Chapter 81: Able

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Geez, there were a lot of them. Thousands. They were just milling around out there. Some were chanting praises in his name, and others were doing public readings of certain passages of Icha Icha. It was like they were praising a god.

Massaging the bridge of his nose, Naruto let out a sigh. He couldn't even leave his house like this. He'd be mauled and torn apart.

Fine then. If God wants to curse Naruto with perverts, he'll shoot right back. Always escalate, bitch. A vicious smirk spread across Naruto's face as he came up with the perfect revenge.

Throwing open his largest window, the crowd of perverts cheered as Naruto was revealed to them.



"All hail the blessed writer of Icha Icha!"

Holding up his hands to call for quiet, the crowd silence and waited to hear him speak with baited breath. Taking a deep breath, Naruto announced loudly, "I am blessed to have followers such as you, but I have a request of all you. I am a Christian. I firmly believe God favors perverts. So I want us all to lead a prayer towards God, and do not hold back. Reveal all of your most private desires because God loves and accepts us all. So everyone…start praying for women, tits, asses, thighs, and everything else you might desire."

"What is Michael-sama doing?"

"I'm not sure, Uriel-dono," Gabriel admitted as the two watched Michael slam his head into a stone pillar with horrible force. She then explained in confusion, "He just randomly froze. He then burst out in tears and covered his crotch before started smashing his head like that."

As the two stared at him, Michael just continued smashing his head. He had to overwhelm the thousands of perverted prayers with pain. He had to.

Why? Oh why did he escalate?! This was cruel and unusual!

Landing softly on the roof of another house, Naruto's legs absorbed the impact before launching him back into the air. As he rose into the air, his eyes surveyed his surroundings.

The darkness of night didn't affect him much as a devil, but he made sure to keep a good sense of his own position and remembered the linings of the houses.

Didn't want to end up smashing into the side of a building instead of the roof simply because he started daydreaming.

Despite flying through the air at a high speed, it was quiet enough for Naruto to hear Asia's soft voice as she whispered in his ear, "Three houses down, four to the left." Naruto nodded and started heading that way.

Asia was currently riding on Naruto's back, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands holding her thighs.

She wasn't panicking at riding him through the night air. They'd already done this plenty of times before, so she had gotten used to it.

As Naruto alighted in front of the house she had told him about, he crouched down and let her off her back.

Asia was currently wearing a white tracksuit. One of her hands held a red device, the radar that she was using to direct him to houses of people with strong greed.

She walked up to the nearby mailbox. Reaching into one of her pockets, she came out holding one of the fliers to summon them. Slipping it in, she turned back to Naruto with a smile.

"We are almost done, Naruto-san," she told him happily.

"Great. Let's hurry it up and finish," Naruto replied as he allowed the former nun to climb back onto his back. With her position fixed once more, Naruto took a monumental leap to start his roof hopping.

It had been close to a month now since Asia and Raynare had become a devil. During that time this had become a regular activity between Naruto and Asia.

It was Naruto helping Asia hand out her fliers. She had been diligent at handing out her fliers, much more than him, but it quickly became apparent that she was rather slow at it.

Asia was capable of flying, but she didn't particularly like to. She also wasn't physically adept, since her training revolved around magic and other sedentary tasks.

She was simply incapable of covering the distance the other members of the club could manage.

So Naruto stepped in. Doing this benefited both parties. Asia got to hand out her fliers faster, and Naruto similarly handed out his fliers using this method.

It could also be counted as a bit of training, carrying her and running all over town. He didn't need to worry about people seeing him.

Not only was it night, but since they were working people ignored them. It had something to do with their demonic power.

Not a whole lot had changed in the last few weeks concerning the Occult Research Club. It was just business as usual. Everyone was training. Serving clients. Attending school.

The only point to note was actually concerning Raynare. The fallen angels attitude hadn't changed much at all, but something had quickly become apparent.

She was actually very skilled at forming contracts with clients. Within a fortnight of starting to work with clients, she was already outpacing the other members of the Occult Research Club in the number of contracts she was forming.

She was just extremely skilled at interacting with clients. It really shouldn't have been a surprise. Raynare overall has more experience at interacting, and manipulating, humans than the rest of them put together. She is several centuries old after all.

Despite her usual aloof attitude, Raynare was very good at influencing people when she tries.

It's simply a fact that there are some annoying and uncooperative clients. Everyone in the club has accepted that by this point.

Some clients were just difficult to work with. Raynare just seemed to be able to manage around everyone, no matter their attitude.

It wasn't just in the pure number of contracts she managed to make either.

She is capable of negotiating greater rewards for the same, or even less, amount of work as the rest of them. It was impressive. No one could deny that.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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