Chapter 99: Downright

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Now facing a visibly nervous Akeno, Selene just smile as she said, "Same to you, Himejima Akeno."

Akeno's presence turned noticeably darker at her words, although the polite smile she was wearing didn't change. She then replied in a clearly forced polite voice, "Ufufufu. We shall see, Selene-sama."

Nodding tranquilly despite no doubt feeling Akeno's darker emotions, Selene turned back to Rias and commented, "You have a good peerage, Rias. I look forward to seeing you all fulfill your potential."

"Thank you for your kind words. It is valuable praise from one such as you," Rias replied politely, pride seeping into her voice.

Selene then turned to Naruto and asked, "Do you have a proper object?"

Naruto immediately pouted as he grumbled, "Your whole future sight thing really ruins the fun. Not only can I never surprise you, but you don't even give me the opportunity to say anything because you know what I'm going to say and reply before I even say it."

"Good. It's entertaining to mess with you," Selene claimed in a teasing tone.

Naruto started muttering to himself. He'd finally met his match in Selene. She didn't really do anything besides tease him sometimes, but he could not for the life of him prank her. It was infuriating. She sees everything.

Getting rid of those thoughts, Naruto quickly pulled out a small bundle wrapped in a white cloth. He then told her, "I know you need some sort of object. So here it is."

Selene approached him and took the bundle. She then slowly opened it, revealing a gleaming silver cross. Asia immediately gasped at the sight.

Which drew Rias' attention, who quickly asked, "Is something wrong, Asia?"

"T-That's my cross," Asia claimed in shock.

Rias blinked in bewilderment before asking, "You have a cross?"

Asia looked down as she admitted, "Y-Yes. It was a cross I used to wear on my nun attire, but I couldn't do that after I became a devil. I still kept it in my room though."

"Yeah, sorry about that, Asia. I snuck into your room this morning and got it. I hope that is okay," Naruto told her sheepishly.

"It is okay, but why did you need it, Naruto-san?" Asia asked in confusion.

Naruto just gestured to Selene. The goddess didn't look at them, instead focusing on the cross.

Holding it up, a glow appeared in the hands grasping it. Everyone could sense the powerful magic.

Still holding the cross in one hand, Selene bent down and barely touched the surface of the water with a finger. She then straightened, a single drop of water clinging to her finger tip.

Her mouth moved as she silently spoke to herself. Lifting the finger up, the drop of water fell onto the cross.

The silver cross immediately turned a lustrous gold. Selene nodded in satisfaction at the sight.

She then called out, "Asia Argento. Come forward."

Asia looked baffled by the order, and was clearly reluctant. When she looked towards Naruto for guidance though, he gave her an encouraging smile. Drawing courage from that, Asia hesitantly stepped forward.

Selene closed the distance till she was almost uncomfortably close to Asia. Gently grabbing her chin, Selene forced Asia to look up into her face.

She then announced, "Asia Argento, possessor of Twilight Healing. With this act, I hereby bestow upon you a gift."

Selene then leaned down and placed a tender kiss upon Asia's forehead, drawing a gasp of surprise from the nun.

Pulling back, Selene then held up the golden cross. She touched it firmly onto the spot she had just kissed.

Asia recoiled, expecting a burning pain from the cross, but was confused when nothing happened. Smiling softly, Selene placed the cross into the amazed Asia's hands.

She then announced, "As per Naruto's desire, I have both enchanted this cross and placed a blessing upon you."

Everyone quickly looked at Naruto, who scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he explained, "Well Asia is still a dedicated Christian. She prays before meals, even with the migraines she suffers. She also reads the Bible. She has even kept her cross. I really didn't want her to have to suffer, so I was hoping Selene could help her."

Selene then clarified, "I placed an enchantment on this cross, and a blessing on Asia. As long as she wears this cross, Asia should be immune to the devil's weakness of light, holy water, and crosses. My blessing shall exempt her from the punishments a devil receives when praying or reading the Bible."

"You can do that?" Rias asked in astonishment, completely blown away from this news.

The system set up by the Biblical God himself is the reason for all that.

Selene would have to be capable of…well, hacking into that system to do what she just did. A system created and maintained by the Biblical God himself.

"Yes, I can. I have many abilities, and many secrets," Selene stated with a mysterious smile before quickly adding, "And no, I cannot create more of those crosses. I accomplished this by manipulating loopholes in the Biblical God's system. This was only possible because of Asia's genuine belief and faith. I simply forcefully reclassified her as a follower of the Biblical God by using her faith as a sticking point, allowing her to pray and read the Bible without punishment. The cross is used to protect her from the natural weaknesses of a devil, like light. The cross in specific was difficult to create, and making too many might have inadvertent side effects on the entire system. That might draw the attention of the Biblical God and heaven."

Rias deflated slightly at that. After her shock, she had immediately seen potential in this. Most devils wouldn't want the ability to pray, but enchantments capable of protecting them from light and holy water would be invaluable. Guess that would be too much to ask for.

Raynare quickly questioned while looking at Naruto critically, "Why did you do it for Asia, but not yourself? You pray right beside her."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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