Chapter 106: Kiriyuu

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Flinching slightly at the distressed look on Issei's face, Naruto asked, "That bad?"

"Even worse," Issei immediately claimed before explaining, "Kaichou is so strict. It's terrible. She works me constantly. Every morning and night she pushes me to till I collapse from exhaustion."

"That isn't so bad. We train too," Naruto pointed out reasonably.

"It's not just that! She trains me to till I collapse. She gives me a ten minute break, and then sends me out bicycling to hand out fliers. Sometimes I collapse in the middle of the street, and no one helps because I'm working. Once I laid there for three hours till Momo-chan came and helped me. Kaichou doesn't even care though. After that I have to study," Issei explained with a manic look in his eyes before continuing as he slammed a fist against his desk, "If it's not training, it is work as a devil. If it's not work, it is school and studying. If it's not school or studying, it is more training. I never have a break besides when I sleep. I haven't even been able to peep in three weeks. I'm going through withdrawal. Withdrawal, I say!"

Naruto sweat dropped slightly. He then admitted slowly, "That sounds…harsh."

"I know," Issei bawled out, falling back into his seat in exhaustion. He then turned to Naruto and asked desperately, "Is Rias-senpai strict with you guys as well?"

Naruto turned away slightly as he answered hesitantly, "Yeah. Totally strict."

Kind of a lie there. Rias was strict, but it was the gentle and caring strict. Sona-kaichou is clearly the devilish and cold strict.

Totally different, but Issei clearly doesn't want to hear that. He wants to believe that Naruto is having just as hard a time as he is.

Turning back, Naruto grabbed Issei's arm before commenting, "Might want to stop peeking for good. You're actually putting on some good muscle. No longer a limp noodle. Not to mention your grades have improved. The training is doing some good for you."

Pulling his arm back, Issei felt his more muscled arm as he replied in depression, "I certainly hope so. Kaichou has restricted me almost singularly to physical training. I have so little demonic power that I can't even teleport. 'A lost cause', she said. Better to work on my basics, and rely on the Boosted Gear's ability to make up the difference."

"Smart. Your sacred gear doubles your power every ten seconds. The higher your base, the greater the boost.

Not to mention you need a strong body to handle the strain. Your sacred gear is powerful, but it can be said that you are the weak point.

The stronger you are, the less of a weakness that is," Naruto explained thoughtfully.

"I know that. Kaichou practically recites it to me everyday," Issei grumbled in irritation.

Naruto patted Issei on the back sympathetically. Issei was starting to remind Naruto of himself more and more.

The kid apparently had no natural talent as a devil. Rias had been shocked that someone Issei's age didn't have enough demonic power to teleport, saying most devil toddlers have enough power for that.

Issei's sole saving grace was his Boosted Gear, and his obsession with gaining his own harem. It was scarily similar to Naruto having the Kyuubi, and wanting to be Hokage.

Yeah, Naruto had a butt load of chakra to rely on unlike Issei's lack of personal power, but in turn Issei had a trainer/master determined to turn him into a powerful asset while Naruto had been forced to deal with half-assed teachers for a good portion of his life. It all evened out in Naruto's mind.

"Come on, Issei-kun. There must be some upsides. The student council is made up entirely of females besides you.

Doesn't that make it like…your personal nirvana or something?" Naruto questioned, trying to be positive for his buddy.

Naruto grudging friendship with the pervert had improved quite a bit after they both became devils.

Issei had been shocked when Naruto revealed he had become a devil as well. Apparently Issei hadn't even known there were other devils in the school.

After awhile though he happily accepted Naruto as a pillar of support in his struggles as a devil.

Issei thought a bit as he mumbled out, "Yeah, but Kaichou is really strict. We are always working or training. So I can't just stare at their oppai or Kaichou will punish me for neglecting my duties. Well, Momo-chan and Ruruko-chan are nice. I'd have probably died from exhaustion if it weren't for them."

"See. There are upsides," Naruto pointed out optimistically.

"But something terrible happened three days ago," Issei claimed frantically before bursting out in jealous anger, "Kaichou got another pawn."

"Really?" Naruto asked in genuine surprise.

"Yeah, yeah. His name is Genshirou Saji," Issei announced, seemingly irritated just talking about the guy.

"The new transfer student?"

"Yeah, he transferred in a week ago. Kaichou found out he had a sacred gear, and recruited him as fast as possible," Issei explained grudgingly.

"A sacred gear?" Naruto muttered as his eyebrows furrowed. Damn, Sona-kaichou works fast.

Rias is probably going to be annoyed that her rival snatched up another sacred gear user, although it is probably her own fault.

Rias has started to focus on training her peerage for whatever reason instead of looking for new members. Sona-kaichou is clearly still on the prowl.

"Yeah, the 'Absorption Line.' It allows him to connect a line to someone and absorb their power gradually. We're still figuring it out since he just arrived a few days ago," Issei said.

"Seems like a powerful ability. Makes for a good comrade. So why are you mad?" Naruto questioned in confusion.

"I just don't like him. He's always staring at Kaichou, and I can clearly see the lust in his eyes," Issei exclaimed crossly.

"So he's like you," Naruto deadpanned.

"Yes," Issei declared without shame before clarifying, "He's a pervert just like me, even if he is hiding it. I don't need competition. That was my one saving grace. That I was the only guy in the club. I was going to use that as the foundation for building my own harem, but he took that away."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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