Chapter 68: Religion

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Instead of the black cape and corset though, she was instead wearing a black sweater vest. Naruto took this all in over a moment.

He then smiled at her and told her honestly, "You look cute, Asia-chan." Asia smiled cheerfully at his words. Naruto turned his head slightly as he added, "You look nice as well, Raynare-chan."

Raynare just gave an uncaring sniff as she passed by Asia. She quickly replied, "Of course I do."

Naruto tilted his head as he scrutinized the fallen angel. Like Asia, she was wearing the school uniform.

Without the alterations of course. The uniform did a fabulous job of emphasizing her generous bust, just as it did Rias and Akeno.

Something else caught Naruto's attention though. Curiously he asked her, "Why are your features…different?"

His words were true. Raynare's entire face had seemingly grown less mature and more innocent. Her eyes were a bit less sharp. Her cheeks were more plump, giving her a more youthful look.

She now looked more like a schoolgirl than an alluring and sultry woman. Not to mention Naruto was pretty sure she had lost an inch or two.

Raynare was quick to explain as she started eating, "Most fallen angels naturally have a minute control over their looks. We can alter our appearances slightly without having to resort to alteration magic. I prefer having a more mature appearance, but I would look too old to attend high school. So I desired to look younger, and just lost two or three years."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, but there was no reason to believe she is lying. She is several centuries old. If she can look 20 years old, why can't she look 17?

So Naruto shrugged and started eating as well. They needed to get going soon.

It had taken a week, but Rias had managed to pull some strings to get both Raynare and Asia admitted into the school.

Raynare as a 3rd year, and Asia as a 2nd. It might have taken a week, but it is still pretty impressive when you consider how exclusive Kuoh Academy is. There's a waiting list a mile long.

After the three took a few bites, Naruto asked, "Are you two excited to go to school?"

Raynare immediately claimed in a disgruntled voice, "Obviously not. There's no point besides being close to Buchou. I'm certainly not going to gain anything from it."

"Stop being so pessimistic. Make a few friends. You may surprise yourself with how much you enjoy it," Naruto told her enthusiastically. Raynare didn't appear to put much stock in his words, but he didn't mind.

Asia was quick to break the silence by announcing joyfully, "I'm very much looking forward to it. I've never attended school before."

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Knowing our school everyone will welcome you quickly," Naruto told her honestly.

The guys would adore the cute blonde, and the girls at their school were thankfully kind and welcoming. She'll fit right in.

"I hope so," Asia claimed with a wistful smile.

Naruto rubbed her head as he informed her sincerely, "I know so."

Asia looked happy at his words, a small blush spreading across her face. Clearly embarrassed, she looked back towards her food.

Raynare rolled her eyes at the byplay, the pure sentimentality of the scene appearing ridiculous to her. She stayed quiet though.

The three finished the breakfast without anymore talking. Naruto took all their dishes and put them in the sink. He then turned back to them and announced with a grin, "Time to get to school. Can't be late on your first day."

"Ah, Asia-chan. Naruto-kun. Good to see you two."

Those were the words that came from Rias' mouth as Naruto and Asia walked into the clubroom after school ended.

Currently only Akeno and Koneko were there besides Rias herself.

"Thank you. Nice to see you all as well," Asia replied with a smile.

"Sup, Rias-chan, Sadist-chan, Koneko-chan," Naruto added as well.

Akeno smiled before saying herself, "Good afternoon, Naruto-kun, Asia-chan."

Koneko just turned her head slightly to look at them from the corner of her eyes. Pausing in her snacking, she muttered softly, "Naruto-senpai. Asia-senpai." With her very short greeting over, she went right back to eating.

With the obligatory greetings over, Asia headed over and sat in the couch opposite Koneko. To no one's surprise, Naruto immediately took the spot next to her.

Akeno pouted slightly at her inability to sit next to Naruto, but otherwise didn't move from her spot just behind and to the side of Rias.

Rias crossed her fingers in front of her face as she turned to Asia and asked, "How was your first day, Asia-chan?"

"It was wonderful," Asia immediately answered.

Naruto nodded along with her words. The day had gone far smoother than even he had expected. Asia had introduced herself, and a number of girls had immediately started to talk to her.

The guys were also raving over the blonde bishoujo.

Asia had seemed a bit overwhelmed by the attention at first, but the students had accepted any hesitance or awkwardness as simply a difference in cultures.

The only hiccup came when Asia had unwittingly let out the information that she was staying with Naruto. That had caught the attention of the class.

The innocent Asia was living under the same roof as the Ultimate Pervert, Uzumaki Naruto. The rumors had crossed into the absurd incredibly fast. Really.

In what world was it believable that Naruto had traveled to Italy over the weekend, saved the nun during a plot by vampires to bring down the Christian religion, and had in turn God had gifted him with Asia to act as the perfect housewife? Or there was the rumor that Naruto had a nun fetish, and had traveled to Italy, seduced Asia, and had then kidnapped her from the church to act as his sex slave.

Either Naruto was a hero who had inadvertently saved the world or he was a sexual scoundrel. Talk about opposite sides of the spectrum.

Naruto had quickly done his best to put a stop to that by explaining the situation very clearly. That due to his large and currently empty home, Naruto had volunteered to host several transfer students.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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