Chapter 101: Chikyu

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"B-But it was probably pretty uncomfortable," Asia mumbled as she poked her fingers together.

"I didn't mind," Naruto claimed cheerfully before his grin became more mischievous. He then added, "Plus, your sleeping face is really cute."

Asia blushed deeply at that, and looked at the ground. After a minute she looked back up. Her face immediately lit up in joy as she squealed, "You got a fairy. I knew you could, Naruto-san."

Naruto just looked at her in confusion before telling her, "What do you mean? I didn't gain a fairy as a familiar."

"Then, what is that?" Asia asked in confusion, pointing to just behind Naruto's head. Raising an eyebrow, Naruto looked over. Nothing. Asia quickly continued, "Wait. She moved. She's now to your left."

Naruto looked again, but still nothing. Asia immediately claimed 'she' moved again. Getting tired of this, Naruto reached behind his head without looking.

Quickly grabbing something, Naruto heard a surprised squeak. Bringing his hand forward, Naruto looked at what he caught.

It was a fairy. Or at least what Naruto thinks is a fairy. Grasped in Naruto's hand was a small female figure, no more than six inches tall.

She had long, light green hair and green eyes, but Naruto couldn't see anything else since he was holding her.

"Uhh…Who are you?" Naruto asked in confusion.

The fairy looked to be in a panic, desperately trying to escape. Naruto finally opened his hand. It revealed that the fairy was wearing a light orange slip.

She also had what looked to be butterfly wings on her back. As soon as she was free, the fairy darted away.

Naruto let out a soft sigh at that, but several seconds a small voice spoke up timidly, "K-Kareha.

M-My name is…Kareha." Naruto turned his head to see that the fairy had flown behind the tree Naruto was lying against, and was peeking around it just enough to look at Naruto with one eye.

It meant Naruto could barely see her, since she was already so small.

Naruto finally asked, "Why were you hiding behind my head? Wait. Actually, how were you able to hide behind my head?" Naruto could feel the fairies flittering around in the trees, but he could not sense this one.

"I-I'm a nature fairy," Kareha claimed softly, answering Naruto's questions. Naruto could sense the other fairies because their signatures were different from the natural energy that shrouded everything. It was like spotting different colors on a green backboard, but this was a nature fairy. She was literally made of natural energy. So she blended into the background. She's completely invisible to Naruto, who relies on senjutsu to sense energy. Kareha then continued shyly, "A-As for why I was hiding b-behind your head. I wanted to ask you something, b-but I was too scared. I couldn't work up the c-courage."

Aww, this fairy almost resembled Asia, but even shyer.

"What did you want to ask me?" Naruto asked with a tilt of his head.

"W-Why do you feel connected to nature?"

Naruto blinked. Wow, this fairy was capable of sensing that. Naruto quickly told her, "Because I'm a sage, or used to be."

"I knew it," Kareha exclaimed excitedly before seemingly realizing that she was still nervous. Shrinking back again, she eventually continued slowly, "Some of the older nature fairies have told me about people who would absorb the energy of nature into their very souls. That they fought alongside nature. They said they were all gone, but I knew you had to be one."

Naruto scratched the back of his head as he admitted, "Yeah, but I can't do that right now. I don't currently have the chakra reserves to balance the nature energy within me. If I tried, I'd turn to stone."

"But you know how, right?"


"That's enough," Kareha declared before growing timid again. Hiding behind the tree again, it took several moments before she peeked out again and informed him, "Y-You are looking for a fairy, right? I've been curious about you since you entered this forest. I sensed your connection to nature…I really want to see a true sage. So, I-I'd be willing to j-join you."

"Really?!" Naruto cried with stars in his eyes, leaning close to Kareha.

Kareha flew back instinctively in fear when he got close, but eventually recovered and stuttered out, "Y-Yes."

"Oh hell, no!"

A new voice interrupted before Naruto could reply. A small blur darted out, actually smacking Naruto in the nose.

As Naruto flinched, the blur shot towards Kareha. By the time Naruto looked, a new fairy was holding Kareha in a protective hug.

This fairy was extremely different from Kareha. The new fairy was dark-skinned, and had a wicked fro.

He was dressed in some dark brown clothing, rougher than Kareha's. His wings were also thinner, more like a dragonfly than a butterfly.

He had three different sets of them, compared to Kareha's one set.

He was also glaring at Naruto. Pointing at Naruto, the new fairy declared belligerently, "I'm not letting Kareha go with you. You're sketchy."

"Sketchy?" Naruto repeated indignantly.

"Yeah. You left porn in your shrine. That's totally sketchy," the fairy declared. Naruto felt an arrow pierce his heart. Owning up to his less-than-stellar livelihood was truly a painful ordeal.

"Chikyu," Kareha said softly. "He's a sage, and the rest of his shrine was very admirable. He's very pure-hearted."

"So? He still left porn there. That makes him inherently a person to be wary of. Everyone else agreed," the now identified Chikyu argued to Kareha. Naruto felt another arrow pierce his heart.

Apparently leaving Icha Icha there was a really bad choice. It scared off the fairies apparently. Owning up to publishing Icha Icha has totally come to bite him in the ass.

"B-But he's a s-sage," Kareha whimpered out.

"I'm sorry, but I don't care. He's sketchy," Chikyu declared bluntly.

"Hey. You realize I'm right here? Don't talk like I'm not here," Naruto called out in irritation, tired of being called sketchy.

Chikyu just clicked his tongue as he turned to Naruto. Sneering, he pointed at Naruto as he proclaimed, "I don't care what you think. I'm not going to leave Kareha alone with a guy like you. I don't trust you."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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