Chapter 67: Kitchen

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"The Lady of the Lake, huh?" Raynare muttered to herself in thought. She'd heard of Naruto's relationship with the Lady of the Lake. He could probably pull it off. Blessings can be somewhat unclear, but it is generally acknowledged that they are incredibly useful. Giving a satisfied nod, she claimed, "Alright. That will work."

Naruto nodded happily and started, "And if I win-"

"Which you won't."

"-If I win," Naruto continued a bit more forcefully, acting as if she hadn't interrupted, "Then you have to…apologize to Asia for trying to take her sacred gear."

"What?" Raynare asked in shock, surprised by the simple nature of his demand. She expected something…more.

Naruto nodded as he clarified, "Yep. Apologize to Asia. That's all I want, and I don't mean a quick apology. A sincere and true admission that you were wrong in your actions. You said before that you wouldn't apologize for your actions, so I want for you to admit to yourself that what you did to Asia was wrong. It will also hopefully improve things between you and Asia."

Raynare frowned as he spoke. Okay, the way he put it made that sound a lot more than what she had previously thought.

Basically he was saying he wanted her to renounce her current beliefs. To admit that her desire for a sacred gear was wrong.

Finally shrugging, she declared, "Fine. I accept. There's no way I'll lose anyways."

"Great," Naruto exclaimed excitedly. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet as he announced, "Now let's finish this run. Only eight more miles."

"Wait! You said only two miles a few minutes ago," Raynare quickly argued.

Naruto just grinned as he explained, "Yeah, but that was before you took a break. So I added a bit on." Pulling her hand till she started running alongside him, he added in excitement, "Don't worry. It will be over before you know it."

Raynare just groaned in response.

"We're back, Asia-chan," Naruto announced as Raynare and him walked through the front entrance.

"Ah, good morning, Naruto-san," Asia said happily as she walked into the entranceway of Naruto's mansion. She was wearing a cream-colored dress, a hand-me-down of Rias. It turns out Asia only really had a few of her nun attires, and several sets of undergarments. She didn't have any casual clothes, so Rias and Akeno had gifted her with some of their old clothes. She also had an apron on over it. Asia grew visibly nervous when she turned to Raynare, but still managed to squeak out, "G-Good morning, R-Raynare-san."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to go take a shower," Raynare said as she walked pass Asia, not even really looking at her.

Naruto could tell Raynare was also quite unsure of how to act around Asia. She clearly didn't totally reject her previous actions, but he could tell she was still a bit guilty about them.

Unfortunately she seems to have decided to disregard Asia entirely, barely acknowledging her at all. Basically just ignoring the problem.

"A-Ano, breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes," Asia informed Raynare's retreating back, who didn't give any sign that she heard. After Raynare disappeared around a corner, Asia turned back to Naruto. Looking him over, she asked in concern, "Are you okay, Naruto-san? You always go training with Raynare before I even wake up. It must be tiring."

Naruto waved his hand as he told her nonchalantly, "No, I'm good. These runs are nothing to me.

"I'm glad," Asia replied, clearly happy at his words.

Naruto just smiled at her as he ruffled her hair. She pouted slightly, but looked rather happy at the action and nuzzled her head against his hand. Removing it, he told her as he walked away, "I'm going to take a quick shower as well. I'll be down in ten."

"Okay, Naruto-san."

Ten minutes later Naruto came down in his academy uniform, his hair still damp from his shower.

Moving into the kitchen, he took a seat on one of the stools. He then watched as Asia moved around the kitchen, humming a tune.

Asia had quickly taken up the position of cook when she found out how lacking Naruto was in the kitchen.

Naruto hadn't cared, and bought her the food and ingredients to cook. She usually only had to make breakfast since every lunch and dinner they typically ate Akeno's food in the clubroom.

It was nice regardless. Asia was a surprisingly accomplished cook considering she had been raised in a church. She tended to stick with western food, but she had claimed to be eager to experiment with some eastern dishes.

Focusing on the smell wafting through the air, Naruto commented warmly, "I know I said you didn't have to cook for us, Asia-chan, but I have to admit it's pretty nice."

Asia smiled as she stirred a porridge and claimed modestly, "I'm glad to help. Naruto-san is housing me and rescued me. It's the least I can do to repay you."

Naruto rolled his eyes at her words, but didn't chide her. She really didn't have to do anything for him, but he knew it was useless to tell her that. She was just an earnest type of person.

She is just trying to repay him for a debt she believes she owes him. She's just too sincere in her actions to dislike. Plus, she was really cute when she acts like a housewife.

Finishing up with the food, Asia set the dishes out. Removing her apron, she left the kitchen as she told Naruto, "The food is still hot, Naruto-san. It might be best to let it sit for a few minutes. I'm going to go change into the academy uniform."

"Got it," Naruto replied. The delectable aroma of the breakfast dishes was tempting, but Naruto resisted. Eating with others was always better than by yourself.

It only took five minutes for Asia to come back down. Standing in the entrance to the kitchen, the nun did a quick spin to model her clothes before asking him hopefully, "Do these clothes suit me, Naruto-san?"

Asia was now wearing the academy uniform with a few alterations. The red and white skirt as well as the white shirt.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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