Chapter 80: Morphed

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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You will never lash out like this again. You will give up this hatred of yours, Yuuto. That is my demand."

With that Naruto turned around and walked out of the basement. Yuuto watched him go with wide eyes before slowly turning to examine the sword that he had left behind. The strongest fragment of Excalibur. Right there. No one to defend it.

But Naruto's words kept running through his head. Swear upon his honor as a knight that he would give up his vengeance.

A memory of his friends rang through his mind. He watched as they were ruthlessly gassed.

As they held the armored soldiers down as they screamed for him to run. He has to destroy the fragments of Excalibur, for them.

Yet this time he thought of the Occult Research Club. Koneko misses him. He doesn't want to hurt her, and Rias is far to caring and stubborn to let him go without a fight.

Akeno will probably go all S mode on him. He still has to see Gasper learn to control his sacred gear.

He wants to spar with Naruto again. Like they used to, not this screaming match. He doesn't want to lose the life he's made here.

Feeling tears well up in his eyes, Yuuto crossed his arms over his eyes as he pondered this dilemma.

Naruto laid on the couch as he waited for Yuuto to show up. It had already been half an hour since Naruto had left him down there.

He had already treated the cut across his chest, and so there was nothing more to do until Yuuto came up.

The other members of the Occult Research Club were at the clubroom, so there was no chance of an interruption.

Hearing the door open, Naruto turned his head to see look towards the stairs down to the basement.

Yuuto was standing in the doorway. His eyes looked red, and there was still dried blood on his forehead. The two stared at each other in silence for close to a minute.

Naruto finally broke the silence by questioning blankly, "Well?"

"Excalibur Ruler is in the basement," Yuuto told him softly.

"In one piece?"

"Yes, in one piece."

"You are still going to try and destroy all the fragments of Excalibur," Naruto commented. It was a statement. Not a question.

"Yes," Yuuto whispered in an almost sad tone. Taking a deep breath, he explained, "I just…can't give it up. I owe it to all my friends who gave their lives for me." Naruto frowned and straightened. He was cut off when he opened his moth by Yuuto adding, "But…I'm going to do it my way. I'm not going to give up my ambition, but I'm also not going to give up the life I've made here."

Raising an eyebrow, Naruto quickly pointed out, "And how are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to control myself. I can't give up my hatred of Excalibur, but if I plan on destroying it entirely I need to have control. I've been consumed by my anger this past week," Yuuto admitted before looking at Naruto and declaring with a clear resolve, "I'll eventually destroy Excalibur Ruler, but it will be on better terms. I'll do something for you so great that you have no choice but to allow me to destroy it. And when I find other fragments, I'll have my comrades by my side. I'm not going to stop being a knight of the Gremory Clan to destroy the fragments of Excalibur. I'll destroy the fragments of Excalibur as a knight of the Gremory Clan. That is my resolve."

Naruto just looked at him blankly before a wide grin formed on his face. Throwing an arm around the knight's shoulder, Naruto exclaimed happily, "It may not be ideal, but that is definitely something I can accept."

"That's good. For what it's worth, I'm sorry with how I've been behaving since I found out you wielded Excalibur Ruler," Yuuto apologized sincerely, his head lowered in despondency.

"No issue. I'm just glad you came to your senses," Naruto replied honestly. His face then grew serious as he claimed earnestly, "I do however want to tell you one more thing. I can't claim to understand how you are feeling, but I do know what it is like to sacrifice one's life for others…They didn't do it so that you could avenge them, Yuuto. They did it so you could live. Don't forget that. If you don't want their sacrifice to be in vain, then live a long and happy life."

Yuuto looked at Naruto with wide eyes, unsure of how to respond. He'd forgotten that Naruto claimed to have willingly given his life to stop that 'Madara' person. Just to save his comrades. He can't completely accept his words.

He still feels that the Excalibur fragments need to be destroyed before his friends can rest in peace, but…he would at least remember Naruto's words.

"I'll teleport us back to the clubroom. The others will want to talk to you," Naruto announced with a smile. The smile morphed into a smirk as he told Yuuto in a teasing voice, "Rias-chan hasn't been happy lately. She's probably going to punish you for acting out. I even heard her telling Akeno that you'll be receiving 1000 spanks."

That caused Yuuto to stiffen slightly. His bottom was already hurting, but he finally gave a forced laugh as he claimed, "I guess I deserve it slightly."

Naruto just laughed. Yuuto was not very convincing right then. He was definitely dreading that punishment.

Elbowing him in the ribs, Naruto shot him a small grin as he told him honestly, "Good to have you back, Yuuto."

Yuuto chuckled before replying sincerely, "Good to be back."

With that, the teleportation circle sprang up and teleported them away.


Naruto just stared out his window with a twitching eyebrow. "Touche, God. Touche."

Outside of Naruto's house, a vast crowd of people were gathered. Somehow it had gotten out on the internet that Naruto was the real writer of Icha Icha. His address was also leaked.

The news had caused a mass migration of perverts to his house. Hence the crowd surrounding his mansion.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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