Chapter 69: Yuuto

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Asia was one, and there was another one as well. Overall true, if not with several important details left out.

That had put a stop to most of the rumors. Although several students had raised issue with Naruto housing Asia.

Mainly the Perverted Trio. Even Issei had been outrageously jealous of Naruto. A few of the girls also warned Asia to beware of Naruto supposedly inexhaustible sexual appetite.

It was still better than Naruto had expected. Asia had made some friends, and people had seemingly accepted their story. Naruto could deal with rumors. So Naruto was overall satisfied.

Asia immediately continued by announcing, "Several of the girls even asked if I wanted to go shopping tomorrow after they heard I don't have much clothing of my own."

"That's nice," Rias commented before adding thoughtfully, "It might be a good idea for myself and Akeno to go along as well. As my servant, I can pay for your necessities."

"I can handle that, Rias-chan," Naruto immediately piped in.

"That's not necessary, Naruto-kun. Asia is my servant, and thus my responsibility. You are already doing more than enough by housing her and Raynare.

Plus, this way Akeno and I can make sure Asia-chan gets all the appropriate clothing a devil might need," Rias reasoned.

Naruto tilted his head before shrugging in acceptance. Makes sense. Naruto won't need to go shopping himself this way as well.

"I'm here," Raynare announced as she walked into the room.

"Good afternoon, Raynare-san," Rias stated evenly.

"Sup, Raynare-chan."

"H-Hello, Raynare-san."

Raynare gave a polite nod at their greetings, ignoring Akeno just as Akeno was doing to her. The two ignoring each other was clearly the best way for them to remain civil.

Raynare then sat down beside Koneko, who just gave her a cold nod of acknowledgement.

"So, how was your day, Raynare-san?" Rias questioned, trying to make Raynare comfortable despite the tense atmosphere her presence had evoked.

"It was tolerable, I guess. I'm not happy about attending, but it is easy to fit in. As long as you are attractive, giggle, and act like you are interested in them humans will accept you with open arms," Raynare claimed with an uncaring shrug.

Naruto quickly broke in by saying, "Have you ever considered being yourself?"

"Why would I do that?" Raynare asked with a snort. She then continued bluntly, "I told you this morning. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here because I have to be. That means I'm going to do my best to make attending this school as simple as possible. I'll be all affable and ordinary, and then slip into the background after the interest wanes. A bit of magic, and people won't even send me a second look. Once I place an illusion on the teachers, I won't even have to attend class."

"I'd prefer if you didn't do such a thing, Raynare-san," Rias immediately remarked.

"And why not? Isn't this simply a way for me to stay close to you? If I stay in the clubroom during the school day, what is the problem?" Raynare demanded in annoyance.

Rias took a deep breath before answering calmly, "You are right. It wouldn't make much of a difference in my opinion. My opinion isn't the only one that matters though. Sona will not appreciate a member of my peerage using magic on the students and teachers. We cannot afford to antagonize the king of another peerage in such a way. Since we share the same territory, avoiding conflict with them is a must."

Raynare clearly didn't like that information, but restrained herself from snapping at her. Raynare very clearly knew her limits.

She may not like her situation, but she'll avoid doing anything that could make it even worse. She realizes that her fate is in Rias' hand.

Everyone turned to look at the door when it opened again. It was the final member of Rias' peerage, Yuuto.

The normally smiling and polite knight had a clear aura of anger and bitterness surrounding him. He briefly glared at Raynare, who just looked away with a frown and ignored him.

His gaze then fell to Naruto, who was extremely uncomfortable with the resentment and animosity in his eyes.

Stiffly looking towards Rias, Yuuto told her rigidly, "I'm going to train on my own, Buchou. I'll still handle all my clients tonight."

Rias didn't look happy, but she could clearly see he wasn't asking for permission. So she just sighed and nodded as she replied, "Alright, Yuuto. Check in with me tomorrow morning to give a quick status report."

Yuuto nodded before turning and leaving the room. He left an extremely awkward atmosphere in the room.

The room had already been tense before he arrived, but his clear decision to not stay with the group was affecting most of the members.

Yuuto was something of a constant among the group, and his absence was clearly uncomfortable for most of the members.

Sighing in gloom, Rias then turned to Naruto and declared firmly, "You have to deal with the situation between you and Yuuto, Naruto-kun."

Naruto nodded in understanding and acceptance. The sudden change between himself and Yuuto is the real problem here.

Yuuto clearly isn't happy about Raynare joining their group, but the usual Yuuto would have at least tolerated her.

If he had just ignored her like Akeno was, then things would have at least been stable in their group. It was Naruto's exposed ownership of Excalibur Ruler that had truly made the situation go bottom up.

The holy sword had suddenly turned the pleasant and well-mannered Yuuto into a brooder on Sasuke's level. Rias could see where this was going just as well as Naruto.

Yuuto could barely even be in the same room as Naruto right now. If nothing is done to fix the friendship between Naruto and Yuuto, the peerage might very well fracture.

"Don't worry, Rias-chan. I was already planning on it," Naruto told her seriously. He's not going to let another friend of his turn into a obsessed avenger.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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