Chapter 100: Pillow

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"You have a question for me," Selene said once she was getting close. It was a statement, and both of them knew it.

Rias nodded seriously. Taking a deep breath, she asked, "I need to know about my future Rating Match against Riser. Do I win? If not, how did I lose?"

"You wish to change the future," Selene commented emotionlessly.

"I wish to cement the future I want," Rias proclaimed firmly.

"An impossible task," Selene remarked quickly, a visible frown on her face. She then clarified to the confused Rias, "The future is not so simple as that. It is twisting and turbulent. Always changing. There is no destiny. Every decision can change things. Every act. Every thought. It's that complex."

"What I mean is that the future isn't set in stone. I can't tell you what will happen because it hasn't happened yet. I can tell you what might happen. What can happen.

But never what will happen. I can lay out thousand or even millions of potential paths you can take.

Some paths you may win your match with the one known as Riser, and in others you shall lose.

I cannot set you on a certain path because every thought and decision you make changes things.

The future isn't decided by one or two major decisions, but millions of nearly unnoticeable ones," Selene explained seriously.

Rias let out a depressed sigh at the answer and remarked gloomily, "So you can't help me?"

"No. I cannot," Selene said solemnly.

Rias nodded in understanding before another thought occurred to her. Hesitating about whether she wanted to ask this question, she finally took a deep breath and asked, "Then can you tell me what would have happened if Naruto never arrived in this world?" When Selene didn't answer immediately, Rias continued, "Naruto said you sent him here because his presence changed how things were suppose to turn out. I've tried not to think about it, but it keeps coming to mind. What did he change? Would I have gained Issei as a peerage member? Would I have met Asia?…How would things have turned out?"

Selene just looked at Rias without answering. Finally she closed her eyes and replied softly, "There's a reason they recommend letting sleeping dogs lie, Rias. As I said, the future is never certain. That future disappeared years ago when Naruto appeared in this world, long before you were even born. Telling you what might have happened would only cause heartache."

Rias sighed at once again being denied an answer, but couldn't deny the wisdom of her words. She'd rather not consider what she believes might have happened. That future is gone.

"Are you happy with your current life, Rias?" Selene questioned suddenly.

Rias blinked in surprise at the question, but nodded and immediately answered, "Of course."

"Then be satisfied with that," Selene said simply as she glided back to the group.

Rias stayed still for a few seconds after that. Such a simple statement, but it really resonated with her. Rias had always been one to consider 'what if,' wondering if she could have done something better.

Yet, she truly can't find any faults with her current life. Sure, there were small issues. Raynare' attitude. Riser. Naruto's stubbornness and rebelliousness. Life is full of ups and down.

That's only natural, but…she is satisfied. She really is. She loves her life, and no one is going to ruin that. Not Riser. Not her father. Not anyone.

Smiling at her inner revelation, Rias turned and walked back to the group. Asia was still clinging to Naruto, although she had stopped crying.

Rias couldn't blame her either. Naruto just did something that hadn't been done in history.

He gave Asia, a devil, the ability to pray. Naruto really is Asia's personal hero by this point.

Selene meanwhile announced to the group, "It is time I take my leave."

Naruto's head immediately shot up and he yelled while trying not to jostle Asia, "What?! But you just arrived."

"And I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, I have business to attend to," Selene claimed while smiling at Naruto regretfully. She then grew a bit brighter as she informed him, "Don't worry though. You'll be seeing me sooner than expected."

"…Promise?" Naruto demanded grudgingly.

Selene gave a tinkling laugh before saying, "I promise."

Giving a wave to the rest of the group, Selene walked back onto the lake. She then sunk into it like a ghost, not even a ripple to mark her departure.

Akeno seemed to brighten at the goddess's departure, and clapped her hands together as she announced, "This will be a good time to have lunch. I prepared it beforehand."

As if to emphasize her words, several stomachs rumbled. Needless to say, Akeno's food was gratefully accepted by the group.

Several hours, the group started getting ready to leave.

Naruto sighed from where he was sitting down with his back against a tree. After eating lunch, the group had simply hung out and talked to each other.

They could have left, but they hade wanted to give Naruto as much time as possible for a fairy to choose him.

It had not been a success. Naruto had felt multiple small energy signatures in the area, and had even seen some from the corner of his eyes. None had apparently chosen him though, and time had run out. They had to go back.

Naruto lowered his head to look at a sleeping Asia. After she finished crying, the nun had fallen asleep. Using his lap as a pillow. Naruto didn't mind, even if it was a bit uncomfortable.

They needed to leave now though, so Naruto pet Asia's head as he told her loudly, "Asia. You have to wake up now. We're about to leave."

Asia softly mewled protests while still asleep, but Naruto held in his fan boyish squeal and continued.

Finally Asia's eyes opened. Sitting up, she blearily rubbed her eyes. She then looked around in confusion, having just woken up.

Her cheeks immediately flared up as she realized what she had been doing. She quickly exclaimed in embarrassment, "S-S-Sorry, N-Naruto-san. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

Naruto just laughed and replied, "No prob, Asia."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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