Chapter 60: Precise

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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As the fallen angels recoiled in horror, Rias' own peerage showed varying states of surprise. Their expressions then changed to show what they were thinking of it.

Naruto and Koneko both looked neutral about it, but Yuuto didn't look happy. Surprisingly, neither did Akeno.

Rias didn't allow her expression to change though. She kept her calm and collected look, despite the fact that she was flying by the seat of her pants here.

She had not planned this out ahead of time. It had just come to her. This was an amazing opportunity. She now had three fallen angels at her mercy.

If Rias is the type of king that waits for opportunities to fall into her lap, then she simply has to take advantage of this.

The fallen angels didn't seem to pleased by the idea though, and Mittelt quickly snapped, "Hell no!"

Rias just shrugged before informing them nonchalantly, "Too bad. You three are under my control.

If I don't willingly let you go, then my responsibility is to send you to the Underworld as hostages. You'd then have to wait until the Grigori negotiated for your release.

Considering none of you have multiple sets of wings though, the chance of that ever happening is low. You are even traitors as well.

They might be willing to take you back, but give reparations to get you back. Not good odds." The fallen angels were looking more and more uneasy as she continued.

Rias quickly glared at Naruto when he opened his mouth, making it clear he wasn't to speak. Luckily Naruto closed his mouth since she looked scary right then.

Turning back to the fallen angels, she finished, "So you have two options. One of you becomes a devil by joining my peerage, and the other two get to go free. Or you three can become political hostages for the rest of your life. You can choose."

The fallen angels now looked at each other wearily. It was clear which option they preferred, but clearly none of them wanted to be the sacrifice. Mittelt finally declared loudly, "I am not becoming a devil. No way."

"Well I'm not going to become the servant of a little girl either," Kalawarner claimed stubbornly.

Kalawarner and Mittelt met eyes, and a message seemed to pass between them. The two then turned in unison to look at Raynare. The brunette blinked before exclaiming defiantly, "What? No! Why me?"

"This whole thing was your idea, Raynare-sama. We just followed your lead," Mittelt pointed out with a smirk.

"Plus, as the leader you would be receiving the worst punishment when we return," Kalawarner added quickly.

"T-That's," Raynare stuttered out, incapable of getting more out before she gained a thoughtful look. After several seconds of thought she shrugged and said, "Alright."

"That's it?" Rias asked, hiding her surprise. She had expected more protests and arguments.

"Well, yeah," Raynare admitted with a shrug. She then explained, "I'm certainly not happy at the idea of becoming a devil. Or at becoming your servant, but I am the one who concocted this plan. Which means I'd be given the harshest punishment."

"So becoming a devil under my control is simply preferable to serving your punishment," Rias deadpanned blankly. Seeing Raynare shrug at her words, she sighed. She'll take what she can get though. So she informed the group, "Alright. Raynare-san has to stay, but you two can leave."

The two nodded and quickly went into the church. Probably to wait for them to leave and gather any stuff they had there. Not to mention gather up what exorcists remained.

Rias then turned to Asia. Frowning slightly, she looked between the nun and Naruto repeatedly before informing the blonde girl, "You come with us as well. We have a lot to discuss."

Asia looked nervous at finally being addressed. She had felt awkward ever since Naruto had put her down, almost to the point she wished she was still in her arms.

She didn't want to be in his arms again for any other reason. Nope. Being around all these unknown people who appear to be devils is just intimidating. She just needed her safety blanket in Naruto.

She looked scared to reply to Rias' order, but Naruto quickly sidled over to her side. Feeling comforted by his presence, she managed to give a firm nod towards Rias and reply, "A-Alright."

"Then everyone get close. We'll be leaving in one group. I want this entire situation figured out before any of us split up," Rias announced, waving everyone closer to her.

Everyone moved closer to her, some more reluctantly. Yuuto and Akeno both made sure to stay as far from Raynare as possible, and the fallen angel just looked impassive/annoyed by the entire situation. Asia moved right to Naruto's side.

A thought popped into Naruto's head though, and he questioned Rias curiously, "I thought your summoning circles could only transport members of your household? How are you going to jump Asia-chan and Raynare-san?"

"I'm going to use a more advanced circle. One neither you or Akeno and do. It takes a few minutes to prepare, which is why I couldn't use it last night. Now just stay still as I form it," Rias explained before closing her eyes.

As she concentrated on performing the more complex teleportation spell, Naruto's eyes drifted up into the sky.

Someone had been watching them. Naruto wasn't sure if he had been there when he arrived, but he had sensed him when he had left the church with Asia.

Whoever it was had been hiding under an extremely powerful cloaking spell. Powerful enough for neither Rias or Akeno to notice his presence.

Naruto only sensed him because his negative emotions sensing ability allowed him to notice the mass amounts of negative emotions the man had been directing at Naruto.

Clearly Naruto had pissed him off by rescuing Asia, although Naruto doesn't know why.

Naruto couldn't pinpoint his location though. He figured he'd have to go full on Sage Mode to have located his precise position, which was still outside his current abilities. Instead Naruto had behaved normally, like he didn't notice.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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