Chapter 78: Wield

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The emotionless loli just looked at him blankly before asking, "What, Naruto-senpai?"

"I need your help," Naruto exclaimed bluntly.

Koneko tilted her head in slight confusion as she looked at him.

The next day Naruto was standing in his basement, waiting.

His wait came to an end when the magic circle written on the floor lit up. Naruto waited as Koneko and Yuuto teleported into the room. Yuuto's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Naruto.

"I thought you said Naruto was out with a client, and we were going to spar, Koneko-chan?" Yuuto growled out as he glared at Naruto.

"I told her to bring you here," Naruto informed him calmly.

His words clearly incensed Yuuto, and he gave Koneko a betrayed look. Making a noise with his tongue, he turned and started walking back towards the magical circle as he snapped, "It appears I can't trust anyone."

The knight came to a stop though when a strong fingers grabbed the back of his uniform.

He looked over his shoulder with angry eyes to see a sad looking Koneko holding him.

It was like a sad kitten. Even his anger couldn't take the sight without weakening a bit.

"I'm sad without you around, Yuuto-senpai," Koneko whispered, more emotion in her voice than he had ever heard before.

"Koneko-chan," He muttered, struck by the melancholy she was showing.

"Don't you see, Yuuto?" Naruto said as he gestured at Koneko. He then continued, "This isn't just between you and Excalibur, or even me and you. This is affecting everyone in the club. You can bet Rias and Akeno are feeling your absence just as acutely as Koneko-chan."

Yuuto wavered a bit at that, allowing Koneko to tell him firmly, "Come back to us, Yuuto-senapi." She then let go of him and walked past him to stand in the magic circle. As it glowed around her, she looked at Naruto and practically ordered, "Come back with Yuuto-senpai, Naruto-senpai."

"I will," Naruto claimed without a shadow of a doubt in his voice. His words seemed to reassure her slightly as she teleported out of the room.

Silence stretched between the two for close to a minute. With the absence of Koneko, Yuuto's anger was once again growing.

Standing in the very presence of a wielder of Excalibur was filling him with anger.

"I'm leaving," Yuuto finally grunted out as he started moving towards the teleportation circle.

"I don't think so," Naruto grumbled, and a wave of his hand sent a barrage of wind blades at the teleportation circle.

They were weak, but still proved sufficient for destroying whatever part of the written circle they hit.

Rias would be pissed at him for destroying it, but she'd understand. Yuuto was now trapped here with Naruto. The only exit left was the door, and Naruto was standing in Yuuto's way to reach it.

Something Yuuto no doubt realized. He quickly snarled out, "Let me leave. I have no desire to talk to you, Naruto."

"Well too bad because I want to talk to you," Naruto instantly retorted. Yuuto just turned his head away bluntly.

Sighing, Naruto closed his eyes and concentrating. Holding his right hand out, a golden magic circle sprang to life just before his hand.

Reaching into it, he pulled out Excalibur Ruler. As soon as it appeared, Yuuto's killing intent doubled.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" Naruto asked as he held Excalibur Ruler up. Getting into a rough starting position, Naruto barked out, "Then come and get it."

"Watch yourself, Naruto. I might lose what little control I have left if you say something like that," Yuuto claimed with a frightening look in his eyes.

"I know, but it seems like I'll have to strip away whatever control you have to get to the heart of the problem," Naruto grumbled as he shifted his ready position slightly. He really needs to learn how to use a sword properly. Locking eyes with Yuuto, Naruto told him seriously, "I said come on. You want to destroy this sword. Come destroy it."

That was the breaking point for Yuuto. Half a dozen of his demon swords shot up from the ground, his Sword Birth at work.

Grasping one, he shot toward at Naruto in a dash. Naruto was able to predict his movements though, and raised Excalibur Ruler up to block Yuuto's downward slash.

Yuuto struggled fruitlessly against Naruto's strength for a moment, but soon gave up that fight. Jumping back, he shot in again with a sideward slash. Naruto opnce again blocked it.

"You've been wanting to do this all week, haven't you, Yuuto?" Naruto asked as he worked to block the numerous strikes Yuuto was sending towards him.

Grunting as his holy demon sword was blocked once again. Locking up with Naruto again, he admitted, "You're right. I have. The very thought of having that sword so close to me was too much for me."

Grunting as he shoved Yuuto back, Naruto demanded, "So why do you hate this sword so much?"

"Why didn't you ask Buchou if you wanted to know?" Yuuto questioned as he was once again pushed back by Naruto.

"Because I wanted to hear it from you," Naruto shouted as this time he charged Yuuto. Swinging with enough force that Yuuto's blade was knocked around whenever they connected, Naruto continued passionately, "This is your business. Your feelings. Your revenge. I want to understand."

"You can't understand," Yuuto angrily snapped as his arm shook from blocking another heavy strike from Naruto.

"Then help me understand," Naruto countered.

"Fine then," Yuuto snarled as he jumped away from Naruto. Throwing away the sword he had been using, he grasped two other sword. One in each hand. With a small incantation, one lit up with flames as the other was consumed with ice. Charging forward, he forced Naruto back with his rapid strikes as he raged out, "As a kid, I was part of a project by the church. The Holy Sword Project. As you know, only select individuals can naturally wield holy swords. The point of the project was to find a way to artificially create people capable of wielding holy swords. Specifically, the fragments of Excalibur."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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