Chapter 97: Goddess

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Carefully grabbing them, Naruto bent down and picked up a small twig from the ground.

He then wrapped each hair around the twig, tying a knot afterwards so they wouldn't fall off.

With the hairs secured, Naruto placed it on the small pile of items.

He then stepped back to examine the small pile of objects. It wasn't totally complete.

Naruto wished he had something to represent his parents. A reminder of the Rookie 12.

The necklace he won from Tsunade. Unfortunately, Naruto could only use what was in his storage seals, and his trip over here hadn't exactly been planned. So while it wasn't perfect, Naruto was satisfied.

"You done?" Rias asked as she came up behind Naruto.

"Yep," Naruto replied simply. Turning his head, he then called out, "You ready yet, ossan?"

"Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses," Zatouji replied shortly as he approached. He was holding a bowl. Looking at Naruto, he asked, "That pile yours?"

"…Yeah," Naruto replied, not quite liking how he referred to a number of Naruto's prized possessions.

Zatouji either didn't notice or didn't care, as he just walked over. Reaching into the bowl, he threw a handful of powder onto the pile of objects. He then announced, "That's it."

"That's it?" Naruto repeated skeptically.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Zatouji claimed, "That's it. The powder will attract the fairies, but now we are onto the most uncertain step. Waiting. If they deem you suitable, they'll come to you. Otherwise, there is nothing more we can do."

"It's been a good six hours since we arrived. We've got maybe four more hours before we need to head back," Rias announced seriously.

"Got it, Rias-chan," Naruto said with an understanding nod. Nothing to do now, but wait.

"Since the other two have got their familiars there's nothing for us to do, but wait," Zatouji commented with a shrug.

"Actually, there's one thing I was planning to do on this trip," Naruto claimed softly. Looking at Zatouji, Naruto asked, "Do you think you can…leave for a little while? No offense, but this is something rather private."

Zatouji looked a bit befuddled by the request, but shrugged and answered calmly, "Sure. I'll just go for a walk. I'll be back in half an hour."

"That will work. Thanks," Naruto said gratefully.

So Zatouji turned and started walking into the woods. He disappeared quickly.

As soon as he was gone, Rias asked curiously, "What is it you are planning, Naruto-kun?"

Instead of answering, Naruto started heading towards the lake while simultaneously calling out to everyone, "Come here. I have something to show you guys. Something cool. You definitely won't want to miss it."

His words brought everyone together. Asia quickly asked, "What is it, Naruto-san?"

"It better not be something stupid," Raynare grunted out.

"Only if you would consider Selene as something stupid," Naruto claimed with a wide grin.

"Wait," Rias exclaimed immediately. "As in the Lady of the Lake?"

Naruto nodded enthusiastically before explaining, "Yeah. I've been wanting to introduce you guys to her for a while, but she's kind of private. I also need a large body of water to summon her. Altogether I couldn't summon her in the city. I realized yesterday though that this is a great opportunity for you guys to meet her. We're in the wilderness, and by ourselves."

"M-Meeting the Lady of the Lake. I'm kind of n-nervous," Asia admitted timidly.

"Asia has a point. It isn't everyday you meet a true goddess," Akeno remarked, looking a tad bit nervous as well.

"Don't worry you guys. She's friendly," Naruto told them.

"Let's hope so," Rias muttered before gesturing to Naruto and saying, "Guess there's nothing to do but get to it. So proceed, Naruto-kun."

Nodding, Naruto stepped away from the group. He had positioned them beside the lake before, and he now walked towards it.

Using the water walking exercise, Naruto walked across the surface of the water. After making it out ten meters or so, Naruto removed the silver-green pendant from his neck.

The pendant he received from the Lady of the Lake. Holding it in his hand, he crouched down over the surface of the water.

Naruto then used the pendant to trace the symbol inside the pendant on the water, the symbol of the Lady of the Lake.

The pendant left a gold trail where it touched the water. When he was done, there was a glowing golden symbol in the water.

Standing up, Naruto quickly retreated as the symbol faded. Reaching the shore, he waited expectantly.

He didn't have to wait long. Within three seconds, a figure rose up out of the water right where the symbol had been.

Once the figure was entirely out of the water, she started to slowly make her way towards the group.

Her steps didn't cause even the slightest ripple across the water, making her seem almost ethereal.

Naruto's grin widened at the sight of the Lady of the Lake, the others looking at her in awe.

The Lady of the Lake was quite tall, standing an inch or two taller than Naruto.

Her alabaster skin was so clear it was almost translucent, the white skin also had a slight bluish tinge.

Her wavy hair was white with a slight hint of green to it, falling down to the small of her back.

Her eyes were quite large, and were a soft pink color. Her face was perfect to a degree that it almost didn't seem natural.

Her body was beautiful. She didn't have the outrageously curved figure of Rias or Akeno, but everything still seemed perfect.

Her long legs, the gentle arch of her hip, her trim and flat stomach, the graceful slope of her breasts, the delicate collarbone and neck.

It was a perfection artists couldn't ever achieve in their works. Her attire was…interesting to say the least.

Seaweed ran up her legs, sticking to her skin like it was magnetically attracted to her. The seaweed continued from her legs, the large leaves covering her groin.

It even continued further, running up her stomach to cover her breasts. Much of her skin was exposed by the wandering vines, but the important bits were covered.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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