Chapter 70: Afraid

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Good," Rias commented simply. Focusing on Asia and Raynare, she announced, "I'm sorry about not being able to see you two much this past week. I wish I could have given you two a proper welcome, but I had a number of issues to resolve."

Her words were true. Rias had barely been able to interact with her two new peerage members over the entire week.

It wasn't really her fault though. Reincarnating a former nun and a fallen angel into her peerage had clearly caused a few problems in the Underworld.

Raynare especially. Rias has had to leave the two in Naruto and Akeno's care as she sorted through piles of paperwork. She even had to go to the Underworld for two days at one point.

The only time she'd seen them for longer than a minute or two was when she explained their duties as members of her peerage.

"I-It is fine, Buchou-san. You were busy," Asia acknowledged in understanding.

"I don't really care," Raynare claimed bluntly.

"Regardless. I felt it needed to be said," Rias said. She quickly asked, "You two have been handing out fliers for the past week, right?"

Asia nodded and explained enthusiastically, "Yes. Every night. We've run out of the fliers you allocated us."

"Good. That makes things simpler. Starting tonight you both can answer summons and start making contracts with clients with the rest of us," Rias announced. Standing up, she announced with a smile, "That will have to wait till tonight though. Until then, it is time I familiarize myself with you two and what you have been doing over the week. Let's all go to Naruto's training area, and we'll have a group discussion. Koneko. Akeno. You will come as well."

"Understood, Buchou."


Rias nodded at the two's acceptance and turned to Naruto and warned him, "We'll be returning here afterwards. You'll be studying as usual, Naruto-kun."

That caused Naruto to flinch before asking pleadingly, "Come on, Rias-chan. I've already been studying for a week. Isn't that enough?"

"Of course not. This is your punishment after all," Rias declared with an amused giggle.

Her words caused Naruto's head to drop. Rias claimed that even though she could accept him doing stupid stuff, she couldn't endorse it.

Or leave him without being punished for disobeying her. Unfortunately for Naruto, Rias had touched upon a very good punishment this time.

Forcing Naruto to study. Not only did Naruto hate doing it, but Rias claimed she didn't want a member of her peerage having nearly failing grades.

Every night when the group gathered to wait for clients to summon them, Rias had charged Akeno to force Naruto to study…with a punishment of shocking if he just lounged around.

Needless to say, Naruto had never studied so hard in his life. He wasn't going to get shocked. He just wasn't.

Seeing Naruto depression, Asia patted Naruto's shoulder and told him reassuringly, "It is okay, Naruto-san. Books can be really fun." Naturally her words fell on deaf ears.

Rias quickly chipped in by commenting, "And this way your grades might improve. You won't be in the red anymore."

"Aww, shut up. Let's just go to my basement," Naruto grumbled out in irritation. Studying really put him in a bad mood. Well until he shoved it to the back of his head. Then he's back to normal.

Everyone quickly stood up at his words. Gathering together in a group, Rias teleported them all into Naruto's basement. Everyone spread out a little bit more before looking towards Rias for direction.

Rias just looked at them all with a smile before explaining, "It might be on the basic side, but I think we should all start out with introductions. I expect us all to be comrades. I know it won't happen overnight, but at least knowing each other a bit more is a good first step. Understood?"

"I totally agree. I'll even go first," Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically. This was just like what Kakashi had Team Seven do. It may sound simple, but becoming at least professionally familiar with your comrades is a fundamental aspect of teamwork. Stopping briefly, Naruto proclaimed with a grin, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Call me Naruto. I like ramen, training, and making friends. I dislike arrogance, people who underestimate me, and people who don't consider the feelings of others. My hobbies are training, gardening, volunteering, and helping others. My dream is…Not really sure to be honest. It's actually kind of weird since I lived most of my life trying to earn the acknowledgement of the people around me. I guess my current goal is to create a peace between the Three Factions, not just a ceasefire."

"Ara ara. Such a large goal," Akeno stated with a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Unexpectedly heroic," Koneko admitted, actually showing a bit of emotion to Naruto for one of the first times, this time in the form of approval.

Naruto just heard her words though, and asked her in a deadpan, "Why is that unexpected?"

"Writer of Icha Icha."

Koneko's short statement scored a critical hit on Naruto. Damn. That's going to haunt Naruto for the rest of his life. He just knows it. Asia patted Naruto on the shoulder reassuringly as he hung his head in depression.

"I like Naruto's format. Everyone state their names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and goals. I'll go next," Rias ordered before continuing, "My name is Rias Gremory, heiress apparent of the Gremory Clan. I'd prefer to be called Buchou, but that is flexible. I like Japan, my family, and my peerage. I dislike a certain phoenix and those who insult my peerage. My hobbies are researching strategies for Rating Games, anime, talking with my peerage, and competing against Sona. My goals are to win a Rating Game against a certain person and become a worthy heiress to the Gremory Clan."

Akeno then started, "My name is Himejima Akeno. I like causing my enemies pain, teasing people, cooking, and interesting individuals not afraid to be unique. I dislike Fallen Angels," She shot a pointed glare at Raynare there. She then continued, "and those who attack Buchou. My hobbies are cooking and fighting. My goal is…a secret. Ufufufu~."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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