Chapter 86: Ninjutsu

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They also have flesh and blood. They can eat, go to the bathroom, and even bleed. The only problem is that the chakra matrix is relatively fragile. A sudden disturbance or disruption will cause the chakra to destabilize. The clone then poofs away in a cloud of smoke. I then get back any leftover chakra, which also allows me to gain the memories of the clone."

"What exactly counts as a 'sudden disturbance or disruption?' Rias questioned intently.

"Typically a good solid hit. I however, am a master of this technique. Unless I create a group all at once, my clones should be able to withstand a small of punishment.

So this guy should be able to endure a handful of shots," Naruto enlightened the group while puffing out his chest proudly.

"Yeah. I'm totally awesome," the clone added as well.

Raynare let out a groan as she muttered in horror, "There's two of them. Two. What sort of hell is this? This must be a nightmare."

Ignoring the rather insulting words, Naruto announced, "My clone will accompany you guys. I'll go and collect these ingredients. That okay?"

Everyone nodded in acceptance, so Naruto unfurled his devil wings. Jumping into the air, Naruto started flying away. The group watched as he disappeared in the distance.

Zatouji then quickly announced, "Okay, we should get going then. Not only do we need to find these two little ladies familiars, but we also have a lot of ground to cover."

"What do you mean?" Akeno quickly asked in confusion.

"This forest is very large, but it also has several different areas in it. Right now we are in the area where familiars more closely aligned with darkness gather. That is because those are the familiars more likely to bond with devils. Fairies are more holy creatures, and thus are more populous in another part of the forest. It's a few hours away even if we don't take time to find these two familiars, so we need to head out immediately if we want to make it before nightfall. I seriously doubt he'll have gathered all the ingredients, but we might as head there regardless."

"I trust Naruto-san. He said he'd finish by tonight, and so I believe he will," Asia immediately claimed, looking displeased by Zatouji's lack of faith.

"She's right. Naruto-kun's far from being the smartest or calmest person, but he's resourceful. He'll figure out a way to get from A to B. No matter how many obstacles seem to get in the way," Akeno added.

"It's the luck of being an overpowered idiot. They just blow up every obstacle before them," Raynare commented in a way that made it unclear whether she was praising Naruto or insulting him. Probably both. Her and Naruto have a weird relationship.

"Absolutely right. He's my precious servant after all," Rias declared as she nodded in agreement with her servants.

Koneko even walked up to Zatouji and told him with a blank face, "Naruto-senpai's an infuriating idiot…"

"…And?" Zatouji asked, expecting for her to continue.

"…That's it," Koneko claimed, turning and walking away.

Everyone else sweat dropped. The others stood up for Naruto, she just called him an idiot. Yuuto chuckled awkwardly before remarking, "Looks like Koneko-chan is still upset with Naruto for using cat nip to trick her into sitting on his lap two days ago."

"In my defense…she was totally adorable. She even purred when I rubbed her head," the Naruto clone declared like that was a viable reason.

"Go die, molester," Koneko replied bluntly.

Naruto grabbed his heart and made an exaggerated act that his heart had been pierced. Yuuto decided to explain, "Koneko is rather protective of letting people rub her head. It's kind of a personal thing for her, and so feels Naruto crossed a line."

Zatouji just sweat dropped as the group wandered off topic again. What a weird group of devils. Deciding to put a stop to it, he clapped his hands together before announcing, "Alright. You can talk as we start moving. We can't sit here all day."

The real Naruto searched the area from the sky, but couldn't glean very much. The forest went miles and miles in every direction.

The only breaks in the tress were some large rocky areas, too small to be mountains, and some bodies of water to the north.

He was currently heading in the general direction of the rocky hills.

"Guess I should check out that list," Naruto muttered to himself. Pulling the paper from his pocket, Naruto read aloud, "Cucumber of a kappa. Golden banana of the monkey tribe. Kelp of the mermaids. Petal of the flower colloquially known as the 'Golden Death.' Huh, shorter list than I expected. Yosh! I can totally do this. Time to get to it."

It took close to a minute of flying for Naruto to have a realization. Pulling on his hair, Naruto exclaimed in dismay, "Crap! I don't have any idea where to find these ingredients in this big ass forest."

If anyone was watching, they'd probably be amused to see Naruto freaking out while floating in midair. Thankfully no one was, so Naruto was left alone to vent his feelings in private.

At least for a minute he was able to. Sensing a primal killing intent, Naruto flapped his wings and quickly dropped several feet.

Naruto could feel the air currents of something sharp running right through the space his neck had previous been occupying.

Spinning around as well as he could, Naruto saw some sort of reptilian bird thing making a circle to head back towards Naruto.

Naruto readied himself since this thing had attempted to just take his head off. It just got real!

Naruto swerves around the claws of the bird thingy as it tried to swipe him while flying by again. Naruto cursed to himself. This thing was fast, and aerial combat is not Naruto's forte. Deciding to resort to ninjutsu, Naruto put his hands in the bird hand seal. Breathing in deeply, he called out, "Fuuton: Renkudan."

Naruto then spat out several compressed balls of air. The technique seemed to catch the creature by surprise. The first one clipped its wing, destabilizing its flight.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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