Chapter 98: Shirone

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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She was utterly gorgeous. Even the females couldn't help but lose their breath over her ethereal beauty.

Yet, there was something…otherworldly about it. Maybe it was her too perfect face and body or the slight discolorations of her hair and skin, but it was almost too much.

No mortal could achieve such perfection. Anyone to see her would feel in their hearts that this was a being that existed in a whole different realm of existence. That she was simply…superior.

The pure wonder the members of the Occult Club were feeling shattered when Naruto let out an eager yell, "Selene!" Naruto then jumped forward, catching the goddess in a flying glomp.

She staggered slightly, but seems to have expected it. She seemed slightly amused by Naruto, who was still hugging her in delight. Patting him on the head, she spoke up in a light and airy voice, "Naruto. Nice to see you again."

Reluctantly pulling away, Naruto quickly replied with a grin, "Yeah, I've missed you these past few months, Selene."

"Still. You have done well, Naruto. You have made many fine comrades in the months since we separated," Selene commented as she turned to look at the gob smacked members of the Occult Research Club. She then said, "Greetings."

The members seemed speechless and incapable of replying. Naruto finally remarked, "I think they are still recovering from your Glamour, Selene. Why did you even arrive without suppressing it? You knew this would happen."

"It shall be a good experience for them to experience a Glamour. They do not have the natural immunity you do, thus they must be aware if it ever happens to them," Selene claimed calmly before telling the confused members of the club, "I apologize.

You were previously affected by my Glamour. It is a tool used by gods to influence mortals and nourish worship.

Most gods must mentally invoke a Glamour…Unfortunately, one of my unique abilities is my unusually powerful Glamour that is constant. I must consciously suppress it." She ended with a small, bitter smile.

"I-It is…fine," Rias stuttered out awkwardly, her cheeks burning. A Glamour. She's read about those before.

They can be resisted by any with a strong will. For her to be caught in it was downright embarrassing. Naruto had clearly been able to resist it.

It was clearly gone now though. The previous presence of Selene had disappeared. She was still just as perfect, but they weren't taken in by that perfection anymore.

"It is wonderful to meet you…?" Rias began formally, speaking in a highly formal and slightly deferential voice. The being before her might not hold any worship among devils, but she was still a god. That demands a certain amount of submission, even from a high class devil like Rias. Rias quickly questioned awkwardly, "I'm sorry, milady, but what should we call you?"

Selene didn't seem at all affected by Rias' attitude, and answered serenely, "It does not matter to me. Names mean little. I have been called many over the ages. Lady of the Lake, Nimue, Viviane, Elaine, Nivian, Nyneve, Evienne, Niniane, and many others. Naruto fancies the name Selene. For the sake of convenience, you may refer to me as that."

"Understood, Selene-sama," Rias replied while giving her a respectful bow. She then announced, "I am Rias Gremory, heiress apparent of the Gremory Clan. I thank you for the assistance you rendered my servant previously."

"No thanks are needed. Naruto was not your servant at the time," Selene said coolly before adding with a small teasing smile, "On the contrary, I should thank you. Naruto is not…an easy person to have as a servant."

Rias couldn't help but chuckle slightly at that. She then retorted, "I noticed. I really doubt he can be referred to as a servant."

"Nope. Not really," Selene admitted with a small smile. She then turned to Asia and continued, "Hello, Asia Argento."

"P-P-Pleased to meet you, milady," Asia stuttered out anxiously, giving a hasty bow at the end.

"There is no need to fear me. I am not your enemy. Quite the contrary," Selene claimed, laying a soft hand on Asia's head.

"T-Thank you," Asia replied, still unable to hide or hide her nervousness.

Selene just moved on though, turning to Raynare. "Hello, Raynare."

"It's a honor, Selene-sama," Raynare said formally, unconsciously straightening under the gaze of the goddess before her.

Selene tilted her head before commenting, "Five more weeks remaining in the bet. Continue carefully. The decisions you make in that time shall determine the path you walk."

Raynare blinked in surprise at her words, sending Naruto a questioning gaze. He just shrugged and explained, "Selene knows damn near everything. Apparently her real domain is knowledge. She knows our pasts and futures. Without even meeting someone she knows that person better than they know themselves. It's why she refers to everyone familiarly."

With that piece of information explained, the group focused back on Selene. The goddess apparently didn't care about his words, as she now focused on Yuuto. The knight immediately fell to a knee before the goddess. Bowing his head, he said courteously, "It's an honor, milady."

Selene just smiled softly before gently lifting the surprised Yuuto to his feet. She then told him regally, "Do not bow to me, knight of the House of Gremory. I have done nothing to deserve it."

Yuuto reluctantly straightened, but anyone could see he was uncomfortable in the presence of the goddess.

Thankfully, Selene moved on to Koneko. This time Selene tilted her head in thought while looking at the impassive Koneko. She finally asked, "Your name?"

Deciding to disregard why she asked, Koneko answered shortly, "Koneko Toujou."

"And your real name?" Selene asked calmly.

Koneko's eyes grew hard at that. She finally grunted out, "It doesn't matter. You yourself said…that names don't matter."

"They don't, but you didn't just change your name. You are rejecting part of your nature. Your very identity.

That does matter," Selene said wisely. Koneko actually scowled at her words, and turned away irritably.

Selene just gave a serene smile as she added, "I hope to speak to Shirone someday." She then turned away from the glowering Koneko.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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