Chapter 65: Coherent

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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It should be noted that Naruto was inadvertently a slave driver in endurance training due to his own inhuman stamina.

Much to Raynare's horror, Naruto had very clearly informed her this was to become a regular thing.

With it being several days after that, Naruto was used to her complaining during the run. He was just ignoring it now or firing back retorts.

Naruto took a moment to look at Raynare out of the corner of his eyes. The woman had thankfully seemed to give up her more daring fashion sense after Naruto messed with her mind.

Something Naruto was glad for. He wasn't sure how his libido would react if she had continued wearing clothes like what he had first seen her in.

Right now she was dressed in a purple and black tracksuit. She was still quite beautiful, but not in the racy and seductive way from before. Naruto can handle beautiful.

Otherwise she was not looking good. Her chest was heaving as she tried to gather her breath. Her bangs were soaked with sweat.

Her face was flushed. It was also more accurate to say she was stumbling forward than running.

Yep, she was not in good shape. So much so Naruto felt compelled to comment, "Your physical stamina is pathetic, you know that right?"

"I can fly. Why does it matter if I can run," Raynare barked out irritably.

"I don't know. Health. Leg strength. Speed. Stamina. Any of these sound important?" Naruto replied sarcastically.

"I chuck spears of light at things. None of those are needed for that," she countered immediately.

"If chucking spears of light at things is all you can do, I fear when you find someone that doesn't work against," Naruto claimed with a frown.

"That's my problem. Not yours," Raynare pointed out.

That caused Naruto to shake his head in exasperation. Yeah, Raynare definitely needed help integrating with the group. She clearly had no real concept of teamwork or comradeship.

His thoughts were cut off when Raynare suddenly came to a halt and screamed out in anger, "That's it. I'm done. I'm not running anymore."

Frowning, Naruto quickly declared in an energetic voice, "Come on. It's only two more miles. Barely anything. I know you can do it."

The energetic tone only seemed to annoy her even more, and she crossed her arms before saying heatedly, "No. I don't care. We've run way longer than yesterday."

"Yeah. I added an extra ten miles. I didn't want you to get to used to the distance. The point of training is to always push yourself," Naruto reasoned calmly, trying to be patient.

"That's easy for you to say," Raynare growled out, looking at his easy breathing and slight amount of sweat in annoyance and envy. She then gestured at herself before continuing irritably, "My feet are aching, and probably swollen. My lungs feel like they are on fire. I'm all sticky from sweat, and smell like body odor. My legs feel like they're about to collapse under me."

"Yeah, but that stuff is usual for when you are training. The way you're acting, you'd think you had never trained before," Naruto noted with a raised eyebrow. When Raynare didn't respond immediately, instead just looking away from him, his jaw dropped. He then exclaimed in shock, "What? How have you never trained before?"

"I have trained before," Raynare claimed defensively before continuing, "Just never like this. I just made sure to keep my skills sharp. Or to become more proficient with my light spears."

Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed. The type of training she was talking about could barely be called training.

Just the sort of stuff one does when they grow complacent. As a person always striving to better himself, Naruto just couldn't understand how could do so little training.

Breathing deeply to calm himself, Naruto told her in a forcibly even tone, "That sort of training isn't enough if you want to become truly strong. For someone wanting to become more powerful, it doesn't appear you put much effort into it.

"Shut up," Raynare snapped, flushing slightly in embarrassment. She then turned her head away as she continued, "I did try. Just not like this."

"You mean by trying to take a sacred gear?" Naruto asked with a tilted head.


"Why? I know they're powerful, but it isn't like you can't become strong without one," Naruto reasoned.

"You mean by doing stuff like this day in and day out. Sure, but it's far from the easiest method of gaining power," Raynare grumbled in annoyance.

"The easiest method isn't always the best. Power earned is far better than power given," Naruto stated confidently. The reaction he got was not what he expected.

"Power earned. Hah, what a joke," Raynare declared with a mocking laugh. Glaring at him, she continued scornfully, "Who says sacred gear holders earned those? Let's use your precious nun as an example. Twilight Healing. A powerful, if not unique, sacred gear. What did she ever do to deserve that?! Did she train? Did she run miles and miles every morning? No. She was born with it. She got lucky. Before she could even say a word or form a coherent thought, she was blessed with a power like that. Just like every other sacred gear holder. It's easy to think of me as a greedy bitch trying to take another's power, and maybe I was. If I had succeeded though, wouldn't I have done more to earn that sacred gear than her? I would have risked my neck, gathered my allies, and successfully managed to perform the ritual to take it. That's way more than just being born with it."

She was now glaring at Naruto as she raged at him, "Let's not forget that blasted sword of yours. The power to control whatever you wish. What did you say? Someone gave it to you.

So how did you earn that power? What gave you the right to use that power? To mess with my head? The fact that you wielded that sword was enough in your mind.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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