Chapter 107: Firmly

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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She had light brown hair that was done up in two pigtails, and had large glasses over her yellowish-green eyes.

She was attractive, if in a girl-next-door kind of way. Certainly not to the level of the girls in the Occult Research Club.

Beside her was a confused looking Asia. Giving a small smirk, she stated, "Certainly possible. You did stop all of your…extracurricular activities after joining that club.

Wouldn't surprise me if you simply found different partners to play with. Higher quality partners." Her smile turned a bit bitter at the end.

Naruto flinched a bit at her words. The reactions among Naruto's former lovers when he ended things ran the gamut, but Kiriyuu had certainly been one of those that didn't take it quite as well.

She had simply been baffled when he put a stop to their friends-with-benefit relationship, and didn't see any reason.

With rumors running around about Naruto joining the Occult Research Club, it would be easy for her to believe he had dumped her in favor of the 'higher quality' girls in the club.

It was only natural that she would be a bit bitter with that conclusion.

She clearly wasn't allowing it to overly affect her since she had quickly become one of Asia's closest friends in the class, but Naruto didn't much enjoy the idea of a girl he genuinely liked to a certain degree thinking he tossed her away for a more attractive girl.

He'd only engaged in those relationships during a tough point in his life, and ended them when things improved.

Part of him was already regretting it since it was clear he'd inadvertently hurt a number of the girls.

Naruto didn't have the time to try and form a response before Asia interrupted with a tilted head, "What do you mean, Kiriyuu-san? Naruto-san still does extracurricular activities outside the club. He volunteers three times a week. I go with him to the soup kitchen."

Kiriyuu just chuckled a rubbed the increasingly confused Asia on the head as she replied, "Aww, how cute. Naruto probably just loves that. He probably tires you out every night, doesn't he?"

"Kiriyuu," Naruto groaned out, not enjoying the turn this conversation has taken.

"He certainly does," Asia announced with a small pout on her face. Everyone in the entire class whipped their head around to stare at her with shock. Naruto just stared in horror as she continued, "Naruto-san is very demanding. I enjoy it, but he just makes it go on so long. I just collapse into bed at the end of the day. I've got it the easiest too. Raynare-san has it the worst. Every morning and night he goes till she's drained completely. Sometimes she just faints towards the end and he has to put her to bed himself. Koneko-san is a bit more rare, but she also can't keep up with him when they do it together. Not even Buchou-san or Akeno-san can keep up with him. Sometimes he runs the gauntlet and does it with all of us, and is still ready to go at the end. His stamina never ends."

Naruto's face drained of blood as Asia continued, the faces of the rest of the students flushed as they absorbed her words.

The first to react was surprisingly Issei, who actually punched Naruto in the stomach while screaming in resentment, "You liar.

You said you were having it rough, but in fact you've just been playing with their oppai, and doing this, and that, and-and-" Issei's voice just failed at the end as he started crying. He was quickly joined by Matsuda and Motohama.

If that wasn't enough though, Asia quickly added, "Not to mention Kiba. Those two go at it for hours and hours."

That made most of the girls in class sport nosebleeds. A random girl reached towards Asia unsteadily as she whispered with a perverse giggle and glazed over eyes, "Naruto and Kiba…Going at it?…Please tell me you are serious."

Asia just gave an innocent smile and nodded. "Yep. Those two are very close. It's very nice to see."

"So jealous! Asia gets to watch. Please tell us. Who is the seme and the uke? Naruto is probably the seme, right? Kiba the uke? Naruto definitely seems like the dominant type," a girl groaned out.

Asia just tilted her head in confusion and repeated, "Seme and uke? What do those words mean?"

Ignoring that conversation, Kiriyuu turned to Naruto before commenting, "I was just joking before, but I guess I stumbled on the truth. Didn't guess you swung both ways though."

"I don't, dattebayo!" Naruto declared loudly as he stood and slammed his hands down on his desk. Gaining everyone's attention, Naruto explained quickly in a desperate voice, "You all totally misunderstood what Asia meant. Rias-chan insists on every member of the club being able to defend themselves in case we actually do run into anything supernatural. I was put in charge of physical training. I make them run and do exercises you know. That is what she meant. I run them ragged physically."

Naruto desperately hoped they believed him. He had to make up something on the spot there.

It's probably already too late to stop the spread of even more rumors, but at least they would stay just that.

Rumors. Most of the students don't actually believe them, but they find it fun to comment on them.

When people turned to Asia, she looked baffled as she stated, "Of course that is what I meant. What did you all think I meant?"

"So innocent," Kiriyuu remarked as she massaged the bridge of her nose. Gaining a smirk, she leaned close to Asia and whispered, "We thought you meant Naruto was-"

"Kiriyuu. Don't corrupt Asia with your fantasies," Naruto swiftly ordered firmly.

"Boo. No fun," Kiriyuu claimed with a pout.

Naruto's comment was stopped short by the members of the perverted trio. The three jumped on his back and started doing their best to strangle him.

Naruto usually would have just shrugged them off, but Issei was quite a bit stronger now. So they actually managed to hold on through stubborn persistence if nothing else.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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