Chapter 82: Manner

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Otherwise not a whole lot had changed. Yuuto had returned to the club. He didn't really get along with Raynare, but he was at least able to tolerate her.

His relationships with the rest of the club had also returned to normal.

Akeno and Raynare were able to be in the same room as long as they ignored each other. Things were stable, if not idyllic.

Naruto's thoughts were prematurely ended when Asia told him, "Naruto-san. It is already after midnight. This is enough for tonight."

Naruto quickly looked up at the sky. Confirming her words by the position of the moon, he nodded and replied, "Got it, Asia. Let's head home. We'll pick up tomorrow."

"Does anyone have any particular plans tonight or tomorrow?" Rias asked the gathered members of her peerage.

Naruto looked at her curiously from where he was sitting. Another couch had been added to the clubroom so that everyone could sit down.

Naruto was next to Raynare. Akeno was with Asia. And that left Yuuto and Koneko together. As usual, Rias was sitting behind her desk.

Everyone answered her in the negative, with Naruto finishing, "Besides school, just the usual. Asia and I will be handing out fliers tonight."

"You can pass on that. There will be no need for that anymore. We'll be skipping school tomorrow. I've already arranged it with Sona," Rias announced to the group.

"I'm certainly not complaining, but is there are specific reason we'll be skipping?" Raynare questioned suspiciously. It likely meant they had a job or something.

"Glad you asked, Raynare-san. You see tomorrow we'll be going to get you, Naruto, and Asia familiars," Rias claimed with a pleased smile

"A familiar?" Asia asked with a tilted head.

"Yes. Familiars are extra hands for us devils. They are one of our most basic tools, although partners is a better way of putting it. They can perform tasks like delivering messages, searching for objects or people, and nearly all familiars can learn basic magic spells. Depending on the familiar, they can even fight alongside us or provide unique abilities," Rias explained in a lecturing voice. Holding up a hand, a red bat appeared above her hand with only a puff of smoke to herald its entrance. She then continued, "Among this household, only you three lack a familiar. This is my familiar."

"This one is mine," Akeno announced as pointed at the floor. A small green Oni appeared. She quickly added, "I have a small family of them."

"…This is Shiro," Koneko said as she cuddled a cute little kitten with fur the same color as her hair.

"This little one is mine," Yuuto said as a small bird appeared on his shoulder.

As Naruto and Asia examined the familiars, Raynare questioned with a raised eyebrow, "If familiars are so important, why are we just now getting one?"

"It's mainly just tradition," Rias admitted casually before clarifying, "One of the more typical duties of a familiar is distributing fliers to clients. However handing out the fliers is one of the basics for reincarnated devils, so some time is placed between reincarnating someone as a devil and getting them a familiar. Typically a month. Naruto was just about ready when you and Asia joined, but I decided to wait and do you all as one group."

"Wait. So you mean we had to hand out all those fliers for a tradition?" Raynare demanded in outrage.

She was amazing at interacting with clients, but that didn't transfer over to handing out the fliers. That's was still plain annoying and tiresome.

"It's training. Distributing fliers personally is the best way to form your own client base. It also teaches you patience," Rias quickly argued.

Raynare clearly didn't agree, but Asia spoke up first, "Ano, how do you get a familiar?"

"It's actually quite a simple process, if one that has an inordinate amount of uncertainty and reliance on luck," Rias commented before finishing, "We'll be going tomorrow morning to a special area where you will get your familiars. So I expect you to relax tonight and be in top condition tomorrow. The area isn't usually dangerous to devils as long as the proper precautions are taken, but anything can happen. There are many dangerous creatures there that could attack if we aren't careful."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Until Naruto looked towards Yuuto and asked, "Hey, Yuuto. Want to go practice swords?"

"What did I just say, Naruto-kun?" Rias demanded with an exasperated sigh.

"You said to be in top condition tomorrow. That doesn't mean Yuuto and I can't have a bit of sword practice. We'll go easy," Naruto reasoned without much care.

It had taken a week of convincing for Naruto to get Yuuto to start teaching him swordsmanship, and even then they had to practice with bokkens.

Yuuto refused to teach him while using Excalibur Ruler. It wasn't very serious practice.

Naruto had no plans to become a serious swordsman, but Excalibur Ruler deserved more than being used as a club. He could at least learn the basics of using a sword.

Naruto worked best when he had room to improvise and adapt during a fight anyway. He generally avoided strict or complex fighting styles. Naruto went by the seat of his pants. It's his modus operandi.

"Don't worry, Buchou. I'll make sure Naruto stops before he exhausts himself," Yuuto claimed with a reassuring smile towards Rias.

Rias looked hesitant, but eventually sighed and reluctantly admitted, "I guess that is acceptable. Seriously though, don't exhaust yourself. We'll be heading there at eight in the morning, and probably won't be leaving till nightfall. A full day."

"Got it, Rias-chan. Only eight hours of sparring then," Naruto said teasingly, doing a sarcastic salute.

Rias just groaned and replied by stating, "Yuuto. You are in charge."

"Got it, Buchou."

"Hey," Naruto cried out indignantly. Turning his head away while pouting, Naruto grumbled, "I was just joking. I'm not a child that needs supervising."

"You certainly act like a child," Raynare quickly commented.

Instead of replying in a mature manner, Naruto stuck his tongue out at the fallen angel while pulling one of his eyelids down. His counter caused her eye to twitch in irritation.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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