Chapter 66: Attribute

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So how is that any different from my trying to gain a sacred gear? Going by your belief, if I wielded a sacred gear I would have the right to use it. Maybe I would have killed the nun in the process, but you killed Dohnaseek. Your hands aren't clean either."

Naruto's eyes were wide now as Raynare turned around a threw her hands in the air as she continued yelling contemptuously, "There are so many people who wield power they didn't earn. Like our new king. Her Power of Destruction. She didn't earn it. She was born with that. She still uses it. Every sacred gear holder hasn't earned their sacred gears. They were born with them. It's not wrong for them to use them though. Archangel Michael. He was born with all his current wings. Six sets.

Azazel-sama was born with five sets, and gained his sixth later. All the Seraph were born with four or five sets of wings. Is it wrong for them to use that power they were given by god? Did they earn those powers somehow before they were even born? No, they got lucky by being god's favored creations. You want to know how I was born. I was mass produced by god to fill up numbers during the Great War. I was created in a batch of thousands. One set of wings. A grunt. There to soak up attacks to protect the important angels. I have no unique ability or power. I was created completely ordinary."

"Don't act like I'm some spoiled princess unused to toil and hardship. I've never been given anything.

I've had to take everything I've got, even if that might have been by reprehensible means. I'm not going to apologize either. The world is in no way fair. So tell me, oh so wise master.

Why should I have to do stuff like this for power when there are so many that had it handed to them?" Raynare finally demanded, some of her anger fading into weariness.

Clearly these thoughts had been festering for a while, and airing them out was emotionally taxing.

Naruto blinked at her in shock, his thoughts whirling. He certainly hadn't expected her to go off like that, and he was now being asked to respond. Talk about putting a guy on the spot.

"You aren't totally wrong," Naruto finally managed to several seconds of thoughts. Raynare smirked at his words.

Some people do have advantages that they didn't earn. Bloodline limits back home. Sacred gear users. Even jinchuriki. Being a jinchuriki might have wrecked Naruto's childhood, but it had allowed him to access a seemingly endless amount of chakra whenever things became dicey.

How many times over the years would he have died without his healing factor? Or being able to use Kurama's chakra to defeat enemies he couldn't? Even his natural chakra reserves had partly been due to Kurama. People who don't have such advantages really do start out at a disadvantage.

"But you certainly aren't right either," Naruto added at the end.

Raynare's smirk disappeared, and she crossed her arms as she eyed him crossly. She then demanded, "Really? And why not?"

Naruto opened to his mouth to respond, but stopped when he saw her eyes. Closing his eyes, he sighed before commenting, "You know, I've always been really good at convincing people of stuff. It's because I'm very good at understanding people. So I can tell nothing I can say right now will really change your mind."

"So you really aren't as preachy and sanctimonious as I took you for," Raynare announced smugly before continuing, "Seems you realize people don't really care about your opinion all that much."

Naruto's eye twitched in irritation at her words. He isn't afraid to defend his beliefs, but he wouldn't call himself preachy…Right?…Okay, maybe a little bit preachy.

Taking a deep breathe to calm himself, Naruto looked Raynare in the eyes before suggesting, "How about a bet instead?"

"A bet?"

"Yeah," Naruto affirmed with a nod before elaborating, "I'm not going to tell you anything. Instead I'll show you."

"Really?" Raynare asked skeptically, her arms crossed.

"Yep. This is what I propose….A month. No, two months. You do my sort of training for two months. No complaining. Putting actual effort into it.

At the end of that second month, you review how much stronger you have grown. You can then determine who won the bet. I bet you will grow stronger in two months of my training than you have in centuries by using your means," Naruto announced with a confident grin.

"Are you stupid?" Raynare immediately asked bluntly. She continued bluntly, "You said I would determine the winner. Of course I'd say I won, no matter what happens."

Naruto shrugged before saying casually with his grin still on his face, "Maybe, but I'm willing to bet differently."

"Fine. You're funeral," Raynare replied with a shrug. She then looked at him as she questioned, "So what do I get if I win? It better be something good if you expect me to do this stupid stuff for two months."

"The satisfaction of being correct and no longer having me force you to exercise," Naruto suggested hopefully.

"Yeah-No! I can just refuse to do your training. My reward would have to be worth two months of doing this torture," Raynare answered brusquely.

Naruto sighed and thought to himself. He really didn't have much that could entice a person like Raynare. He couldn't give her Excalibur Ruler. She can't use holy swords herself. Money likely didn't mean much to her. She wanted something to do with power. Snapping his fingers in realization, he pointed at her and exclaimed, "A blessing."


Naruto nodded as he explained to the confused fallen angel, "Yeah. If you win, I'll request Selene to give you a blessing. She can do many things with her blessings. Maybe increase the light attribute in your body, thus making your light spears stronger. Or something else you want. A blessing from a god. That has to be worth a bit of training."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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