Chapter 106: Kiriyuu

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Naruto just chuckled. Issei was just entertaining if you could ignore his outrageously perverted thoughts. Clapping him on the shoulder, Naruto suggested, "Try to become friends with him. You two are comrades, and you two are apparently similar enough. Trust me. Having a friend working alongside you will only help the both of you."

"Don't wanna," Issei grumbled childishly as he crossed his arms and turned away with a pout.

Naruto just laughed at the response. After several seconds of thought, Naruto inquired in confusion, "How did he become a pawn though? Rias-chan told me that as a Longinus-possessor, you would require a large number of evil pieces to reincarnate. This Saji would also require multiple pieces due to his sacred gear. So how did she make you both pawns?"

"A mutation piece," Issei answered immediately. Naruto nodded in understanding, so Issei elaborated, "Kaichou estimated that I would take eight pawn pieces. She already had Ruruko-chan as a pawn, but she did have a mutation pawn piece. She used that for me, but it wasn't enough. I also required two more pawn pieces alongside the mutation piece. So Ruruko-chan took one, and I took three. Saji took the remaining four."

Naruto nodded in understanding. He'd heard about mutation pieces before.

He thought they could reincarnate anyone, but apparently not. They were just far higher value.

If Issei originally would need eight pawn pieces, then that meant the mutation piece was equal to six ordinary pieces since Issei required two more pawns alongside it.

Very few servants would require six pawns, so it is unlikely very many devils found this out.

Not to mention if the numerical value held up in other pieces, a knight or bishop mutation piece would be equal to eighteen pawn pieces. A rook, thirty.

That meant only a pawn mutation piece had the slightest chance of proving insufficient in reincarnating someone.

That worked out very well for Sona-kaichou though. Even one less pawn piece and she wouldn't have had enough for Saji. She'd have had to reincarnate him as something else.

This way all her pawn pieces are gone, but she got two sacred gear users, one of which was a Longinus, and another person. Definitely worth it in Sona's mind.

Naruto and Issei lapped into silence for a minute, Issei laying his head back down on his desk. Naruto took a moment to check on Asia, who was still talking to the other girls.

Asia had fit in very well, and had become popular almost instantly in school. In a different way from Rias or Akeno though.

She was just like an angel to the other students. Just being around her and talking to her made people's worries disappear.

Maybe it was some side effect of her sacred gear, but multiple students have claimed Asia almost had a healing presence to her.

Naruto just thought it was part of her natural charm, simply a result of her pure heart and inherent benevolence.

"Checking out your girlfriend, Naruto-sama," a voice spoke up from behind him.

Naruto wasn't surprised, as he had sensed the two before they had spoken up. Turning his head, he looked at Matsuda and Motohama impassively. Giving a small sigh, he told them, "She's not my girlfriend."

"You two walk to school together every morning," Matsuda exclaimed pointedly, his jealousy clear.

"And she makes you a bento everyday as well," Motohama added, just as jealous.

Rolling his eyes, Naruto replied casually, "We walk together everyday because we live together, and Raynare-chan walks with us as well. Asia makes lunch for me because she feels like she owes me, and has decided cooking for me is the best way she can repay me."

"C-C-Cook for you?! You mean she cooks your every meal," Matsuda asked in shock.


"Does she refill the plates for you?"


"Damn you," Matsuda exclaimed as he slammed a fist down on his desk. He then continued enviously, "It isn't fair. Why are you being surrounded by all the beauties? Rias-senpai and Akeno-senpai. The 'Two Great Onee-samas of Kuoh Academy. The cute school mascot, Koneko-chan. The blonde beauty, Asia-chan, who many are already calling an angel. Even the strangely underappreciated Raynare-senpai lives with you. It isn't fair."

Naruto just sweat dropped at their indignation. He was also rather surprised that they included Raynare in that list.

The fallen angel had earned Rais' annoyance by using an illusion on the students to make them ignore her, despite Rias' previous warning.

At least she still attended classes. Apparently magic isn't enough to keep these two perverts from appreciating a beautiful girl though.

Focusing back on the two perverts basically harassing him, Naruto explained, "I'm only surrounded by them because they are in the same club as me."

"That's the whole point. Why were you allowed to join the Occult Research Club, aka the beautiful people's club? You aren't that handsome.

When I tried to apply, I was told you had to be personally invited by Rias-senpai. It isn't fair," Motohama pointed out furiously.

"I really don't want to talk about that. It's Rias-chan's club. She gets to decide who joins. Stop complaining about it already," Naruto grunted out in annoyance. This was not the first time they had brought this up.

They just didn't accept the lack of a proper reason they couldn't join the club. Not like Naruto can tell them the club is composed of devils.

"Just admit it. You seduced Rias-senpai to get the invitation, and you are now using the bishoujo of the club to sate your sexual desires.

You have turned the Occult Research Club into a den of debauchery…I'm so jealous!" Matsuda declared before bursting into tears at the end.

"Good grief. Stop imposing your own perverted fantasies onto my life and actions," Naruto groaned out while burying his face in his hands.

Matsuda said that loud enough for the entire class to hear, and now they were all looking at him and gossiping amongst themselves.

"Who knows," a new voice commented. Naruto looked up to see Matsuda's declaration had drawn the attention of one Aika Kiriyuu. One of Naruto's most ardent former lovers.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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