Chapter 75: Either

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"Raynare-san is really strong," Asia whispered nervously to herself, although everyone else heard her. Devil senses. Very handy.

"In a way," Rias replied before clarifying, "If you are talking about power-wise, she isn't that impressive. Even with a bishop promotion, she's average in pure power. That doesn't mean she's weak either. Her control over her light spears is above-average for a fallen angel with only one set of wings. She capable of creating more than one, and is able to make them explosive. It gives her a good versatility. Her flight capabilities are also rather impressive. Clearly the mark of someone who prefers to fight from the air. She also clearly has the experience necessary to alter her tactics and form strategies in the heart of the moment."

"I doubt she would be using such an energy demanding strategy if she didn't have the bishop promotion.

She'd burn herself out too quickly," Akeno pointed out harshly as Raynare once again unleashed a barrage of light spears towards Koneko.

"True, but that is the point of practicing with the promotion. For her to learn how to effectively fight in such a state.

For her to ignore her larger reserves while fighting as a bishop would be wasteful," Rias countered immediately.

Akeno reluctantly acceded that point. She still grunted out, "Still doesn't help her personality."

"Her attitude is a problem," Rias admitted hesitantly before continuing, "She clearly still has a problem with working alongside devil, and she isn't hiding her disgruntlement with the situation. She's being unsociable, aloof, and downright hostile."

"You mean she's being a bitch," Akeno stated openly.

Those that heard her stared at her due to her profanity. Akeno always put up the 'respectable onee-sama' appearance, so she rarely if ever acted vulgar. Raynare was clearly affecting her even more than anyone had suspected.

Naruto sighed as he realized he'd have to talk to her now. Stepping forward, Naruto forced down his trepidation of Akeno and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him with wide eyes from the contact. He quickly requested seriously, "Can I talk to you in private for a minute?"

Akeno just stared at him as she questioned in astonishment, "Talk to me?…In private?"

"Why is that such a surprise?" Naruto asked indignantly.

"Well, you haven't spoke to me alone…ever," Akeno pointed out suspiciously.

"Yeah. In fact, you tend to be unnerved by her very presence," Rias quickly added.

Massaging the bridge of his nose in frustration, Naruto replied in a forced even tone, "Okay, but I really need to talk to her now. Is that okay, sadist-chan?"

Akeno still looked suspicious, but eventually that faded and a new gleam entered her eyes. She nodded happily as she claimed, "Of course, Naruto-kun."

"Thanks," Naruto let out in relief.

Gesturing with his hand, he lead Akeno away from Rias and Asia. He opened the door to the stairs for her, and then closed it behind them. The two stopped there. No need to go too far.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about, Naruto-kun?" Akeno asked.

Leaning against the wall, Naruto looked at her as he informed her, "I want to talk to you about things between you and Raynare. Specifically, I want you to try and be a bit more…amenable and understanding towards her."

"So you're taking her side?" Akeno demanded with a scowl forming on her pretty face. She then declared angrily, "Why?! Do you know what she did? She was willing to kill Asia just a week ago, and she's only proven herself a selfish, power-hungry bitch since. She-"

"Revealed your secret?" Naruto finished for her knowingly.

Akeno took a few deep breaths to calm herself before replying evenly, "She knows nothing about this household."

"And she won't ever if we don't give her a chance."

"She's been uncooperative, rude, and unpleasant to us all."

"You've been the same to her."

"Why are you taking her side?!" Akeno once again demanded as Naruto countered each of her statements.

"I'm not taking sides," Naruto insisted. Stepping a bit closer to Akeno, who seemed to grow somewhat shy at the closeness, he told her serious, "I'm just trying to resolve this situation. I'm already working with Raynare concerning her behavior, but it will take time. In the meantime, this can't be a one way street. Even before she said a word to you, you've been looking for a reason to unload on her. Admit it."

"She shouldn't even be here," Akeno exclaimed in rage, her control apparently snapping. "Buchou made a mistake. Maybe that is partly my mistake for encouraging her to expand her peerage, but it is still a mistake. Buchou spent a week quelling all the protests recruiting Raynare instigated in the Underworld. Her reputation took a huge hit for 'consorting with the enemy,' and that bimbo doesn't even care. She's not going to change because it's in her nature to be selfish and uncaring towards others. She's a fallen angel. We are devils. We are inherently enemies. Nothing is going to change that, and expecting her to change will only end in tragedy."

Naruto just looked at the furious queen in a vague sense of disappointment. Sighing, he locked eyes with her before asking softly, "So I assume you feel the same about Asia?"

"Asia is an entirely different matter," Akeno quickly claimed.

"Really? How? Asia was a nun. She still believes in the biblical god. Wouldn't that make her our enemy as well? Yet you seem pretty accepting of her," Naruto pointed out. Akeno couldn't make out a counter, so Naruto continued, "Plus, you apparently have fallen angel blood. Does that make you an ene-"

"Don't you dare lump me in with them. Don't you dare. Not you," Akeno snapped out, almost looking close to tears.

Which made Naruto feel like a complete dick. He had clearly touched upon a very sensitive issue for Akeno. Letting out a sigh, Naruto told Akeno comfortingly, "Sorry. That came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that."

Leaning back against the wall, Naruto took several moments to think before bursting out, "You just aren't making sense.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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