Chapter 103: Grin

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Despite being early morning, the sun had already brought a good amount of heat to the day.

Gardening was also more strenuous than most people gave it credit for.

Naruto then turned to Asia, who was wearing the apron she usually wore when making breakfast.

"I'm gardening," Naruto informed her simply. Seeing her blink at him blankly, Naruto gestured towards the bush he had been tending, he clarified, "We've got a good bit of land here, but I've been letting it become unkempt recently. It's been an oversight on my part, since I've made time to volunteer at the nearby park once a week. With Kareha and Chikyu living in this area, I felt I should clean up the surrounding plants."

Kareha immediately popped up out of the leaves of the bush, a large smile on her face. She quickly declared cheerfully, "The plants here aren't as vigorous or as strong as back in the forest, but they are healthy. With Naruto-sama tending them regularly and my presence energizing them, they should grow stronger over time."

Naruto quickly told Asia, "I don't have a lot of free time, but I figure I can do half an hour every morning. That should be enough to fix this place up in several weeks, and then maintain it after that."

"I see," Asia said with a nod.

"So what is it that you needed, Asia?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, yes. Dinner will be ready in ten. I just noticed that you weren't showering or getting ready. You'll need to hurry if you don't want to be late," Asia told him in concern.

"Thanks. I'll go get ready right now," Naruto assured her with a smile. Standing with a grunt, he looked at the bush and asked, "You good, Kareha-chan?"

"Yes, Naruto-sama. The city is scary. It's all metal and concrete…but the area around your house is comforting.

The energy of nature is quite abundant here. Your presence seems to have affected your surroundings," Kareha claimed thoughtfully.

Naruto blinked in confusion at that. He wasn't even capable of using senjutsu in his current state.

Is it possible that his presence still managed to draw in natural energy? Or was it the other way around? Could this mansion have been built in an area of a greater concentration of natural energy, and that subconsciously drew Naruto here? Something to think about.

"Glad your are comfortable here," Naruto said with a smile. He then bent over to look under the bush. Sitting on the bare dirt he had cleared was Chikyu. Naruto quickly asked, "And how about you, Chikyu-kun?"

"Don't call me that. It sounds weird coming from your mouth. Just call me Chikyu," Chikyu grunted out. He then grabbed some of the dirt he was sitting on, and let it fall through his fingers as he commented, "The soil here is decent enough, I guess. It will suffice."

"Don't worry. I'll start treating the soil with fertilizer once I've got the plants properly tended," Naruto claimed quickly.

"Thanks. That will make this place more comfortable," Chikyu grudgingly admitted.

Naruto nodded and straightened. He then turned to Asia and said, "Let's go."

Asia nodded and the two started walking back to the house. Naruto crossed his hands behind his head as considered how things were currently going.

It had been two days since they had gotten their familiars. The new additions had made a surprisingly large impact. Especially Kareha.

All fairy dust contains a healing quality, but each type of fairy have additional capabilities.

Kareha, as a nature fairy, can use her dust to help rejuvenate a person's stamina and energy levels.

While it can't completely refresh someone who is exhausted, it can remove severe exhaustion. Naturally this had implications on their training capabilities. Such as with Raynare.

Usually Naruto drove her to exhaustion on their morning runs, but now a quick session with Kareha cure her of that. She'd still be tired, but it was manageable.

Well, it was manageable before. Naruto wasn't that demanding, but she would definitely be more comfortable now.

The ability to remove a third of a person's exhaustion was incredibly useful for training purposes.

Chikyu was a bit different. His unique attribute was a bit more complicated to utilize, although just as useful.

So Chikyu seemed to take it upon himself to do the grunt work of distributing fliers.

He complained like nobody's business, but it was clear he wasn't going to relegate such duties to Kareha.

The earth fairy was astoundingly protective of his compatriot. He'd handle anything he felt was too difficult or unsuitable for Kareha. It was quite gallant of him.

If it wasn't for fairies not reproducing through sex and thus lacking such feelings as lust, Naruto would suspect Chikyu was in love with Kareha.

As it was it seemed something of a brother-sister relationship.

This had actually freed up a good portion of Naruto's time. He still had to attend to the clients themselves, but he didn't have to hand out the fliers.

Since Naruto had also helped Asia in handing out her fliers, that neither had to do such anymore meant a few hours a day was open. Naruto hadn't yet decided what to do with that time.

Oh well. He's sure he'd come up with something. He needs to hurry anyways or he won't have time to eat Asia's breakfast before going to school.

"Nice day out," Naruto commented as he walked beside Asia and Raynare on the way to school. The sky was completely clear, and the sun seemed extra bright today.

"The glare of the sun is annoying," Raynare immediately claimed. She had developed a habit of disagreeing with everything Naruto said just to try and piss him off.

"You're annoying," Naruto said without missing a beat, his grin not faltering from her words.

"Can't you come up with a different insult. You just say I'm whatever I previously said. It's getting boring," Raynare growled out with a twitching eye.

"You're boring," Naruto returned, his grin widening slightly as he saw Raynare's hands start making strangling motions. It's fun to mess with Raynare.

"A-Ano, the sun is a bit bright today," Asia admitted softly.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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