Chapter 87: Scales

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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The second landed rather solidly against its torso. The third narrowly missed. The attack was sufficient to force the creature to let out a screech of pain, and send it off balance.

It quickly regained its stable flight, but Naruto was already. Having closed in its momentary vulnerability, Naruto dodged its desperate attempt to take a chunk out of his shoulder.

He then wrapped his arms around its surprisingly strong neck. Using his wings to force himself downwards, Naruto used that momentum and spun his body around.

With his grip around its neck, it created a sort of midair throw.

Unfortunately, the issue with throwing something from a hundred feet in the air is that it has a lot of time to recover.

The bird/lizard thing managed to recover twenty feet before hitting the stone below them.

Frowning, Naruto shot down at it. He missed cleanly though when it flew away from him completely.

Confused, Naruto watched at it aligned on a nearby rock to hiss and snarl at him. It then moved away from him. It was retreating.

Grinning widely at his victory, Naruto went down till he landed on his feet. Retracting his wings, Naruto held his hands up to his mouth as he yelled tauntingly at the back of the creature, "Yeah, that's right. Run, bitch. You can't take this. Nobody can handle the pure, raw awesomeness Uzumaki Naruto just exudes naturally. Ha."

His obligatory victory taunting over, Naruto prepared to fly away again. He was interrupted however by a feminine voice calling out, "Wait. Hold on. Don't go."

Raising an eyebrow, Naruto decided to wait. He soon found the source of the voice. It was a busty girl with her brown hair done into elegant curls.

She was wearing some gray and brown camping clothes that blended in nicely with the surrounding rock.

She was scrambling over the disjointed rocks slowly, but easily. Human, but with good athletic ability.

Naruto waited till she finally arrived in front of him. She took several breaths before saying gracefully, "I certainly did not expect to see you, Uzumaki-san, but this could be some good fortune for both of us."

Naruto just stared. The seconds turned into minutes, and the girl became increasingly more awkward and creeped out. Finally Naruto asked blankly, "Do I know you?"

The girl seemed somewhat put out by the question, her pride probably hurting from his ignorance concerning her. Taking a few seconds to regain her composure, she placed a hand on her chest as she informed him, "My name is Abe Kiyome. I'm a third year at Kuoh Academy. I also happen to be a beast tamer."

Naruto's blank stare just continued before he claimed bluntly, "Doesn't ring a bell."

"I'm captain of the tennis club."

"Nope. Nada."

"…You once pranked me by writing on the back of my shirt during a tournament, 'I'm really good with handling balls.'"

"Oh, Abe-senpai," Naruto exclaimed as he finally recognized her. He quickly asked, "Didn't I also once write on the butt of your panties 'Uzumaki Naruto was here'?"

"Yes, you did. For weeks people thought I slept with you," Kiyome replied stiffly, not pleased at the memory.

"Didn't I also take a rubber chicken and-"

"Yes! Yes, you did. You've pranked the tennis club, and me, a lot," she snapped, not wanting to have all the traumatic memories brought back up.

"Sorry," Naruto said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. Thinking for a second, Naruto continued, "Not to be a dick, but I sort of have something to do. Did you need something?"

"Yes, actually. I was hoping for your assistance in a certain matter," Kiyome claimed as she regained her cool.

Tilting his head in confusion, Naruto quickly questioned, "And what would that be?"

"I was hoping for your assistance in taming that wyvern you just battled," Kiyome told him simply.

"Wyvern? Is that what that thing just was?"

"You don't even know what a wyvern is?" Kiyome asked critically, raising an eyebrow as she looked over him skeptically.

"Sorry if I'm not a monster expert. I was also more concerned with not having my throat ripped out," Naruto replied in irritation.

"Sorry. I guess I'm used to interacting with people who have more knowledge on monsters," she replied, looking slightly apologetic. She then quickly explained, "Yes, that was a wyvern. Some compare them to dragons, but they aren't even distantly related to dragons. They are more closely related to birds. They can grow up to eight meters in height, although that is rare. They average at five meters. They have a beak filled with sharp teeth, two wings, and two legs which they can walk with. They also have scales. Their intelligence is low, but to a degree that they are capable of basic learning. In the wild they are solitary, and very territorial. That one attacked you because you started flying in its territory."

"Uhh, thanks for the lesson," Naruto said, unsure of how to take the impromptu lecture. Rubbing his head awkwardly, Naruto decided to go blunt and questioned, "So what do you need me for? You said you are a beast tamer or something. So you want to make it your familiar or something?"

"Of course not. The concept of a familiar is exclusive to supernatural beings, and it is a clumsy and ham-fisted method of taming beasts.

I am completely human, and know only basic magic. Which means I have to use a far more…elegant and refined method," Kiyome declared in a haughty voice.

Naruto just looked at her expressionlessly, "If you are so skilled…what do you need me for?"

His cutting remark seemed to embarrass her slightly, as he reluctantly explained as she poked her fingers together, "I've managed to tame a number of different beasts, but I've been having a problem with more feral and aggressive monsters. I managed to find this wyvern, and decided it was a good choice. It is the proper age, size, and actually has a reasonable temperament for its species. Unfortunately, the primary method of taming wyverns require them to be injured at the start, and for the beast tamer in question to nurse them back to health."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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