Chapter 79: Honor

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Jumping back, Naruto grimaced slightly as a small cut on his chest throbbed. Yuuto had nicked him. Forcing the small pain back, Naruto looked at Yuuto as he questioned, "So what happened? What is so bad about that?"

"They treated us like animals," Yuuto yelled, actually pausing in his attack as he continued unleashing his long pent up feelings, "We were stripped of our freedom. We weren't even considered humans anymore. Days went by of that hell, but we still believed. We believed we had been chosen by God, and that one day we might become special. So we desperately held on, but…we couldn't do it. None of us could wield the holy swords. The experiment was a failure, and you know what they did then…They disposed of us in order to hide the existence of the project. My friends died to give me the chance to escape. As I lay in the snow, dying, I swore to get justice for my friends. That determination formed the basis of why Buchou revived me as a devil. It's why I became a devil. To destroy the swords that caused all our pain. All that death. And that's what I'm going to do now."

Yuuto jumped forward, swinging both his swords towards Naruto. Naruto just gritted his teeth, his head lowered so his bangs covered his eyes.

As Yuuto's strike approached, the holy aura of Excalibur Ruler doubled as Naruto channeled his power into it.

"Don't fuck with me!" Naruto shouted as he swung Excalibur Ruler. The holy sword destroyed both of Yuuto's demon blades. The shocked Yuuto couldn't dodge as Naruto did a front kick to his chest. Yuuto flew backwards before sliding along the ground. As he struggled to his feet, Naruto gestured to Excalibur Ruler and declared angrily, "What the hell is wrong with you? This is a sword. A fucking sword. It was not responsible for what happened to you and your friends."

"It's because of those swords, because of their existence," Yuuto growled out as he got to his feet.

"No, it isn't because of the Excalibur fragments. Because they are swords. It's the fault of whatever asshole was in charge of that project. You are just focusing all your rage on these swords because you can't make that man pay.

You need something to focus all your anger on, and you decided to do the next closest things. The reason the project was created," Naruto snapped out.

"What's your point?" Yuuto demanded as he grabbed another of his demon swords.

"My point is that you are being selfish. You are letting your desire for vengeance consume you.

You are attacking an inanimate object in an attempt to make yourself feel better, and you are letting that hurt all those around you who care about you," Naruto exclaimed angrily.

"So?" Yuuto commented with a mocking grin despite the emptiness in his eyes. "Devils are naturally self-centered beings. It's only natural I work towards my goal with a single-minded determination, uncaring of what that entails."

"Don't use that crap on me," Naruto snarled out. "I have not felt a single thing like that since I became a devil. That's just an excuse for you to do what you want without feeling guilty."

"You just don't understand," Yuuto yelled as he once again charged Naruto. Their swords clashed against each other.

"Damn right I don't," Naruto exclaimed before telling him passionately, "I don't want to understand why you would be willing to hurt the people close to you for something like this. Didn't you hear Koneko-chan. She misses you, Yuuto. Rias-chan does as well. Akeno-senpai too. Don't you care that you are hurting them?!"

"Of course I do," Yuuto maintained before adding, "But this is something I have to do."

"No it isn't. It's something you are choosing to do," Naruto asserted as he avoided Yuuto's increasingly wild swings. "And if you continue like this, you won't succeed. All you'll achieve is an early death. Haven't you been wondering why I'm keeping up with you?"

"It's because you know my fighting style," Yuuto claimed as he kept trying to tattack Naruto.

"No, it's because you suck right now. You wouldn't even be a challenge if I wasn't using a sword. You aren't a knight right now. You're just trying to hack me to death in the most direct and violent way possible," Naruto informed him. He then continued passionately, "If fighting an Excalibur Ruler is enough to lower you to this point, what do you think will happen when you actually face one? One that knows what they are doing and is trying to kill you right back? You'll fucking lose. You'll leave the rest of us to grieve over you."

"You're wrong. I won't die. I don't care what I have to do. I will destroy the Excalibu-geh!"

Yuuto's declaration was ended when Naruto shot his head forward while clashing blades. The result was a crushing head butt. Yuuto's eyes crossed before rolling back in his head as Naruto's rock hard head connected with his own.

He slowly tilted back to fall backwards. The dazed knight laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling with glazed over eyes. Blood was forming on his forehead.

Naruto breathed deeply as he watched Yuuto slowly come back to. When he felt the knight was coherent enough, Naruto threw his hands up in the air as he announced, "I don't want that, Yuuto. No one in the club wants that. We don't want to see you destroy yourself because of this hatred for the Excalibur's. I don't want to watch as another friend falls to darkness. If that means I have to sacrifice something, then so be it."

Naruto stabbed Excalibur Ruler into the ground. Stepping back, Naruto gestured at it as he told Yuuto, "You want to destroy Excalibur.

Well that is what I'm giving you. The strongest fragment of Excalibur. I'm going to let you destroy it…but I demand something in return.

If you destroy this blade, I want you to swear on your honor as a knight that afterwards you will never do this again. I don't care what happens. If another fragment shows up.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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