Chapter 102: Honor

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"A-Ano, then why don't you become Naruto-san's familiar along with Kareha? Then you can be with Kareha," Asia suggested.

Chikyu just looked at her in disbelief as he burst out, "Ehh! Are you kidding. No way am I go-"

"That's a great idea," Kareha exclaimed happily. She shot towards Chikyu and grabbed his hands before she continued happily, "This way we can still be together. It will be so much more fun like this."

Chikyu immediately stuttered, "B-But, Kareha. I don't want to become this guy's familiar."

"B-B-But it would be so fun. P-Please?" Kareha whispered out pathetically, her eyes tearing up.

Chikyu struggled to not fall to the look, but it was a fight he couldn't win. He finally exhaled as he said grudgingly, "Fine. I'll do it."

"Hehe. Whipped," Naruto taunted while hiding it beneath a cough, sniggering at the fairy that had insulted him.

Chikyu clearly heard. Glaring at Naruto, he shot forward and punched Naruto's nose. Naruto yelped slightly. For a little thing, he packed quite a punch.

That actually stung. Naruto reacted by pulling on the fairy's cheeks. To Naruto's shock, they stretched easily, quickly becoming as wide as the fairy was tall.

Zatouji, who had apparently been watching this whole time, pitched in by explaining, "Fairies are surprisingly resilient, physically. They are vulnerable to cutting attacks, but are practically immune to blunt force trauma. Their bodies are similar to rubber, and are also very stretchy. As you can see."

"Letsh go ofsh mi shretchy fashe," Chikyu mumbled out while having his cheeks stretched wide by Naruto.

Naruto did just that, but almost immediately regretted it. Chikyu immediately darted closer to his face and spit in Naruto's eye. Naruto recoiled with a cry, rubbing at his eye with a hand.

"What the hell? That was a cheap shot," Naruto spat angrily as he tried to clear a surprising amount of debris from his eye. Looking at it, Naruto demanded in irritation, "Is this dirt? That's both painful and insulting."

"Ah. He must be an earth fairy," Zatouji said in realization.

Chikyu smirked as he commented to Naruto mockingly, "I think you got something in your eye. Looks painful."

Naruto growled and immediately grabbed and stretched his cheeks again, even with one of his eyes closed. Chikyu started struggling again.

The rest of the club just sweat dropped at the increasingly comedic and ridiculous scene. They had been watching this whole time.

Despite Kareha apparently being the one that chose Naruto, Chikyu was like a mirror copy of Naruto. Protective, blunt, teasing, and slightly obnoxious.

And based on the scene before them, this was a case of similar personalities clashing.

Rias still couldn't help feeling satisfied though. She had feared Naruto would fail to get a familiar, but Naruto lived up to his unpredictable nature.

A devil gaining not one, but two fairies as familiars all in one day. She was pretty darn sure that had never happened before.

This trip had turned out very productive. All three of her servants gained their familiars. Asia got a dragon which would turn into a powerful asset in a few years, and Naruto got two fairies.

Fairies have all sorts of special attributes that can be helpful. She couldn't have asked for more.

Just in time too. It was just about time. Riser would probably come calling any day now.

While she wished she had more time, Rias couldn't find fault with her peerage's current capabilities. They were ready.


"Naruto-kun…Why is there an official document for you from the Underworld Diplomatic Department?"

Rias' question drew everyone's attention. Naruto himself looked at her with beady eyes, being caught completely off guard. Rias just silently handed Naruto a letter.

Naruto looked at the letter suspiciously, but eventually had no choice but to open it. Doing so, he skimmed over its content quickly. His jaw dropped as he read.

"Well? What is it?" Rias questioned curiously, but Naruto didn't answer. He instead just stared at the letter with uncomprehending eyes.

Growing annoyed, Rias grabbed the letter. As she started reading, the rest of the club looked over her shoulder to read too.

Dear Uzumaki Naruto, Rook of Rias Gremory, Low-class Devil

This department has recently received a missive from Archangel Michael on behalf of Heaven. They claim you have been 'praying with exaggerated malicious and lustful intent.' The issue is apparently so great that they threaten war if you do not cease and desist.

As it is our responsibility to maintain relations with other factions, we find ourselves with no choice.

With the authority bestowed upon us by the Four Great Satans themselves, we hereby order you to desist all prayers you might be sending to the Biblical God, maliciously intended or not.

If you fail to follow this order, you shall be punished with the full force of the law.

In this case, Archangel Michael demanded a punishment of castration. We have agreed.

Underworld Diplomatic Department.

As the club members reread the letter in disbelief, Naruto muttered in disbelief, "He told on me."

That was just not fair. You can't tell on your opponent in a prank war. God brought the authorities into this, and he even threatened Naruto's manhood. That's a low blow.

Naruto looked up and pointed up as he declared furiously, "If this is how you want to do it, tattletale, then fine. I won't pray anymore…but…I swear this upon my honor as a prankster…One day, we will meet face to face, and one that day…I shall punch you in the face, and then I'll make you cry. I don't know when, where, or even how, but I swear .

"Naruto-san. Are you out here?"

"Yeah, Asia. I'm out by the bushes," Naruto immediately called out without stopping what he was doing.

Asia quickly turned the corner of the house, coming within sight of him. Tilting her head, Asia asked curiously, "What are you doing, Naruto-san? You came out here right after you finished your morning run with Raynare-san."

Naruto ripped out another weed from his hands and knees. He then leaned back onto his haunches.

Removing the gardening gloves he had been wearing, he wiped the sweat that had been gathering on his forehead.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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