Chapter 76: Grudging

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You are trying to justify hating Raynare, but you don't hate her for that reason. Call something what it is. You don't hate Raynare because you perceive her to be an enemy. You hate her because she is a fallen angel…I'm not going to try and claim I understand what you are thinking, and I'm not going to try and press you to explain just why you hate fallen angels. I simply want you to try and be rational about this. Give Raynare a chance."

Akeno looked at Naruto solemnly for several moments, obviously thinking intently on his words. Finally she lowered her head to break eye contact with him. She then shook her head before proclaiming in a trembling voice, "I-I'm sorry, Naruto-kun. I just…I just can't. I can't forgive that man. Not even for you."

Naruto assumes 'that man' is meant to mean Akeno's father, who is apparently a fallen angel.

So the real problem she has is with her father, and that grudge has spread to include all fallen angels.

He's not really sure what she meant by not even him, but that isn't important.

"Then ignore her," Naruto exclaimed without thought. When Akeno looked at him in surprise, Naruto told her in a rush, "Pretend she doesn't exist. Interact with her only when necessary. Even if that is better than you and her taking shots at each other or, god forbid, you two actually fight. Just do what you need to stay in control around her."

Akeno actually seemed surprised by his suggestion. He hoped it was something she could do.

While far from an ideal relationship between the two, that would involve the two without clothes, a bed, some melted chocolate, and Naruto watching with a video camera…but Naruto could be satisfied as long as the two aren't at each other's throats.

Akeno seemed unsure, but finally whispered, "Okay." Naruto fist pumped, but his celebratory gesture was cut short when Akeno continued, "But you have to do something for me, Naruto-kun."

Tilting his head, Naruto grinned easily before replying, "Sure. Anything. What do you want?"

Akeno flushed slightly and seemed to revert to a personality similar to Asia's. Looking down, she shuffled her feet before she looked up at him with somewhat red cheeks and requested, "Call me by my name?"

Naruto blinked in surprise. That's it?

"Okay. If that's what you want…Akeno-senpai," Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head. That was actually kind of embarrassing. Much more than it should have been.

Akeno seemed a bit let down by his words, but recovered quickly. Shaking her head with a small smile, she announced, "Okay. I shall do my best to not fry Raynare. I still think this is a mistake, but I can't refuse if it's Naruto-kun requesting it of me. I'll simply restrict myself to watching and waiting."

Thanks," Naruto told her with a wide grin. He then added, "There is one another thing I wanted to talk to you about."

That surprised Akeno, and she asked with a tilt to her head, "What do you mean?"

Naruto grew a bit sheepish. Rubbing the back of his head, he looked away as he told her anxiously, "I know I said I wasn't going to press you about your heritage, and I'm not. I did however want to tell you that while I can't know exactly how you feel, I have had my own issues with my father and having a power I didn't want. I'm not going to force it, but I just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to talk about it…I'm here."

Akeno just stared at him with wide eyes. Naruto couldn't tell what she was thinking. Feeling increasingly awkward as her gaze didn't relent, Naruto finally turned around and opened the door back to the basement.

"Let's get back to the group, shall we?" Naruto said as he held the door open for Akeno.

Which seemed enough to snap her out of whatever thoughts she had been consumed by. Shaking her head while smiling, she walked past him into the large basement. Naruto quickly followed after her.

As the two approached the group, Naruto scanned them. It appears the spar between Raynare and Koneko has ended.

Koneko was looking worn, with a number of light burns on her. Her clothes were also basically shreds by this point.

Raynare was looking untouched besides her right arm, which she was holding very gingerly. It was also being healed by Asia. To the side Rias was talking.

"You did well, Raynare-san. You had the advantage for most of the spar, but your fighting style needs work. You seem to favor an energy demanding style. The problem is that even with a bishop promotion, you don't have the reserves necessary to keep it up for too long.

So you burned yourself out quickly, thus allowing Koneko to close with you to land a hit," Rias explained in a lecturing voice. Raynare didn't look happy at the criticism, but didn't argue either. So she clearly saw that Rias was right. Nodding happily at her rebellious servant's compliance, Rias turned to Koneko and said, "You did well, Koneko.

You fought an opponent that refused to close with you, but you stayed calm. You patiently pursued her and did your best to avoid taking any serious damage. I wish you had controlled your final strike though. Breaking Raynare's arm when she blocked meant you put a far more force into the punch than necessary."

"…She was throwing light spears at me," Koneko pointed out bluntly, a hint of a whine in her voice.

Rias looked amused as she replied, "True, and I already berated her for putting more power into those spears than necessary. Asia's healing ability does mean we can spar more recklessly, but we should do our best to avoid breaking limbs."

"Fine," Koneko grumbled softly.

"Alright. Your arm is all healed, Raynare-san," Asia announced as she stepped away from Raynare. She then turned to Koneko and started healing her as she hummed to herself, "Heal~. Heal well~."

Raynare tested out her arm before commenting in grudging respect, "Very useful sacred gear."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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