Chapter 61: Hybrid

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He'd then tried to take control of the person with Excalibur Ruler when he had used it on the fallen angels.

Unfortunately Naruto inability to see or locate the person had hampered the process, allowing the man to seemingly notice and teleport away before the control settled in.

The situation seems resolved, but Naruto would still tell Rias. Someone hadn't wanted Naruto to rescue Asia, and was pissed about it.

She probably wouldn't be able to make much more of it than him, but she should still know.

The group was now in the clubroom. Raynare was laying in the middle of a red magic circle, with Rias standing above her.

Naruto and Asia were sitting together on one of the couches. Koneko was on the other one. The three of them were watching the proceedings with neutral expressions.

Both Akeno and Yuuto were leaning against the farthest wall, neither looking happy at what was happening.

"I command thee, Raynare, on my name of Rias Gremory, become my servant. Return to this land as a devil. You shall lead a new life with great joy as my pawn!"

With that the pawn piece sunk into Raynare's chest, who had been lying on the floor. The red magic circle around her glowed before dying down.

Raynare took a deep breath before slowly getting to her feet. She then looked at her hands and clenched them.

"I don't really feel any different," Raynare announced impassively.

"Well I've never heard of a situation where a fallen angel has been reincarnated as a devil. Technically it should work, but there are bound to be a few differences.

Unlike a human, you shouldn't receive any large physical enhancements from the process," Rias admitted carefully. Akeno shifted awkwardly at the first statement, but it went unnoticed in the room.

"So I haven't received any benefits, but I've now got all the weaknesses of a devil. How great," Raynare stated sarcastically, with a pronounced frown.

Her words caused Rias to frown as well. Despite her apparent acceptance of the situation, it was clear Raynare wasn't happy with all that had occurred. She simply knew it was better than the alternative, being punished by the Grigori.

Trying to be somewhat understanding towards her newest servant, but also needing to keep a big secret of one of her peerage members, Rias replied warily, "We aren't sure. As I said, I at least don't know of another situation like this. You have gained the ability to use demonic power surely, and there might be other benefits from mixing fallen angel abilities with devil abilities. You might even end up not having any of the typical weaknesses of a devil, or possibly to a lessened amount. On the other hand though, you could receive no benefits and all the weaknesses. We are mixing two different types of beings. It could be amazing or catastrophic."

"Great, so I'm an experiment," Raynare muttered in discontent.

"Think of it as taking a gamble," Rias said optimistically.

"A gamble where I'm an experiment," Raynare still grumbled. Looking over her shoulder, she extended her wings curiously.

They sprouted out of her shoulders. The right wing was the usual dark fallen angel wing, but her left was now a bat wing.

The two different wings created an awkward dissymmetry that made her groan. She would have even preferred two devil wings. At least they'd match then. This was just unbalanced.

Rias was interested though and commented, "Interesting. You still have clear signs of being a fallen angel. I'd say it is more appropriate to refer to you as a fallen angel/devil hybrid than a pure reincarnated devil."

That did actually make Raynare feel a little better. She had never been the most prideful about fallen angels like some she had met, but it was a bit relieving to know she hadn't completely changed species. She didn't quite express that relief though and just muttered calmly, "I guess its something."

"I'll do a bit of research into your situation. I doubt this is the first time this has occurred. It's just a matter of if they recorded any information, and if they did, finding it. For now we'll proceed as if we're on our own," Rias announced, her eyes flickering to Akeno briefly.

"Got it."

"Good, now we'll move on to the next piece of business," Rias said as she looked away from Raynare towards Asia. She then continued, "I need to come to a decision regarding you now, Argento-san."

"Y-Yes," Asia replied nervously. She was immediately calmed when Naruto laid a hand on her shoulder.

The nun was seated on the couch by Naruto. Rias frowned slightly when she saw just how close the nun had sidled up to her rook.

It wasn't even a conscious act on her part, just instinctive. Rias really shouldn't be surprised. Asia is in a room with devils, of course she'd want to be close to the person she is comfortable with.

Although it was probably more than that. Naruto had assaulted an enemy fortress alone just to rescue her. He'd saved her life, and literally swept her off her feet and carried her to safety.

That's as close to a fairy tail ending that real life can get. What woman wouldn't feel their heart's flutter at the thought of that? Damn, even Rias was jealous.

She was proud of her strength, but Naruto had hit the dashing warrior/prince ideal on the head with that act. Asia got Naruto, and she gets…Riser. Ugh. Life is so not fair sometimes.

Throwing those envious thoughts out of her mind, Rias looked at Asia seriously before telling her, "I won't ask how you and Naruto met.

You are clearly his friend, and that is enough for this club. I do however need to know just who you are? Why did you come here and why were you working with the fallen angels?"

Asia looked hesitant, looking at Naruto timidly for some sign of what she should do. He didn't say anything, instead just shooting her a reassuring grin. The message was clear. It was her choice.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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