changing who they are. Mittelt will still feel wrath towards devils. Kalawarner will still feel bitter towards god for punishing her for falling in love with a human.

Raynare will still desire power. That is part of their base personality, which I will be leaving alone. I'll simply use Excalibur Ruler to remove the corruption that has formed in their psyches from centuries of having those feelings fester," Naruto explained to them.

"So you'll almost be…turning back the clock in their minds?" Akeno questioned with a tilt of her head.

"Yes," Naruto claimed immediately, pointing at her happily. He then continued, "I shall remove all the damage their minds have accumulated over the centuries of them being fallen angels. Return them to a mental state most similar to when they first fell. They won't be allies per say, but they'll definitely be much more reasonable and rational."

"I see," Rias mumbled as she considered what Naruto was saying. She couldn't quite understand what he meant, but Naruto was a good guy. If he wanted to do this, then it was probably beneficial to the fallen angels. Finally she nodded and asked, "Okay. What do I have to do?"

"Just supply me with energy. I'll be able to speed up the process if I don't worry about energy consumption, but it will still take ten minutes or so," Naruto informed her. When she nodded, he turned towards the fallen angels.

Lifting Excalibur Ruler, he closed his eyes and focused. The holy sword lit up with light again, but this time didn't die down. All those watching looked at the spectacle in interest.

Rias was given a front row seat as she had to keep her hand in contact with Naruto's shoulder. Akeno and Asia both stayed close. Koneko was a bit further away. Yuuto had gone the farthest, leaning against a tree just barely in sight.

The process stretched into minutes. All those watching noticed as Naruto seemed to wilt as it continued.

His shoulders slumped, he started breathing heavier, dark bags started forming under his eyes, and his face grew stiff. It was like every minute took two or three hours out of him.

It stopped near the fifteen minute mark. The light from the holy sword died down. Naruto slumped and stumbled, but Rias quickly caught him.

Putting his arm around her shoulders, she allowed him to lean on her. She then turned them towards the fallen angels, who had all fallen to their knees.

"Gah, what did you do to us?" Kalawarner demanded as she held her head in her hands.

"Oh good lord, I feel all loopy," Mittelt muttered to herself.

Despite being completely beat, Naruto told them, "I did warn you three that you might not be the same after tonight. So congratulations. You just had yours truly poking around in your minds."

"What?!" The three all demanded in unison.

Sighing at having to explain, he told them brusquely, "I didn't do anything sinister. You are still you. I didn't make you sex slaves or anything. No sudden urges or changes. If anything, you'll probably feel more clearheaded than you have in years."

"It feels like a fog has been lifted from my thoughts," Raynare admitted in surprise.

Nodding, Naruto replied, "Exactly. I used Excalibur Ruler to purge the corruption from your minds. You are still yourselves, but I hope more rational and considerate versions of yourselves."

The three didn't quite know how to respond. What do you say to someone who just went through your minds?

Seeing they weren't going to say anything, Naruto told them since he just wanted to go and rest, "I saved Asia, and now you are outnumbered. There are a few exorcists still alive inside. Go fetch them, and then go back to your leaders."

"Wait, not quite yet," Rias burst out suddenly. She had just had a brilliant, insane idea. Naruto and the fallen angels looked at her in surprise. Straightening and putting on a noble bearing, she told the three sternly, "We know you three disobeyed your orders from the Grigori. Not only that, but you started acting within my territory. Your exorcist killed one of our clients, and attacked one of my servants. Your fate lies within my hands."

"What do you want?" Raynare cautiously asked.

Pointing at the three, Rias announced calmly, "I shall let two of you go, but one of you must stay here and become my servant. To become a devil in my peerage."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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