Chapter 74: Aerial

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Ignoring Raynare's dismay with the information, Rias added with an approving nod, "Yes, Naruto seems to have instinctively grasped on to your greatest flaw, and is already taking steps to remedy it."

Naruto threw an arm around Raynare's shoulder, but the fallen angel slipped away from him. Pointing at him, she declared defiantly, "This doesn't mean you won the bet."

Still grinning, Naruto replied without losing his good mood, "I never did. Just pointing out that I was right to start working on your physical abilities.

After all, didn't you ask just how such things would benefit you? Well now we have a definitive answer.

To master promotion you need a stronger body than you currently have." Raynare growled, but couldn't rebuke his words.

Rias raised an eyebrow at the exchange, but decided to trust that Naruto knew what he was doing. So she refocused on Raynare and ordered, "So promotion to queen is still out of your reach. We should also avoid trying the knight and rook for now. No point placing unnecessary stress on your body when you are already training to improve your body. So we'll focus on a bishop promotion for now."

Nodding in understanding, Raynare concentrated before saying with a slight bit of trepidation, "Promotion: Bishop."

The change became apparent to all those that has some skill at sensing, although the change was limited to her energy reserves this time.

Any nervousness faded from Raynare as the change happened without any debilitating side effects like last time.

The fallen angel clenched her hands a few times, and Naruto also sensed her flexing her energy to get a good feel over the improvement.

Crossing her arms under her breasts, Rias declared with a satisfied smile, "Success. How do you feel?"

Raynare took a few seconds to answer, as she was still checking on her improved power level. She then answered slowly, "I feel…good. My reserves have improved greatly, but my control seems unaffected."

"Good," Rias remarked with a pleased nod. She then stated, "It will still be a good idea to get a more in-depth look at your improvements. Not to mention I have yet to see you in action myself. A spar should suffice."

"I volunteer," Akeno immediately announced, getting dubious looks from those present.

Rias quickly stated bluntly, "I do not think that is a good idea." Turning to the shortest person present, she continued, "Koneko. You're up."

It was the obvious choice in Naruto's opinion. Akeno is definitely out. No way would she hold herself back. Rias is naturally out. Asia is out. No fighting abilities of her own.

Between Naruto and Koneko, Koneko is the more static and predictable fighter. She's a better measuring stick to judge Raynare by.

The small rook nodded emotionlessly at Rias, and walked away from the group to gain the space to spar. Raynare shrugged and did the same. The two turned and faced each other.

"Begin," Rias quickly ordered.

Raynare made the first move. Flapping her wings, she jumped into the air to fly above Koneko. She then quickly formed a pink light spear which she chucked at Koneko.

Koneko predictably jumped to the side to dodge, but the rook was surprised when the light spear exploded after piercing the ground.

The pink explosion of light shredded the sleeve of Koneko's uniform as well as sending her flying to the side. She managed to break her fall into a roll though. She looked up only to see Raynare chuck another light spear at her.

This time she ran to the side, getting enough distance to avoid the resulting explosion entirely. She couldn't come to a stop though, as Raynare continued throwing the spears at her.

Koneko's sprinting around was ended when Raynare managed to adjust to her speed, and managed to throw a spear far more accurately.

Sensing the danger, Koneko came to a stop just in time to have the spear impact the ground right in front of her.

She immediately jumped back to avoid the explosion that she had come to expect. Only it didn't. No explosion.

"Got you," Raynare claimed with a smirk as six light spears formed in a circle around her. With a wave of her hand, the spears shot forward.

Koneko silently cursed to herself. It had been a feint. Raynare hadn't made that last spear an exploding one, which allowed her to form a number of spears quickly.

Koneko hadn't known though, and had jumped back to avoid what she had thought would explode.

All Raynare had to do was correctly calculate where Koneko was about to land, and throw the spears there. Koneko wouldn't have time to jump out of the way before the light spears hit.

Thankfully it would take more than that to finish Koneko off. Using her small stature to her advantage, Koneko twisted her body to avoid the spears without moving from the spot.

It took a remarkable amount of flexibility and wouldn't have worked if she was average sized, but she was flexible and very petite. So she managed to slip through the barrage of light spears unharmed.

Using Raynare's surprise at her maneuver, Koneko jumped towards the flying fallen angel. Cocking a hand back, Koneko shot a super powered punch at her. Too bad Raynare didn't stay still to take it.

The fallen angel just flapped her wings to rise above the arc Koneko was flying in, avoiding the punch.

Koenko tsked to herself at the failed attack. She knew that would be too simple. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that Raynare had thrown a light spear at her back.

Showing she wasn't vulnerable in the air either, Koneko unfurled her own wings. She flapped them to alter her course enough to dodge the light spear. Spinning around, she shot towards Raynare.

On the sidelines, the four other people present watched as Koneko tried to catch Raynare. Something the fallen angel clearly didn't want to happen, as she used impressive aerial maneuvers to keep a distance from the rook chasing her. With his eyes following the action, Naruto remarked seriously, "It's the classic close range vs. long range scenario. Koneko needs to get close, and Raynare doesn't want her to."



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